Feature: August purpleflowers

Feature: August purpleflowers

Feature: August purpleflowers

Purple Flowers Blooming in August
There are a total of 262 species of purple flowers that bloom in August (as of August 28, 2024). According to the color-based statistics previously gathered, purple flowers rank third in number. The large number of purple flowers blooming in August can be attributed to species like morning glories (including the mutant morning glory), water lilies, bellflowers, monkshoods, and gentians, which are commonly found in this color.

Total Number and Ranking of Flowers by Color in August

Based on the final results gathered from the "Kagiken Flower Encyclopedia Database" within a limited range, the top three colors are as follows:

Pink - 336 species
White - 318 species
Purple - 262 species
Yellow - 214 species
Orange - 96 species
Blue - 44 species
Green - 41 species
Brown - 26 species

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