Himalayan Flowers ポスト Himalayan FlowersAllium GiganteumAllium giganteum (scientific name: Allium giganteum) is native to Himalayas and is a bulb plant of the family Amaryllidaceae. Late spring to early summer, stretch long flower stalks, bloom a large sphArabian JasmineArabian Jasmine , scientific name:Jasmimum sambac , is osmanthus, Department of jasminum spp. blooms that open flat and white vase-flowers from summer to fall of the aromatic It makes a flower of the Persicaria capitataPersicaria capitata is a creeping evergreen perennial grass of the family Polygonaceae jenus native toHimalayas, Northern India. It lets a floret of the form of pink polygon bloom. It is short and isSpiranthes sinensis Spiranthes sinensis , Chinese spiranthes, or Nejibana,(scientific name: Spiranthes sinensis) is a perennial wildflower of the Orchidaceae, native to Japan, Himalaya, Siberia, and Oceania. It blooms a BergeniaBergenia, scientific name:Bergenia stracheyi , is a hardy evergreen perennial herb of the Saxifragaceae native to Himalaya. It puts out a shiny rhizome stretching while grasping the ground and a shiPerilla crispaPerilla crispa or Shiso, scientific name: Perilla frutescens crispa, is annual grass of the Department Lamiaceae , perilla genus perilla native to Chinese, Burmese, Himalayan. It is a familiar vegetabHimalayan CedarHimaraya cedar,(scientific name: Cedrus deodara) is an evergreen high-wood conifer of the family Pinaceae, native to the Himalayas. The tree height is 50 m locally, but 20-30 m in Japan. The trunk is Armenian plumArmenian plum, scientific name armeniaca, is a deciduous small tree and its fruit of the Prunus genus , Rosaceae department native to Himalaya. That spring, in a light pink fragrant 5 petaled flowers Primula obconicaPrimulas are listed in the "Primulas" section. Primula obconica, introduced here, is one of the representative primula varieties. Primula obconica (scientific name: Primula obconica) is a gardening v Phalaenopsis petit-miniPhalaenopsis petit-mini (scientific name: Phalaenopsis petit-mini) is a mini varieties of non-cold-resistant perennial "Moth orchid, scientific name: Phalaenopsis aphrodite" of the family Orchidaceae.Phalaenopsis Midi 'Pink balaylena'Phalaenopsis Midi 'Pink balaylena' (Scientific name: Phalaenopsis midy 'Pink balaylena') is a non-cold-resistant perennial of the genus Moraceae " Moth orchid (Phalaenopsis, Phalaenopsis aphrodite) Hoya bellaHoya bella or miniature wax plant (scientific name: Hoya lanceolata ssp. bella) is a tropical, tendril, evergreen shrub in the Hoya genus of the family Apocynaceae, native to the Himalayas and MyanmarRhododendron arborenumRhododendron arborenum (scientific name: Rhododendron arborenum) is an evergreen tall tree in the family Ericaceae, native to Southeast Asia to southern China, including the Himalayas and Nepal. It isBerberis japonicaBerberis japonica or Hiiragi-nanten (scientific name: Berberis japonica) is an evergreen broad leaf shrub of the family Hyeginanthin. The leaves are similar to holly, and the wood figure is similar toCherry blossomSakura ,cherry blossom, scientific name:Cerasus L., is deciduous broad-leaved small rose of Prunus and mature trees native to Himalaya. In April, the flowers of small single white or pale pink or YaesMonotropastrum humileMonotropastrum humile is native to the Himalayas, China, Taiwan, Japan, etc. and is a perennial grass of the Ericales Department ,of the Monotropastrum genus. The summer, low plant white flowers bloomPrimula roseaPrimula rosea or Himalayan meadow primrose (scientific name: Primula rosea) is native to the Himalayas and is a member of the primrose family. It is an alpine, cold-tolerant perennial of the genus PriPholiota microsporaPholiota nameko, Nameko mushroom or nameko (Pholiota nameko) is a mushroom in the family Strophariaceae native to the Himalayas, Japan and Taiwan. It naturally grows in groups on the stump or dead treSmoke bushTree of smoke (Smoke tree, scientific name:Cotinus coggygria) is genus daviesia having deciduous shrubs or small trees in southern Europe, the Himalayas, China Southern Plateau. In the Meiji era was b CucumberCucumber (scientific name:Cucumis sativus L.) is vegetables of the non-hardy non-heat resistance climbing nature annual plant of the gourd family cucumber genus. It makes five yellow valves flower bloMeconopsis grandisMeconopsis grandis, Himalayan Blue poppy (scientific name: Meconopsis grandis) is native to Himalayas and is a perennial of the family Papaveraceae. It is called the blue poppy of Himalayas. In sprinDouble-spotted SwertiaDouble-spotted Swertia , scientific name:Swertia bimaculata , is 2 year's grass of the department Gentianaceae of the Swertia native to Japan, Korea and China. they grow mountains and swamps of fromCoelogyne Pure WhiteCoelogyne 'pure white' , scientific name: Coelogyne cristata var. hololeuca 'Pure White', is a perennial evergreen epiphytic orchids of the orchidaceae department , coelogyne genus a native to HimalayJasminum grandiflorumJasminum grandiflorum, (scientific name: Jasminum grandiflorum), is native to India, Pakistan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Africa is a shrub in the family Oleaceae. Also called such as Spanish jasminElaeagnus umbellataElaeagnus umbellata or akigumi(Scientific name: Elaeagnus umbellata) is a deciduous shrub in the family Elaeagnaceae, native to the Himalayas and East Asia. The fruit is eaten, but it is mainly used fRed perillaRed perilla or Aka-shiso (scientific name: Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. purpurea) is a cultivar of perilla (scientific name: Perilla frutescens var. crispa) that has purple leaves and is not shrGreen perillaGreen perilla or ao-shiso (scientific name: Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. viridis) is a cultivar of perilla (scientific name: Perilla frutescens var. crispa) that has green leaves and is not shriThymus quinquecostatusThymus quinquecostatus (scientific name: Thymus quinquecostatus) is a creeping evergreen small shrub of the family Lamiaceae in the Japanese and Himalayas. It is Japan's only Thymus. The Japanese nameBitter orange Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) is a medicinal plants native to India having fruit color from generation to generation in the winter, Cubs (Kabusu) and early summer bloom white flowers of Evergreen s Other FeaturesFebruary Yellow FlowersFebruary Yellow Flowers Flowers that begin to bloom in February include the Fukujusou (Adonis ramosa), Witch Hazel (Hamamelis), and Silver Wattle (Acacia dealbata). Although the number of fblue-flowers-bloom-in-JulyRefreshing blue flowers blooming in summer We have collected blue flowers that give us a breath of cool breeze in the hot summer. There are different shades and colors of blue, with some flowers beinFeature on Mountain HydrangeasFeature on Mountain Hydrangeas ■Related pages Mountain Hydrangea Hydrangea-macrophylla-hydrangea-ajisaiOctober's Collection of Purple FlowersOctober's Collection of Purple Flowers We hava gathered a collection of purple flowers blooming in October. These include varieties from chrysanthemums to captivating blooms in tropical plant greenFlowers native to ThailandFlowers native to ThailandFeature: White Flowers Blooming in AugustFeature: White Flowers Blooming in August The list of "White Flowers Blooming in August" currently includes 318 species as of August 15, 2024. We have added 22 new species since last year. Some of