Trevesia palmataTrevesia palmata ポスト Flower nameTrevesia palmataScientific nameTrevesia palmataAliasスノーフレークツリー, snowflake treePlace of originAustralia, Taiwan and ChinaPlace of floweringOkinawa, Specific areaFlowering season What is Trevesia palmata準備中 Trevesia palmata OrderApialesFamilyAraliaceaeGenusTrevesiaSpeciesT. palmataType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerCone / Compound inflorescencePetal shapeFive-petalLeaf typepalisade compound leafEdge of the leafEntireLife typeHalf-Hardy Evergreen shrubFlower colorsColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight10.0 ~ 500.0 cmDiameter of flower0.5 ~ 0.5 cm Random flowersLeptochilus pothifoliusGrewia occidentalisChayoteJapanese Iris 'Chitose'Camellia sasanqua haru-sasanqua 'Hanachirusato'Medinilla magnifica