creeping pine
- Flower namecreeping pine
- Scientific namePinus pumila
- Alias這松, Siberian dwarf pine, dwarf siberian pine, Japanese stone pine, creeping pine
- Place of originJapan, China, Siberia, Kamchatka, North-East China, Korea
- Place of floweringHigh mountain, Bonsai
- Flowering seasonJune, July
What is creeping pine
Creeping pine, scientific name:Pinus pumila) and Northeast Asia-is a shrub creeping of evergreen conifer of pine Pinus, native to Japan. Hokkaido ~ growing in the harsh environment of the high mountains of Central Japan, so under the influence of wind and snow not only to 1-2 m height and spread branches horizontally. Bark is dark brown, the leaves are dark green with needle-like. In the summer, with Monoecious, give the oval-shaped flowers with purple red globose flowers with bright red. Called pine cones and berries and fruits are egg-shaped cones of coniferous is about 5 cm fruit diameter. Scatter the spotted Nutcracker seed cones are without wings, instead of wind, Chipmunks and other animals. Tufted Pine Bush is so high mountain landscape and the Grouse Habitat and other interesting hiking and bonsai trees.
Common name: Creeping pine , scientific name:Pinus pumila, aka : Creeping pine , Siberian Dwarf Pine, pine, origin Northeast Asia-Japan, Habitat: Japan is Hokkaido-central region, living environment: Alpine, living type: Evergreen creeping of coniferous trees, height: 1-2 m, bark, Brown, leaf color: dark green , Leaf morphology: acicular in length of leaf with five: 4-8 cm, Monoecious and flower: bright red, oval (female), violet-red (female), flowering period: from June to July, fruits: pine cones, fruit shape: egg-shaped cones, fruit types: cones, fruit diameter: 5 cm, no seeds: wings, Seed long:0.8cm, applications: high mountain landscape formation of bonsai exhibition grouse Habitat, distribution: animal dispersal (spotted Nutcracker, chipmunks, etc.).