Aka-Shide(Hornbeam)Carpinus laxiflora ポスト Flower nameAka-Shide(Hornbeam)Scientific nameCarpinus laxifloraAliasソロ, アカソロ, Aka-Shide, 赤四手Place of originJapan, Korea, ChinaPlace of floweringLow mountains, ParkFlowering seasonMarch, April, May What is Aka-Shide(Hornbeam)Aka-Shide(Hornbeam) is in Deciduous tree of the autochthonism native in Japan and the tree is tinged with a reddish tinge and is used for bonsais.OrderFagalesFamilyBetulaceaeGenusCarpinusSpeciesC. laxifloraType of flowerOtherArray of flowerCaudal inflorescencePetal shapewithoutLeaf typeovoidEdge of the leafHeavy SerrationLife typeDeciduous treeFlower colorsColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight1500.0 ~ 1500.0 cmDiameter of flower ~ cm Random flowersTetranema roseumOxalis brasiliensiseyebaneGlaucidium palmatumBombax ceibaGnaphalium japonicum