Dianthus chinensis

Dianthus chinensis

  • Dianthus chinensis
  • Dianthus chinensis
  • Flower name
    Dianthus chinensis
  • Scientific name
    Dianthus chinensis
  • Alias唐撫子, 石竹, rainbow pink
  • Place of origin
  • Place of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Park, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonApril, May, June, July

What is Dianthus chinensis

Birth flowers for May 29

Dianthus chinensis or Sekichiku(scientific name: Dianthus chinensis) is a cold-resistant evergreen perennial herb of the family Caryophyllaceae from China. It is also known as rainbow pink and China pink. It was introduced to Japan from China in early times and was cultivated. The plant is 30-50 cm tall with an erect stem that is branched at the top.
The leaves are divided into rhizomatous leaves and stem leaves. The stem leaves are green, single, linear to linear-lanceolate, 3-5 cm long and 0.3 cm wide, and attached in opposite pairs at the base, hugging the stem. From April to July, the flowers are produced from the leaf axils in clustered inflorescences or singly, in 5-petaled inflorescences of 3-5 cm in diameter, red, white, peach, or compound colors (with eyelets) with fine lobes at the tips. The fruit is a cylindrical capsule with black seeds inside. The flowers are used in flower beds, potted plants, parks, containers, and as cut flowers, while the whole plant and seeds are used to make the herb medicine 'Kubakushi'.

Common name: Dianthus chinensis or Sekichiku, scientific name: Dianthus chinensis, also known as rainbow pink, China pink, Chinese name: Sekichiku, place of origin: China, plant height: 30-50 cm, life form: cold tolerant evergreen perennial, leaf types: root and stem leaves, [stem leaves leaf color: green, single leaf, leaf length: 3-5 cm, leaf width: 0.3 cm, leaf shape: linear to linear-lanceolate, inflorescence: opposite, base hugging stem], inflorescence shape: clustered or single, corolla shape: 5-petal flowers with fine lobes at tip, flower diameter: 3-5 cm, flowering season: April to July, flower color: red, white, peach, compound color (Flowering season: April to July; Flower color: red, white, pink, or multicolored (with eyes); Fruit type: capsule; Fruit shape: cylindrical; Seed color: black; Uses: flower beds, potted plants, parks, containers, cut flowers; The whole plant and seeds are used as the crude drug 'Kubakushi'.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    D. chinensis
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cluster inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeCold-resistant evergreen perennial
  • Flower colorsRed Pink White Other
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height30.0 ~ 50.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower3.0 ~ 3.0 cm

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