Short video "Illustrations of Plants and Trees from Manyoshu" ポスト Short video of illustrations of plants and trees from ManyoshuChrysanthemum japonenseChrysanthemum japonense Common name:Chrysanthemum japonense, Scientific name:Chrysanthemum japonense.Atractylodes japonicaAtractylodes japonica or okera, name: Atractylodes japonica) is a cold- and heat-resistant perennial herb of the genus Atractylodes native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and Russia. The stems Ficus erectaFicus erecta (scientific name: Ficus erecta or Ficus erecta var. erecta) is a deciduous broad-leaved shrub in the family Moraceae, native to Japan and Jeju Island (Korea). It is also known as "itabi" Rhododendron quinquefoliumRhododendron quinquefolium (scientific name: Rhododendron quinquefolium) is a deciduous, broad-leaved, small to medium-sized tree of the genus Rhododendron of the family Ericaceae, endemic to Japan. IMagnolia obovataMagnolia obovata or the hoo-no-ki (scientific name: Magnolia obovata) is a deciduous broad-leaved tree of the family, Magnoliaceae, native to Japan. It grows naturally in the South Kuril Islands to JaAster yomenaAster yomena or Yomena (scientific name: Aster yomena), endemic to Japan, is a wild perennial herb in the genus Astern of the Asteraceae family. In Japan, it grows wild along damp roadsides in the Chu Other FeaturesPlants with a sense of humorPlants with a sense of humor Scutellaria brachyspica is an interesting plant that looks like a character in Star wars. Other plants that I recommend are Cypripedium japonicum, Paphiopedilum malipMaterial used for flower arrangementComponents of a flower arrangement used with flower arrangement and a flowers arranged in a basin, a bouquet, flower arrangement, a small vase well to special feature components of a flower arrangemenFlower Diary "Plants and Trees of Manyoshu Series"Flowe8r Diary "Plants and Trees of Manyoshu Series"Himalayan FlowersHimalayan FlowersNa FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "na". Even if the name doesn't start with "na", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "na". Please check the flowerFlowers of New CaledoniaNew Caledonia flowers are a treasure trove of rare flowers with many endemic species. Xanthostemon aurantiacus 'red & yellow', Reindeer lichen, Amyema scandens etc.