Betonica officinalis

Betonica officinalis

  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Betonica officinalis
  • Flower name
    Betonica officinalis
  • Scientific name
    Betonica officinalis
  • Alias郭公草石蚕, Stachys officinalis, カッコウソウ, スタキス オフィシナリス, ベトニカ・オフィシナリス
  • Place of originEurope
  • Place of flowering
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July, August, September

What is Betonica officinalis

Betonica officinalis, common hedgenettle, betony, purple betony, wood betony, bishopwort (Scientific name: Betonica officinalis) is a perennial grassland herbaceous plant of the genusBetonica in the family Lamiaceae, native to Europe. Its upright stems are square and densely covered with silvery-white hairs and leaves. It has a bearded root.

General name: Betonica officinalis, Scientific name: Betonica officinalis, syn:Stachys officinalis, aka: common hedgenettle, betony, purple betony, wood betony, bishopwort , Grass height: 50-60 cm, Leaf length: 8-12 cm, Leaf shape: oval to oblong, Leaf margin: serrated, Inflorescence: opposite, Flowering season: May-September, Flower diameter: 0.7-1 cm, Flower color: pink, Crown shape: lip-shaped, Fruit: quadrangular, Fruit: quadrangular Uses: rock garden, astringent and sedative, herbal.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    B. officinalis
  • Type of flower
    Left-right symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Spikelet inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    Lip shaped
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeperennial grassland herbaceous plant
  • Flower colorsPink
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height50.0 ~ 60.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.7 ~ 1.0 cm

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