Clematis fusca

Clematis fusca

  •  Clematis fusca
  •  Clematis fusca
  •  Clematis fusca
  •  Clematis fusca
  • Flower name
    Clematis fusca
  • Scientific name
    Clematis fusca
  • Alias黒花半鐘蔓, チシマハンショウヅル, エゾハンショウヅル, Clematis
  • Place of originJapan and Russia
  • Place of floweringHigh mountain
  • Flowering seasonJune, July, August

What is Clematis fusca

Clematis fusca, (scientific name: Clematis fusca), is a high-altitude climbing deciduous shrub native to Japan and Russia, belonging to the Ranunculaceae family of the Clematis genus. It is also known as Ezo Bell Clematis) or Chishima Bell Clematis. In Japan, it grows naturally in the high-altitude wetlands and grasslands of Hokkaido. What appears to be flowers are actually sepals.
From June to August, it produces downward-facing bell-shaped blackish-purple flowers (actually sepals) on flower stalks emerging from the leaf axils. The flower diameter (sepals) ranges from 1.5 to 2 cm, with no petals, but instead, four sepals resembling flowers.

The name "Clematis" comes from the Latin word "klema" meaning "climbing," while the species name "fusca" refers to "black," in reference to the color of the flower sepals.

Other members of the Bell Clematis genus include:
Clematis japonica (Japanese Bell Clematis), native to Japan, with reddish-purple flowers.
Clematis williamsii (White-flowered Bell Clematis), a white-flowered variety of Bell Clematis.
Clematis japonica form cremea (White Bell Clematis), a white-flowered variety of Bell Clematis.
Clematis fusca (Black-flowered Bell Clematis), as described above.

The flower language of the Black-flowered Bell Clematis is "gratitude."

Common name: Clematis fusca,or Black-flowered Bell Clematis, Scientific name: Clematis fusca, Taxonomic classification: Plantae Angiosperms Eudicots Ranunculales Ranunculaceae Clematis, Growth habit: Alpine climbing deciduous shrub, Native to: Japan to Russia, Distribution: Highlands of Hokkaido, Height: 30-100 cm, Length of vine: 2-5 m, Leaf shape: Pinnate compound leaf, Length of leaf: 5-10 cm, Number of leaflets: 2-3 pairs, Shape of leaflets: Oval, Leaf margin: Entire, Leaf arrangement: Opposite, Corolla shape: Urn-shaped, Flowering period: June to August, Flower diameter: 1.5-2 cm, Flower color (sepals): Blackish purple, Fruit type: Achene, Fruit shape: Broadly ovoid, Fruit length: 0.6 cm, Note: Classified as Endangered II by the Ministry of the Environment.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    C. fusca
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    Pinnate compound leaf
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typehigh-altitude climbing deciduous shrub
  • Flower colorsPurple Black
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height250.0 ~ 300.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower1.5 ~ 2.0 cm

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