

national flower in Iran, Saudi , Morocco, Bulgaria, Portugal, Luxembourg and red in Iraq and Oman

  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
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  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Rose
  • Flower name
  • Scientific name
  • Aliasローズ, 薔薇, Rose
  • Place of originGarden variety, Northern Hemisphere tropical to subtropical
  • Place of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Botanical Gardens, Park, Horticultural species, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July, August, September, October, November
  • Language of flowersWhite is "pureness", yellow is "friendship", red is "love,I love you,beauty,passion,romance"

What is Rose

Birth flowers for Mar 26, Jun 1, Jul 15, Jul 17, Dec 15

Rose (scientific name:Roza×hybrids) is cold-resistant fallen leaves / evergreen shrub of the rosaceae family rosa genus . It is called itself the queen of the flower by the magnificence of the flower, a sweet smell, many colors of a flower, good storable duration. It is used for cut flowers and a garden tree, a potted plant, an ambergris, a herb tea. A rose is the national flower of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Bulgaria, Portugal, Luxembourg. Particularly, the red rose is considered to be the national flower of Iraq and Oman.In the case of flower present , Ii is popular with all people. A lot of gardening kinds are created .

●Shurub rose type(half climbing nature)
●Bush type
●Bush rose (thick growth of vegetation from a single stump characteristics, perpetual kind)
Hybrid tea rose type(HT), floribunda type, poliantha, Grand D flora, miniature type
●Rambler - climing rose

common name: Rose,scientific name:Roza x hybrids, National Flower:Iraq(red rose), Oman(red rose), Iran, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Bulgaria, Portugal, Luxembourg,, origin: Northern Hemisphere tropical-subtropical, height: 20-120 cm and from 150 cm ,the Branch: spine there is ,a leaf arrangement: alternate, leaf once impari-pinnate leaf, stipule: aerobic, leaf margin: sawtooth stock, asymmetric flower, ninomiya, flowering period: from May to November, flower diameter: 2-15 cm and flowers bloom: rose bloom, petals: 5-number,: number of stamens, flower color: red, peach, white, violet, orange, yellow, green, Brown,Flowers: solitary, corymbs or panicles.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    R.× hybrids
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cone / Compound inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    Odd pinnate compound leaf
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeShrub
  • Flower colorsRed Pink Blue Purple Orange Yellow Cream White
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height20.0 ~ 200.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower2.0 ~ 15.0 cm

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