Changed morning glory 'kiuchikomi'Ipomoea nil 'kiuchikomi' ポスト Flower nameChanged morning glory 'kiuchikomi'Scientific nameIpomoea nil 'kiuchikomi'Alias変化朝顔, アサガオ, ヘンカアサガオPlace of originTropical AsiaPlace of floweringHorticultural species, Potted flowerFlowering season What is Changed morning glory 'kiuchikomi'Changed morning glory 'Yellow-spiked whirling bellflower leaf-covered ring bellflower Yaesaki' (scientific name: Ipomoea nil 'Ki-uchikomi') is a morning glory that changes from morning glory (scientific name: Ipomoea nil). OrderSolanalesFamilyConvolvulaceaeGenusIpomoeaSpeciesI. nilType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flower2 inflorescencesPetal shapeFunnel/trumpet shapedLeaf typePike shapeEdge of the leafEntireLife typeAnnual grassFlower colorsBlueColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight100.0 ~ 300.0 cmDiameter of flower5.0 ~ 20.0 cm Random flowers Henka Asagao 'kijakukakaekeisokyanagiba benisaizakibotan'Acacia dealbataTulipa BalladeClematis stansZaluzianskya capensisYellow Sultan