Changed morning glory 'kinantenshiro''Ipomoea nil 'kinantenshirokirizakibotan' ポスト Flower nameChanged morning glory 'kinantenshiro''Scientific nameIpomoea nil 'kinantenshirokirizakibotan'Alias変化朝顔, ヘンカアサガオ, 朝顔, Ipomoea nilPlace of originTropical AsiaPlace of floweringHorticultural species, Potted flowerFlowering seasonJune, July, August, September, October What is Changed morning glory 'kinantenshiro''Changed morning glory 'Ipomoea nil 'Kinantenshirokirizakibotan' (scientific name: Ipomoea nil 'Kinantenshiro') is a morning glory that changes from morning glory (scientific name: Ipomoea nil). Common name: Changed morning glory 'Ipomoea nil 'Kinantenshirokirizakibotan', scientific name: Ipomoea nil 'Kinantenshiro', origin: Japanese horticultural variety, morning glory originated in tropical Asia, living type: Annual vine, Stem length: 100-300 cm, Leaf shape: Chrysanthemum, Leaf margin: Full leaf margin, Inflorescence: Alternate, Inflorescence: Dichasium, Flower shape: open cone, Diameter: 5-20 cm, Stamens: 3 heart cores, Stamens: 5, Flower color: white, Flowering season: July-September, Fruit type: first fruits, Seed color Black. OrderSolanalesFamilyConvolvulaceaeGenusIpomoeaSpeciesI. nilType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flower2 inflorescencesPetal shapeFunnel/trumpet shapedLeaf typePike shapeEdge of the leafEntireLife typeAnnual grassFlower colorsWhiteColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight100.0 ~ 300.0 cmDiameter of flower5.0 ~ 20.0 cm Random flowersAristolochia grandiflora Begonia tuberhybrida 'Yellow ruffledform' Petunia 'Kirin Wave Purple'QuinceBok ChoyForsythia 'Gold Leaf'