Dendrobium catenatum
- Flower nameDendrobium catenatum
- Scientific nameDendrobium catenatum
- AliasDendrobium moniliforme
- Place of originJapan, Korean Peninsula, China
- Place of floweringLow mountains, Sub-alpine
- Flowering seasonApril, May, June
What is Dendrobium catenatum
Dendrobium catenatum or the yellow-flowered Sekkoku (scientific name: Dendrobium catenatum) is a perennial, epiphytic orchid native to China and Japan, belonging to the genus Dendrobium of the family Orchidaceae. In Japan, it grows wild on tree trunks and rocks in the mountains of Izu Peninsula, Shikoku to Okinawa. The stem has many joints and is erect or drooping. From April to May, the upper node of the second year stem produces a raceme of inflorescences, which produce 2 to 5 yellow-green flowers. The color of the flowers turns light yellow and spreads as they bloom.
Common name: Dendrobium catenatum, Origin: Japan, Korean Peninsula, China, Height: 20-50 cm, Stem: slender, cylindrical, Leaf: leathery, Leaf color: green, Leaf shape: lanceolate, Leaf length: 4-7 cm, Leaf width: 1-1.5 cm, Phyllotaxy: alternate, Leaf margin: entire, Inflorescence form: raceme, Inflorescence length: 3-4 cm, Flower stalk length: 0.5-1 cm, Flower number: 2-5, Flower diameter: 2-6 cm, Flower color: yellow-green to pale yellow, Flowering season : April to May; use: bonsai, potted plant; note: Ministry of the Environment Category: Endangered I-B (EN).