Pinus massoniana

Pinus massoniana

  • Flower name
    Pinus massoniana
  • Scientific name
    Pinus massoniana
  • Alias赤松, まつ, 松, マツ, タイワンアカマツ, 台湾赤松, Chinese red pine, Masson's pine
  • Place of originChina
  • Place of floweringGarden, Overseas
  • Flowering seasonApril, May

What is Pinus massoniana

Pinus massoniana commonly called as Masson's Pine or Chinese red pineScientific Name: Pinus massoniana) is an evergreen coniferous tree native to Taiwan and China, belonging to the family Pinaceae and the genus Pinus. As its Japanese name "Taiwan Akamatsu (Taiwan Red Pine)" suggests, its bark is reddish-brown. In English, it is called "Masson's pine" or "Chinese red pine."
It grows naturally in mountainous and hilly areas of southern China, reaching a height of 25 to 45 meters.

Origin of the Name
The name "Babishō" comes from its Chinese name. The Chinese name likens the long, needle-like leaves bundled together to a horse's tail. The genus name "Pinus" derives from "pin" (meaning "mountain"), and the species name "massoniana" is named after the British horticulturist Francis Masson.

Common Name:Pinus massoniana
Scientific Name: Pinus massoniana
Japanese Name: Taiwan Akamatsu (Taiwan Red Pine)
English Name: Masson's Pine, Chinese Red Pine
Chinese name: Babishō (馬尾松)
Classification: Plantae, Gymnosperms, Order: Pinales, Family: Pinaceae, Genus: Pinus, Species: Pinus massoniana
Origin: Taiwan, China, Vietnam
Habitat: Mountainous and hilly regions
Tree Height: 25-45 meters
Bark Color: Reddish-brown
Leaf Color: Green
Leaf Shape: Needle-like
Leaf Length: 15-20 cm, arranged in bundles
Flowering Period: April to May
Fruit Shape: Conical
Seed: With wings
Uses: Pine resin, interior building materials, railway ties, tools, pulp, leaves are used for flavoring Lapsang Souchong tea
Note: A two-needle pine species

Related pages

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
  • Type of flower
  • Array of flower
    Ball-shaped inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    needle shape
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeevergreen tree having needlelike leaves
  • Flower colors
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorBrown
  • Height2500.0 ~ 4500.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.2 ~ 0.3 cm

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