
Leucospermum spp.

  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Pincushion
  • Flower name
  • Scientific name
    Leucospermum spp.
  • AliasLeucospermum, Pincushion, レウコスベルマム, ピンクッション・プロテア, リューコスペルマム
  • Place of originSouth Africa
  • Place of floweringGarden, Cut flowers, flower arrangement, Botanical Gardens, Subtropical region, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonMarch, April, May, June, July, August, September
  • Language of flowersSuccess Everywhere, Red flower: "Love pouring down", Orange and yellow flowers: "Cheerfulness"

What is Pincushion

Pincushions (scientific name: Leucospermum spp.) are tropical evergreen shrubs from the Proteaceae family, native to South Africa. They are also known as Leucospermum, Pin Cushion Protea, and sometimes as Protea Leucospermum. In their native habitat, they grow along coastal areas.

The shrub’s height ranges from 50 to 300 cm and branches out at the top, spreading horizontally. The leaves are hard, glossy, lanceolate with serrated edges, and arranged in whorls along the branches. In Japan, they bloom from March to September, producing single or clusters of 2-3 flower heads, each 10-15 cm in diameter, at the tips of the flower stems. The flowers, resembling sewing pincushions, come in red, orange, yellow, and pink, and are fragrant. Each flower can last for about two months.

Flower Structure of Pincushions
The flower heads are composed of numerous individual flowers. Each flower has the following structure:

A long pistil resembling a pin, with a ball-like stigma at the tip and a style beneath it.
A perianth (comprising petals and sepals) about half the height of the pistil, with four red ribbon-like segments and noticeable white hairs on the back.
Stamens (anthers without filaments) are also about half the height of the pistil.
Origin of the Name "Pincushion"
The name "Pincushion" comes from the appearance of the flower heads, with pistils protruding like pins from a pincushion.
The genus name "Leucospermum" is derived from the Latin words "leucos" (white) and "spermum" (seed), meaning "white seeds."
The representative species "cordifolium" combines "cordis" (heart-shaped) and "folium" (leaf) in Latin, referring to the shape of the leaves.

Representative Species of Pincushion
Notable species include the Red Pincushion Protea (Leucospermum cordifolium) and the yellow-flowered Hawaii Gold.

Flowers Similar to Pincushions
Similar flowers include King Protea (Protea cynaroides), also from the Proteaceae family. While Pincushions belong to the Leucospermum genus, King Protea is part of the Protea genus.

Common Name: Pin Cushion
Scientific Name: Leucospermum spp.
Other Names: Leucospermum, Pincushion Protea
Classification: Kingdom Plantae, Phylum Angiosperms, Class Dicotyledons, Order Proteales, Family Proteaceae, Genus Leucospermum
Origin: South Africa
Height: 50-300 cm
Habitat: Coastal areas
Leaf Characteristics: Hard and glossy, whorled arrangement, serrated edges, lanceolate shape
Blooming Period: March to September in Japan
Flower Diameter: 10-15 cm
Flower Structure: Head-shaped inflorescence, hard texture, colors include red, orange, yellow, pink, fragrant, lasts about 2 weeks
Uses: Potted plant, garden plant, flower arrangements, wedding bouquets, cut flowers, dried flowers

Related Page
Pincushions (scientific name: Leucospermum spp.)

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    L. spp.
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cephalic inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    Pike shape
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeSmall tropical Evergreen shrub
  • Flower colorsPink Orange Yellow
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height50.0 ~ 300.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower10.0 ~ 15.0 cm

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