Maple tree ポスト The Japanese maple is a representative of the beautiful red leaves that the world admires in autumn. Acer rubrumAcer rubrum (america Honinoki, Scientific name: Acer rubrum) is a cold-resistant deciduous broad leaved trees of Aceracea maple in the eastern part of North America. Autumn leaves are beautiful mapTrident mapleTrident maple ,scientific name: Acer buergerianum is a deciduous tree in the genus Acer, Department of Aceraceae native to Taiwan and Southeast China, . During the Edo period it was brought to Japan. Mono maple Mono maple or painted maple , scientific name: Acer pictum subsp. mono, is a deciduous tree of the genus Acer native to China and Mongolia, Korea and Kyushu from Hokkaido of Japan. Tree diameters is 6Acer aidzuenseAcer aidzuense or Karakogo kaede (Scientific name: Acer ginnala var. Aidzuense) is native to Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula, and is a maple of the family Sapindaceae. It grows naturally in a loMaple tree Maple tree (scientific name: Acer) is native to the Northern Hemisphere and is a deciduous tree of the family Sapindaceae. The leaves that fall in autumn are beautiful. The leaves are palm-shaped and Acer rufinerveAcer rufinerve or Urihada-kaede (Acer rufinerve) is a small deciduous maple tree native to Japan. It grows wild in the mountains of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Its Japanese name (Urihada-kaede) comesAcer palmatum 'sango-kaku'Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'(Scientific name: Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku') is a cultivar of Japanese maple ( Scientific name: palmatum) which is a deciduous small tree of the family Sapindaceae. The leaAcer platanoidesAcer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' (Scientific name: Acer platanoides cv. Princeton Gold) is one of the horticultural varieties of Norway maple (Scientific name: Acer platanoides) ,which is a deciduousNomura KaedeNomura Kaede (scientific name: Acer amoenum cv. Sanguineum) is a deciduous mature trees in the family Sapindaceae. It is a rare Maple that leaves from the spring. Nomura Kaede is periphyllus (large le Palmate maplePalmate maple or Irohamomiji (scientific name:Acer palmatum) is a deciduous small tree native to East Asia, including Japan, and belongs to the soapberry family (Sapindaceae) in the genus Acer. It isAcer 'Crimson King'Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' (Scientific name: Acer platanoides cv. Crimson King) is one of the horticultural varieties of Norway maple (Scientific name: Acer platanoides) ,which is a deciduous broYama-momijiYama-momiji or Japanese Maple(Scientific name: Acer palmatum var.matsumurae) is a deciduous broad-leaved small shrub that is native to Japan and is a variant of the maple genus "Acer palmatum" (scientAcer miyabeiAcer miyabei, Kuribi-itaya ( Scientific name: Acer miyabei,) is a deciduous tree in the family Sapindaceae, which is endemic to Japan. It grows wild in the mountains from Hokkaido to the northern TohoAcer maximowiczianumAcer maximowiczianum , Nikko maple or megusuri-no-ki (ame: Acer maximowiczianum) is a deciduous tree native to Japan and belongs to the family Sapindaceae. It grows naturally in mountain valleys and sAcer crataegifoliumAcer crataegifolium ,hawthorn-leaf maple or urikaede (Acer crataegifolium) is a small deciduous tree in the family Sapindaceae, endemic to Japan. It grows naturally at the margins of low mountain foreAcer pycnanthumAcer pycnanthum or Hananoki (scientific name: Acer pycnanthum) is an endemic species of Japan and is a cold-resistant deciduous broad-leaved trees of Aceracea maple. The bark of the adult tree is grayAcer OrnatumAcer Ornatum(Scientific name: Acer palmatum var. matsumurae cv. Ornatum) Other FeaturesFlowers that were difficult to identifyFlowers that were difficult to identifySpecial Feature: Flower Names with "Food"Special Feature: Flower Names with "Food"February Silver LeavesFebruary Silver Leaves Plants with silver leaves found in February have been collected.It is not all-inclusive. These include Senecio cineraria, Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, and Acacia baileyana. *RPoisonous plantsSpecial Feature Toxic Plants - Coriaria and an aconite, the water hemlock are considered to be Japanese three major poisonous plants. The deadly poison degree does not permit other following. There ar'Heidi's Flower Trail''Heidi's Flower Trail' Flowers blooming in the Swiss Alps 'Heidi's Flower Trail'―Alpine Aster(scientific name:Aster Alpinus), Edelweiss(Leontopodium alpinum), Yellow Aconite(Aconitum lycoctonum),Krlight-yellowish-fruitlight-yellowish Fruit Photo or Clipart List Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits of trees and grasses" (Sorry, this is only available in Japanese). The fruits were collect