OctoberBlue-colored flowers ポスト OctoberBlue-colored flowers Variegated morning glories 'Aotsunebaaomaruzaki'Variegated morning glories 'Aotsunebaaomaruzaki' (Ipomoea nil 'Aotsunebaaomaruzaki') is one of the variegated morning glories (Ipomoea nil). It has green leaves, evergreen leaves (the standard wild-tySaintpauliaSaintpaulia or African violet,(scientific name: Saintpaulia ionantha) is an evergreen, non-cold tolerant, perennial plant belonging to the genus Saintpaulia belonging to the Saccharidae family. The pBlue salviaBlue salvia, commonly called Salvia farinacea ( scientific name:Salvia farinacea) is native to North America and is a annual or perennialplant of the family Lamiaceae. Although it is originally perenMorning GloryMorning glory , scientific name:Ipomoea nil, is an annual vine grass of the family Convolvulaceae of the genus Ipomoea native to tropical Asia. It is planted in a garden and potted flower or the schooNokongikuNokongiku (scientific name: Aster microcephalus var. ovatus) is a cold-hardy perennial herb of the Asteraceae family native to Japan. It is well branched. From late summer to autumn, it produces floweCleisocentron merrillianumCleisocentron merrillianum (Scientific name: Cleisocentron merrillianum) is a species of orchid in the genus Cleisocentron in the family Orchidaceae, native to Borneo. It is also known as the "Blue OrYamatricabutoYamatricabuto (scientific name:Aconitum japonicum Thunb.) is annual grass growing in the mountains. of the ranunculaceae family ". It is one of the variants of aconite (scientific name: Aconitum L.) wEryngium OrionEryngium or Flat sea holly(Eryngium ) is a native of Europe, North and South America, and is a lodging plant in the genus Eryngium of the family Apiaceae. It is difficult to grow in Japan over the sumPlumbago auriculataPlumbago auriculata or Ruri Matsuri (scientific name: Plumbago auriculata) is native to South Africa, it is a semi cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the family Plumbaginaceae. Under half shadow to sun RosemaryRosemary, scientific name:Rosmarinus Officinalis , is an evergreen undershrub of the family Lamiaceae native to Mediterranean coast. Amultitude of floret racemes with lip shaped, pale pink, white and Felicia amelloidesFelicia amelloides , Blue daisy or the blue daisy bus (Scientific name: Felicia amelloides) is a semi-hardy evergreen perennial herb or small shrub native to South Africa in the family Asteraceae. It Chinese hog-peanutChinese hog-peanut or Yabumame (scientific name: Amphicarpaea edgeworthii var. Japonica) is an East Asian origin such as Japan and China, and it is a wild vine grass of the family Legume. It grows inCeratostigma plumbaginoidesCeratostigma plumbaginoides or plumbago (scientific name: Ceratostigma plumbaginoides) is a shrub or perennial herb of the genus Ceratostigma, native to China. It grows in clusters with underground stClerodendrum ugandenseClerodendrum ugandense commonly called Blue elfin, Blue butterfly flower, (scientific name: Clerodendrum ugandense), is a deciduous shrub of the family Lamiaceae native Tropical Africa and tropical ALarge morning glories 'Youjiro Tairin Fuji no sora'Large morning glories 'Youjiro Tairin Fuji no sora (scientific name: Ipomoea nil 'Youjiro Tairin Fuji no sora') is a hybrid of Ipomoea morning glory (scientific name: Ipomoea nil). It has white radialEryngium OrionEryngium Orion or Flat sea holly(Eryngium Orion) is a native of Europe, North and South America, and is a lodging plant in the genus Eryngium of the family Apiaceae. It is difficult to grow in Japan oAmerican BlueAmerican Blue or called Evolvulus(scientific name: Evolvulus pilosus) is native to Central America such as Brazil and is a fertile perennial herb of the family Convolvulaceae , genus Evolvulus. GrowthTropical water lily 'Mrs. Edward Whittaker'Tropical Water Lilies 'Mrs. Edward Whittaker' (Scientific name: Nympheae sp. cv. Mrs. Edward Whitaker) is a tropical, day-flowering, light-blue (sky-blue), large-flowered gardening variety. Common naNemesia KLMNemesia KLM (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa 'KLM') is a horticultural variety of the non-cold-hardy, deciduous annual plant "Nemesia" (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa), native to South Africa, an VeronicaVeronica ornata (Veronica ornata,) is a species of dwarf herb that is endemic to Japan and belongs to the genus Veronica. It grows in coastal areas of Japan such as the Chugoku region and the Oki Isla Monochoria vaginalis Monochoria vaginalis or Konagi (scientific name: Monochoria vaginalis) is an annual or perennial grass native to Southeast Asia in the genus Monochoria of the family Pontederiaceae. It was brought tOxypetalum caeruleumOxypetalum caeruleum or Blue star(scientific name: Oxypetalum coeruleum) is a semi - vermicious evergreen perennial of the genus Opetarumum of the family Apocynaceae native to South America from SouthKongikuKongiku (scientific name: Aster microcephalus var. Ovatus 'Hortensis') is hardy perennial plant of Asteraceae genus. A lot of small flowers made of dark blue purple tongue-shaped flowers and yellow tuKirishima RindoKirishima Rindo(scientific name: Gentiana scabra var. B. F. Procumbens) is a Japanese endemic species found in Kirishima and is a perennial of the Gentianaceae family. It grows naturally in Kagoshima Garden pansy 'Morpho'The Morpho Butterfly and its Nano Structure Morpho Butterfly , the Nano Structure and th results by KeyFDTD Simulations of Morpho Butterfly , Morpho Butterfly The wing color of the Morpho butterfly,Japanese gentianJapanese gentian, scientific name:Gentiana scabra , is a deciduous perennial herb in the gentian family, Gentianaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China. It is also known as Korean gentFlorist's CinerariaCineraria or Florist's Cineraria (Scientific name: Pericallis × Hybrida) is non-cold-resistant perennial of family Asteraceae. Leaves are heart shaped. Flowers will continue to bloom for a long time fGarden pansyGarden pansy , scientific name:Viola×wittrockiana , is a garden variety and is hardy annual grass of the department Violaceae , of Viola genus in bloomong the sunny streets, parks and other locations.Cichorium intybusCichorium intybus or commonly called as chicory or , (scientific name: Cichorium intybus) is a naturalized cold-tolerant perennial plant of the Cichorium genus in the family Asteraceae native to the Other FeaturesFeature: Purple Flowers in May #2Feature: Purple Flowers in May #2 Although some time has passed since the "Feature: Purple Flowers in May #1," we are continuing with the "Feature: Purple Flowers in May #2." In the previous feakazuyo-san's gardenKazuyo-san lives in Kochi pref. We stayed at Kazuyo-san's home on July 15-17, 2017 on a company trip and took pictures of vegetables and flowers in her garden. After that, Kazuyo-san would send us herhypericumhypericumFeatured: Red Flowers of NovemberFeatured: 81 Red Flowers of November In November, red camellias start blooming, signaling the arrival of camellia season. Additionally, the four-season roses, which took a break during the hot sumMay White Flower List2 May White Flower List2 List of white flowers in May, Part 2 ( Kagiken Hana Zuka、Kagiken Flower book) There were 383 species of white flowers in bloom in May that were included in the Kagikenlove heart (plant)Love Heart (Plants) - We have selected plants with lovely heart-shaped leaves and flowers (bracts), and plants with hot flower names. Please keep them close to you and soak up the happiness.