Flowers in England ポスト Flowers in EnglandNemesia 'Penblu'Nemesia 'Penblu' (scientific name: Nemesia 'Penblu'), a horticultural variety of Nemesia, is a nonchill-tolerant deciduous annual herb or lodging plant in the family Scrophulariaceae. Also known as NeEchium plantagineumEchium plantagineum (scientific name: Echium plantagineum) is a European origin, and an annual grass of the Boraginaceae. In Australia it is considered an invasive weed. White hair grows throughout thOkame-zakuraOkame-zakura , Scientific name: Prunus incamp cv. Okame, is a fast-blooming gardening variety of cherry blossoms of cold-resistant deciduous small shrub of the Rosaceaefamily. In the spring, it makes Clematis confettClematis confett (scientific name: Clematis viticella cv. confett) is a cold-tolerant flea frond perennial of the family ranunculaceae. It is a clematis that is strong against t pruning of the biticeRoza 'swan’The Roza 'Swan' (scientific name: Roza 'swan') is a small shrub of the the family Rosaceae. In 1987 David Austin of the UK bred the Charles Austin and Iceberg and breed it. Old rose type, white roseRose 'Prince' The Rose 'Prince' (scientific name: 'The Prince', scientific name: 'The Prince', Roza Lilian Austin × The Squire) is a small shrub of the the family Rosaceae. David Austin of England in 1990 breeded LRose 'The Dark Lady'The rose 'The Dark Lady' (Roses 'The Dark Lady', Scientific name: Roza Mary Rose × Prospero) is a small shrub of the the family Rosaceae. In 1991, British David Austin breeded and breed Mary Rose and Rose 'Radio times'The rose 'Radio times' (scientific name: Roza 'Radio times') is a small shrub of the family Rosaceae. A rose bred by a British gardener in 1994, was named in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of tLinaria vulgarisLinaria vulgaris or butter and eggs (Linaria vulgaris) is a perennial herb of the plantain family, native to China and England. It is naturalized in Japan and grows wild on roadsides and grasslands. T Other FeaturesList of sasanquasWhat is Camellia sasanqua? Camellia sasanqua (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua) is an evergreen, broad-leaved, medium-sized tree in the family Camelliaceae. It is similar to the camellia (scientifFlowers native to MexicoFlowers native to Mexico- -Salvia leucantha,Cuphea hyssopifolia, etc.july yellow flowersjuly yellow flowersfamily-relationshipsFor family relationships, flowers with Japanese names such as father, mother, and brother were collected.EricaErica is a small evergreen shrub native to South Africa and belonging to the Erica family of azaleas. The featured Erica is a collection of flowers of the genus Erica that are currently in the possessSpecial Feature: Flower Names with "Human Names"Special Feature: Flower Names with "Human Names"