Euonymus fortunei

Euonymus fortunei

  • Euonymus fortunei
  • Euonymus fortunei
  • Flower name
    Euonymus fortunei
  • Scientific name
    Euonymus fortunei
  • Alias蔓柾, マルバツルマサキ, マサキツル
  • Place of originEast Asia, including Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and the Philippines
  • Place of floweringSeashore
  • Flowering seasonJune, July

What is Euonymus fortunei

Euonymus fortunei is a vine-like evergreen broad-leaved shrub of the family Celastraceae, native to East Asia, including Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and the Philippines. It grows wild in forests in the mountains from Hokkaido to Okinawa. It produces numerous aerial roots from its branches, which crawl on the ground, climb rocks and other trees, and grow to a height of 10 meters or more.
The bark is dark brown. The leaves are small, elliptic, with shallow serrations on the margins, and are attached to the branches in opposite pairs.
From June to July, 7-15 small flowers are produced in clustered inflorescences from the leaf axils. The number of petals is 4, sepals are 4, and stamens are 4. The flowers are about 0.5 cm in diameter, light green to yellowish green, and not very conspicuous.
From October to December, when the capsule ripens, it splits into four pieces and produces seeds. The diameter of the capsule is 0.5-0.6 cm, and the seed is enclosed in a vermilion pseudocarp. It is used as a groundcover and in mixed plantings.

Common name: Euonymus fortunei
Scientific Name: Euonymus fortunei
Origin: East Asia, including Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and the Philippines
Family: Celastraceae Genus: Euonymus
Life Form: Evergreen broadleaf climbing shrub
Habitat: Native to forests and woodlands from Hokkaido to Okinawa
Growth Habit: Produces numerous aerial roots from branches, crawls on the ground, climbs rocks, and other trees, extending over 10 meters
Bark: Dark brown
Leaves: Petiolate, green or variegated, leathery, without gloss, small, elliptical with shallow serrations, opposite arrangement
Flowers: Bloom from June to July, small clusters (7-15 flowers), 4 petals, 4 sepals, 4 stamens, light green to yellow-green, about 0.5 cm in diameter
Fruits: Capsules that ripen and split into four parts from October to December, revealing seeds covered with red arils, about 0.5-0.6 cm in diameter
Uses: Ground cover, mixed planting

Origin of the Name
The genus name "Euonymus" comes from Latin, combining "Eu-" (good, right) and "onym" (name). The species epithet "fortunei" is named after the British plant collector and botanist Robert Fortune (1812-1880).

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    E. fortunei
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cluster inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    4 petals
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typevine-like evergreen broad-leaved shrub
  • Flower colorsGreen
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height50.0 ~ 100.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.5 ~ 0.5 cm

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