Cute flowers ポスト Cute flowersーHoya pubicalyx 'Chimera',Hoya kerriiiHoya multifloraHoya Pubicalix 'Chimera' (scientific name: Hoya pubicalyx cv. Chimera) is a garden variety of the non-cold tolerant evergreen vine shrub "Hoya pubicalyx 'Chimera' native to the Philippine-Australia faHoya kerriiiHoya kerriii (scientific name: Hoya kerriii) is a vine, epiphytic, and succulent plant native to Thailand, Laos, and other Southeast Asian countries in the genus Hoya of the family Apocynaceae. It groAllium GiganteumAllium giganteum (scientific name: Allium giganteum) is native to Himalayas and is a bulb plant of the family Amaryllidaceae. Late spring to early summer, stretch long flower stalks, bloom a large sphAngulocasteAngulocaste (Scientific name: Anguloa cliftonii x Licaste aromatica) is an orchid cultivar hybridized with two orchid varieties. Anguloa cliftonii is a perennial geographical orchid of the genus AngulBassia scopariaKochia scoparia (scientific name:Bassia scoparia) is a non-resistance and salt-tolerance annual grass of the Amaranthaceaefamily ,Bassia genus native to Southern Europe, Asia. In Monoecious, foliage iKalanchoe daigremontianaKalanchoe daigremontiana (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) is a species of evergreen perennial succulent plant in the family Crassulaceae, native to Japan. It grows to a height of about 1m and its leaves areUtricularia sandersoniiUtricularia sandersonii, commonly called Sanderson’s bladderwort (scientific name: Utricularia sandersonii) is an endemic perennial plant belonging to the family Lentibulariaceae, a native species of Sphyrospermum cordifoliumSphyrospermum cordifolium is a tropical evergreen shrub of the ericaceae department of the sphyrospermum genus native to Central America. After the flowers bloom, a drooping little white bell-shaped f Other FeaturesAsarumPerennials of the genus Asarum grow wild in dimly lit areas under trees and are surprisingly slow-growing. The plant is low in height and blooms by sticking to the ground. List of species in the geFeature Blue fruitBrue Fruit Photo or Clipart List Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits of trees and grasses" (Sorry, this is only available in Japanese). The fruits were collected if either Special Feature: Flower Names with "Beverages"Special Feature: Flower Names with "Beverages"December Special: White FlowersDecember Special: White Flowers December is the Christmas season, so red and green flowers tend to stand out, but there are also quite a few white flowers. Notable examples include chrysanthemums,Japanese seven spring herbsJapanese seven spring herbs Japanese seven spring herbs The seven plants of spring include the following seven species Oenanthe javanica、 Capsella bursa-pastoris、 Gnaphalium affine、 Stelone-day-flowerDay-blooming/half-day blooming Here, we have "day-blooming/half-day blooming" flowers that bloom from morning to evening or from night to morning and wither. Here are some examples: Morning Glory, B