Phytolacca american

Phytolacca americana

  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Phytolacca american
  • Flower name
    Phytolacca american
  • Scientific name
    Phytolacca americana
  • Aliasアメリカヤマゴボウ, ポークウィード, インクベリー, Ink berry, Pokeweed, 洋種山牛蒡
  • Place of originNorth America
  • Place of floweringBotanical Gardens
  • Flowering seasonJune, July, August

What is Phytolacca american

Phytolacca americana, Iink berry or Pokeweed (scientific name:Phytolacca americana) is a large, cold-resistant perennial plant of the family Phytolaccaaceae that has been naturalized from North America. The branches are red and feathery. The leaves are green and oblong. This plant produces white (or similar) flowers in an inflorescence that extends from the flower stems during the rainy season and summer. It actually has no petals, but five calyx petals, like a five-petal flower. It is called "ink berry" in the U.S. because it produces drooping dark red-purple berries after flowering, and crimson dye can be obtained from the berries. It has medicinal properties, but it is particularly toxic to the roots. The one sold in supermarkets as mountain burdock is different.
Generic name: Iink berry,scientific name:Phytolacca americana, Other name: Pokeweed, Origin: North America, living type: hardy perennials, plant: 100-200 cm, stem: Red cylinder shapes in well top branching, leaf length: 10-30 cm, leaves: alternate, Leaf: oblong, leaf margin: entire, bisexual flowers, Flower inflorescence: racemes, inflorescence length: 10 cm, Corolla shape: five-petaled flowers, flower color: white, flower diameter:0.5~0.6cm, sepals number: five stamens number: 10-15, pistil number: 1, ovary: green sphere, flowering period: June-August, fruit: berries, fruit color: dark red-purple-black purple, fruit diameter:0.8cm

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    P. americana
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Gross inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeCold-resistant perennial plant
  • Flower colorsWhite
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorGreen
  • Height100.0 ~ 200.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.5 ~ 0.6 cm

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