Dichrostachys cinerea

Dichrostachys cinerea

  • Dichrostachys cinerea
  • Dichrostachys cinerea
  • Flower name
    Dichrostachys cinerea
  • Scientific name
    Dichrostachys cinerea
  • Alias蛍の木, Aroma, ディクロスタキス・キネレア
  • Place of origin Africa, Asia, and Australia
  • Place of floweringGarden
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July

What is Dichrostachys cinerea

Dichrostachys cinerea, commonly known as Bell Mimosa, Chinese Lantern Tree, or Princess Earrings, is a deciduous, vining shrub from the Fabaceae family, native to Africa, Asia, and Australia. It grows to a height of 2-3 meters with a vine length of approximately 7 meters, and its bark is grayish-brown. The branches and trunk have spines.

The leaves are even-pinnate compound leaves arranged oppositely on the branches, with leaflets measuring about 0.5-1 cm in length. These leaves exhibit nyctinasty, meaning they close at night.

From May to July, the plant produces drooping racemes from the leaf axils. The racemes have pink sterile flowers at the top and yellow bisexual flowers at the bottom. After flowering, it produces capsule-like fruits. This plant is used ornamentally and can be planted in gardens; its bark also has medicinal uses.

Origin of the Name
The Japanese name "Hotaru no Ki" (Firefly Tree) is derived from the yellow tip of the inflorescence, which resembles a firefly. The genus name "Dichrostachys" comes from Greek, meaning "two-colored spike," referring to the pink and yellow colors of the inflorescence. The species name "cinerea" means "gray."

Flower Language

Common Name: Firefly Tree,
Scientific Name: Dichrostachys cinerea
aka: Bell mimosa , Chinese lantern tree , Princess earrings、Aroma, Acacia Saint Dominique, Kalahari Christmas tree, sicklebus,
Classification: Plant Kingdom, Angiosperms, Eudicots, Fabales, Fabaceae, Dichrostachys
Origin: Africa, Asia, Australia
Height: 200-300 cm, Vine Length: 700 cm
Bark Color: Yellowish-gray-brown
Stem/Branches: Spiny
Leaf Type: Even-pinnate compound leaves, opposite arrangement, Leaflet Length: 0.5-1 cm, Leaves close at night
Blooming Period: May to July
Inflorescence Type: Drooping raceme, Length: 2.5-5 cm
Flower Color: Pink and yellow, Five-petaled flowers on the yellow lower flowers
Fruit: Capsule, Fruit Length: 2-10 cm
Uses: Ornamental, garden planting, medicinal use of bark.

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Dichrostachys cinerea

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    D. cinerea
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Spikelet inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    2 times pinnate compound leaf
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life type deciduous, vining shrub
  • Flower colorsPink Yellow
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height200.0 ~ 700.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower8.0 ~ 10.0 cm

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