Special Feature: “Time” in flower names ポスト Special Feature: “Time” in flower namesMirabilis jalapaMirabilis jalapa or four o'clock flower, scientific name: Mirabilis jalapa, is native to Mexico and Peru and is an annual grass or perennial grass of the the family nyctaginaceae . It is strong, and eRosa 'Forever'The mini rose 'Forever' (scientific name: Rosa hybrids 'Forever') is a shrub of four seasons miniature (Min). Flower colors include pink, white, red, yellow and cream and so on. Breed name: Mini roPassionflowerPassion fruit (clock grass, scientific name: Passiflora caerulea) is native to tropical America such as Brazil and Peru. It is a semi-cold tolerant evergreen shrub of Passionaceae. The petals were namPassiflora piresiiPassiflora piresii (scientific name: Passiflora cv. Piresii)is a half hardy evergreen vine and shrub of the family Passifloraceae native to Brazil. Passiflora piresii (P. piresii) is a horticultural vPassiflora coccinea Passiflora coccinea (scientific name: Passiflora coccinea) is a variety of the non-cold-hardy vine shrub Passiflora caerulea , which is native to southern Brazil and belongs to the family PassifloracePassionfruit 'Panda’Passionfruit 'Panda' (scientific name: Passiflora cv. panda) is a perennial plant in the family Passiflora. This is a horticultural variety of passion fruit, bred in Germany. Generic name: PassionfrRose 'Radio times'The rose 'Radio times' (scientific name: Roza 'Radio times') is a small shrub of the family Rosaceae. A rose bred by a British gardener in 1994, was named in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of tNymphaea tetragona Nymphaea tetragon is a hardy perennial aquatic plants of the department Nymphaeaceae, of the Nymphaea genus native to Japan. It is many horticultural varieties of foreign origin in the Hime siren (PrTalinum crassifoliumTalinum crassifolium, waterleaf, Ceylon spinach, (scientific name: Talinum crassifolium) is native to South America and is a perennial plant belonging to the family Talinaceae. In summer, the conical Wollemia nobilisWollemi Pine or the Jurassic Tree (scientific name: Wollemia nobilis) is a needle-leaved tall tree native to Australia and belonging to the genus Wollemia in the family Araucariaceae. It is said to be Other FeaturesFlowers that were difficult to identifyFlowers that were difficult to identifySpecial Feature: Flower Names with "Food"Special Feature: Flower Names with "Food"February Silver LeavesFebruary Silver Leaves Plants with silver leaves found in February have been collected.It is not all-inclusive. These include Senecio cineraria, Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, and Acacia baileyana. *RPoisonous plantsSpecial Feature Toxic Plants - Coriaria and an aconite, the water hemlock are considered to be Japanese three major poisonous plants. The deadly poison degree does not permit other following. There ar'Heidi's Flower Trail''Heidi's Flower Trail' Flowers blooming in the Swiss Alps 'Heidi's Flower Trail'―Alpine Aster(scientific name:Aster Alpinus), Edelweiss(Leontopodium alpinum), Yellow Aconite(Aconitum lycoctonum),Krlight-yellowish-fruitlight-yellowish Fruit Photo or Clipart List Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits of trees and grasses" (Sorry, this is only available in Japanese). The fruits were collect