Primulina dryas

Primulina dryas

  • Primulina dryas
  • Primulina dryas
  • Flower name
    Primulina dryas
  • Scientific name
    Primulina dryas
  • Aliasキリタ・シネンシス・ヒサコ
  • Place of originChina Sichuan and Hong Kong, gardening variety
  • Place of floweringPotted flower
  • Flowering seasonJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Language of flowersJoy of love

What is Primulina dryas

Primulina dryas (Scientific name: Primulina dryas) is a herb of cold-resistant plants of the family Gesneriaceae. A garden cultivar of China Sichuan and Hong Kong Iwagirisou (Chirita sinensis), with silver white spots on the green leaves. Put out 1 or 2 flower stems from between the root foliage, and 1 to 3 flowers of bell-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers are bloom to each inflorescence. On the outer side of the corolla there is a bristle, the tip is two lip in the upper and lower, the upper lip is split 2, the lower lip is 3 tears. The inside of the upper lip is dark purple. There are two deep yellowish brown streaks on the inside of the lower lip. Flowers are made after flowers. Total grass is considered as a stomatitis medicine for children. The genus Primulina is a Greek word like "Primula", a species' s name "dryas" is the name of the tree of Greek mythology "Dryas" turns and turns oak trees It is because it resembles oak oak leaves.The former name was Kirita Sinensis Hisako (Chirita 'Hisako').

Common name: Primulina dryas, Scientific name: Primulina dryas, Origin: China Sichuan flower gardening variety, environment: water and bright shade Leaves: Silver white spots with green spots, Leaf length: 5 to 10 cm, Leaf width: 3 to 5 cm, Leaf margin: saw tooth, leafy: coated with double-sided soft hair, Petiole length: 4 to 8 cm, flower stem color: red purple, flower length: 3 to 5 cm, corolla: bell shape ~ funnel shape (base part is bell shape, tip upper and lower two lip form, further upper lip split, lower lip 3 Split), stamen: 2, flowering period: anniversary.
Former name: Chirita 'Hisako', former scientific name: Chirita sinensis cv. Hisako, Chirita x sinensis var. Angusifolia x Hisako (Kirita sinensis · Angashifolia hisako), Hisa is the breeder's name.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    P. dryas
  • Type of flower
    Left-right symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Scattered inflorescence/ umbrella shape
  • Petal shape
    Funnel/trumpet shaped
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typecold-resistant herb
  • Flower colors
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorGreen
  • Height15.0 ~ 20.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower2.0 ~ 2.0 cm

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