Short video "Illustrations of Plants and Trees from Manyoshu" ポスト Short video of illustrations of plants and trees from ManyoshuChrysanthemum japonenseChrysanthemum japonense Common name:Chrysanthemum japonense, Scientific name:Chrysanthemum japonense.Atractylodes japonicaAtractylodes japonica or okera, name: Atractylodes japonica) is a cold- and heat-resistant perennial herb of the genus Atractylodes native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and Russia. The stems Ficus erectaFicus erecta (scientific name: Ficus erecta or Ficus erecta var. erecta) is a deciduous broad-leaved shrub in the family Moraceae, native to Japan and Jeju Island (Korea). It is also known as "itabi" Rhododendron quinquefoliumRhododendron quinquefolium (scientific name: Rhododendron quinquefolium) is a deciduous, broad-leaved, small to medium-sized tree of the genus Rhododendron of the family Ericaceae, endemic to Japan. IMagnolia obovataMagnolia obovata or the hoo-no-ki (scientific name: Magnolia obovata) is a deciduous broad-leaved tree of the family, Magnoliaceae, native to Japan. It grows naturally in the South Kuril Islands to JaAster yomenaAster yomena or Yomena (scientific name: Aster yomena), endemic to Japan, is a wild perennial herb in the genus Astern of the Asteraceae family. In Japan, it grows wild along damp roadsides in the Chu Other FeaturesGeraniumFeature Geranium-Geranium thunbergii,Geranium carolinianum,Geranium erianthum,Geranium nipponicum,Geranium sanguineum,Geranium yezoenseFeature Blue fruitBrue Fruit Photo or Clipart List Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits of trees and grasses" (Sorry, this is only available in Japanese). The fruits were collected if either December Pink FlowersDecember Pink Flowers There were 116 varieties of pink flowers that bloom in December in the Kagiken Hana Zukan. Of these, the most prominent are sasanquas, camellias, orchids, early-blooming pluE FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "e". Even if the name doesn't start with "e", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "e". Please check the flower caChinese peonyChinese peony , kind of peonyCockscombList of Cockscomb (chicken head) species This is a special feature of Cockscomb. There are Celosia cristata,,Amaranthus caudatus,Celosia argentea,Celosia cristata 'Kurume keitou',Celosia argentea var