Echinacea purpurea
- Flower nameEchinacea purpurea
- Scientific nameEchinacea purpurea
- AliasEchinacea, Echinacea purpurea, ムラサキバレンギク, エキナセア, パープル・コーンフラワー, エキナケア・プルプレア, バレン菊
- Place of originEastern North America
- Place of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Botanical Gardens, Park, Potted flower
- Flowering seasonJuly, August, September, October
- Language of flowersKindness.
What is Echinacea purpurea
Even after the petals fall, Echinacea purpurea is still beautiful.
Echinacea purpurea (Scientific Name: Echinacea purpurea) is a hardy perennial herb native to eastern North America, belonging to the Asteraceae family and the Echinacea genus. It is also known as Purple Coneflower, Echinacea, or by its Japanese name, "Murasakibaren-Giku" (Purple Horsehair Daisy).
It grows to a height of 50-100 cm. From summer to autumn, it produces flowers with reddish-brown, spherical, tubular disk florets at the center, surrounded by purple, white, or yellow ray florets. After flowering, the unique flower head can be enjoyed in floral arrangements. Other uses include flower arrangements, cut flowers, garden flowers, and medicinal purposes such as herbal teas and immune-boosting remedies.

Left: Flower of Echinacea purpurea Cheyennespirit, Right: The same flower with ray florets removed, leaving only the disk florets. It is popular as a material for floral arrangements.
Etymology: The genus name "Echinacea" derives from the Greek word "echina," meaning hedgehog, referring to the spiky appearance of the central tubular florets. Purple varieties are called Echinacea purpurea, while white-flowered species are known as Echinacea alba, and yellow-flowered species are Echinacea paradoxa. There is also a popular cultivar, Echinacea purpurea 'Cheyenne Spirit', which has warm-toned flowers.
Flower Symbolism: The flower symbolizes "kindness" and "healing your pain," referring to its historical use in folk medicine.
Similar Flower: The flower closely resembles Rudbeckia.
Common name: Echinacea purpurea、Scientific name:Echinacea purpurea、also known as: Echinacea, Purple Coneflower、origin: North Eastern、Plant : 50-100 cm height, rayed flower color: purple, tubular flowers: red tea, flowering period: July to October The flower size: 7-10 cm.