Helichrysum bracteatum

Xerochrysum bracteatum

  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Flower name
    Helichrysum bracteatum
  • Scientific name
    Xerochrysum bracteatum
  • Aliasヘリクリサム, テイオウカイザイク, Helichrysum, bracted strawflower, 麦藁菊, 帝王貝細工, Golden everlasting
  • Place of originwestern Australia
  • Place of floweringGarden
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July, August, September
  • Language of flowersmemory

What is Helichrysum bracteatum

Birth flowers for Feb 28

Helichrysum bracteatum , commonly called as Golden everlasting. Strawflower, or bracted strawflower, scientific name: Helichrysum bracteatum, is a semi-dwarfing annual herb of the family Asteraceae native to western Australia. From early summer to autumn, the hard and thin stem branches at the top and blooms head flowers. The head flower consists only of a tubular flower, and what looks like a tongue flower is a total bundle. There are many color of Involucral bract such as red, yellow, orange, white and purple. Since the involucral bract contains silicic acid, it has a hard metallic luster and has a flower-like property like dried flowers. It is an insectivorous flower where bees and flies come to the flower head. Flower language is "memory".
is the same Helichrysum flower.

Common name: Helichrysum bracteatum, Scientific name: Helichrysum bracteatum, aka: Golden everlasting, bracted strawflower, Place of Origin: Australia, Plant height: 50 to 120 cm, Leaf form: Lenticular, Leaf order: Alteration, Leaf edge: Full rim, Flowering stage: May to September, Flower color: Yellow, white, involucral bract’s color: Red and, yellow, orange, white, purple, etc., headed flower diameter: 3 to 5 cm, Fruit type: Fruit, application: Garden plant, potted plant, cut flower, bud flower, dried flower.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    H. bracteatumbracte
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cephalic inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typesemi-dwarfing annual herb
  • Flower colorsRed Blue Purple Orange Yellow White
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height50.0 ~ 120.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower3.0 ~ 5.0 cm

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