Japanese bird cherry
- Flower nameJapanese bird cherry
- Scientific namePadus grayana
- AliasJapanese Bird Cherry, 上溝桜, Padus grayana, 波波迦
- Place of originJapan
- Place of floweringLow mountains
- Flowering seasonMay
What is Japanese bird cherry
Japanese bird cherry , scientific name:Padus grayana, is native to Japan and China and is a deciduous broadleaf tree of the Padus genus , of the Rosaceae Department. In Japan, Hokkaido, Honshu-the native of Kyushu with sunny and well-drained places. Racemes of spring, brush like white stretch 5 petaled flower that produced many bloom.The flowers are similar to white callistemon flowers.
General Name : Japanese bird cherry , scientific name:Padus grayana, also known as:Sakura, Padus grayana, Prunus grayana, origin: Japan, living type: deciduous broad-leaved tree, height: 8-20 m, leaf: oblong, leaf edge: serrated and Spike length: 5-8 cm, flower diameter:0.7~1cm, color: white, fruit type: berries, fruit shape: oval, Fruit diameter:0.8cm, fruit color: Red-Black, use: wood salted green dye, immature, building materials and appliances wood, bark and roots, black berries ripe fruit wine.