
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana

  • Mallow
  • Mallow
  • Mallow
  • Mallow
  • Flower name
  • Scientific name
    Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana
  • Alias銭紅葵, コモンマロウ, アオイ, Common mallow, Mallow
  • Place of originEurope
  • Place of floweringFields and footpaths, Garden, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July
  • Language of flowersCourage

What is Mallow

Birth flowers for Mar 22, Mar 27, Oct 28

Mauritiana or Zeni-aoi (scientific name: Malva mauritiana or Malva sylvestris var. Mauritiana) is a perennial species of the family Malvaceae native to the Mediterranean. This plant is high and from early summer to summer, the vertical pattern at the center makes flower of deep red purple bloom. It is a naturalized plant that escaped what it came for ornament in the Edo period from Japan to China via Europe from China, it is a wild grass inhabited in urban areas south of Honshu. The basic species is Sylvestris (Usubeni-aoi , scientific name: Malva sylvestris), and common marrow is considered a variant of it. Both species are very similar. Bothe of them, vertical stripe in the center of the petal is deep purple and English name is Common marrow. Sylvestris is considered a herb tea called marrow blue, but Mauritiana is also used for herb tea. The difference between the two is that the petals of Mauritiana are reddish purple, whereas Sylvestris is white to thin peach. Sylvestris has a deep slit in palm shape and hairs on the stem. On the other hand,, leaves of Mauritianahave rounded even in palm shape and no stems on hair. However, in China and Europe, it seems they are not distinguished.

Generic name: Mauritiana or Zeni-aoi, Scientific name: scientific name: Malva mauritiana or Malva sylvestris var. Mauritiana, aka: Common marrow, mallow, Zeni-aoi, Origin: European Mediterranean origin, distribution habitat: south of central Honshu, environment: urban area, plant height: 60 to 120 cm, leaf shape: palm shape but not deep cut , leaf order: alternate, flowering period: May to July, flower color: red purple, Number of petals: 5, flower size: 3 to 3.5 cm, Remarks: Naturalized plants that got out of view for ornament.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    M. sylvestris var. mauritiana
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cluster inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
    Palm shape
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeperennial grass
  • Flower colorsPink
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height60.0 ~ 120.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower3.0 ~ 3.5 cm

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