Asarum monodoriflorum

Asarum monodoriflorum

  • Asarum monodoriflorum
  • Asarum monodoriflorum
  • Asarum monodoriflorum
  • Asarum monodoriflorum
  • Flower name
    Asarum monodoriflorum
  • Scientific name
    Asarum monodoriflorum
  • AliasKan-aoi, 寒葵, monodora寒葵, モンドラ寒葵
  • Place of originJapan 
  • Place of floweringLow mountains, Horticultural species
  • Flowering seasonFebruary, March, April, May, October, November, December

What is Asarum monodoriflorum

Monodora Kan-Aoi (Monodora寒葵, Scientific name: Asarum monodoriflorum) is an evergreen perennial plant native to Iriomote Island in Japan. It belongs to the genus Asarum of the family Aristolochiaceae. On Iriomote Island, it is found in the forest floor of evergreen broadleaf forests in mountainous areas. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, while the underside is purple with scattered hairs.

In April to May, it produces a tubular structure with fused calyx lobes on the ground beneath the leaves. This appears to be a copper-colored flower, but it has no petals, only the calyx tube fused into a cylindrical shape. The calyx is 0.9 cm in diameter and 0.8 cm in length, with the outer part being reddish-purple and the inner part dark purple. The calyx tube has a narrow opening and is covered with short hairs.

Origin of the Name:
The Japanese name comes from the specific epithet "Monodora," and the species name "monodoriflorum" is a combination of "monodori" (meaning "of Monodora") and "florum" (meaning "flower"), referring to the flower's resemblance to Monodora in the family Annonaceae.

*Characteristics of Monodora Kan-Aoi (Monodora寒葵):
Common Name: Monodora Kan-Aoi (Monodora寒葵)
Scientific Name: Asarum monodoriflorum
Native Area: Japan, Distribution: Iriomote Island
Habitat: Forest floor of evergreen broadleaf forests in mountainous areas
Leaf Color: Dark green on the upper side, purple on the underside
Flowering Period: April to May
Petals: None
Calyx Lobes: Reddish-purple, Calyx Tube Inside: Dark purple, Calyx Tube Diameter: 0.9 cm, Length: 0.8 cm, Narrow opening, Covered with short hairs.
Genus Asarum:
See the Asarum Feature.

*General Characteristics of Kan-Aoi (寒葵):
Common Name: Kan-Aoi (寒葵)
Scientific Name: Asarum spp. (Including Asarum nipponicum, Kanto Kan-Aoi)
Classification: Plantae, Angiosperms, Monocots, Piperales, Aristolochiaceae, Asarum genus, Asarum species
Other Names: Wild ginger, Asarum
Native Area: Japan, East Asia
Habitat: Shady areas under trees in mountainous regions
Life Form: Perennial Herb
Height: 5–20 cm, Stem: Short, Color: Dark purple or green, Grows along the ground
Leaf Texture: Leather-like, Leaf Shape: Egg-shaped with a pointed tip, heart-shaped base, Leaf Color: Dark green with white spots
Leaf Number: Several on the stem, Leaf Petiole: Present (4-10 cm), Leaf Length: 7–10 cm, Leaf Width: 5 cm, Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Symmetric Flowers, Flowering Period: October to December, February to May
Petals: Reduced or absent
Flower: 3 fused calyx lobes resembling petals
Flower Color (Calyx Tube): Rusty color (dark purple) or yellow-green, purple
Number of Calyx Lobes: 3, Fused to form a calyx tube, Flower Shape: Bell-shaped or bottle-shaped with a 3-lobed opening
Calyx Tube Diameter: 1–2 cm, Length: 1–2 cm
Stamens: 12, Pistils: 6
Propagation: Seeds, Fruiting Season: Early summer
Fragrance: Found in the leaves and stems
Host Plant for the Gifu Butterfly.

●Species of Asarum, kan-aoi
Asarum nipponicum: Asarum that blooms in eastern Japan.
Asarum minamitanianum : The leaves and flowers are large, and the tip of the cylinder becomes a long string.
Asarum asaroid : The leaves and flowers are large, and there is a constriction in the cylinder.
Usuba saishin (Asiasarum sieboldii) : Fallen leaves and, heart shaped leaves and small testicles.

Related pages
Monodora Kan-Aoi (Monodora寒葵, Scientific name: Asarum monodoriflorum)
Asarum Feature (Kan-Aoi)

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    A. monodoriflorum
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeperennial grass
  • Flower colors
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height5.0 ~ 20.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower1.0 ~ 2.0 cm

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