Daphne odora rosaceaDaphne odora f. rosacea ポスト Flower nameDaphne odora rosaceaScientific nameDaphne odora f. rosaceaAlias薄色沈丁花, Daphne odoraPlace of originGarden varietyPlace of floweringGardenFlowering seasonMarch, April What is Daphne odora rosaceaBirth flowers for Feb 10Flower buds of Rosariocarpa (scientific name: Daphne odora f. Rosacea) become pink in flower color and is a horticultural variety of Daphne (Jinchoge, scientific name:Daphne odora) About Daphne odora, please refer to the page. OrderMalvalesFamilyThymelaeaceaeGenusDaphneSpeciesD. f. rosaceaType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerSpikelet inflorescencePetal shapeTubularLeaf typeoblongEdge of the leafEntireLife typeA hardy evergreen rosaceaFlower colorsPinkColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorGreenHeight50.0 ~ 150.0 cmDiameter of flower ~ cm Random flowersRaphanus nigerPrimula sieboldii ''Bureiko"Rhododendron degronianumPueraria montana lobataHollyhockHydrangea hybrid 'Iyo-komon'