Japanese snowball
- Flower nameJapanese snowball
- Scientific nameViburnum plicatum var. plicatum f. plicatum
- Aliasテマリバナ, テマリカ, 手毬花, Japanese snowball
- Place of originCultivars in Japan
- Place of floweringGarden, Park, Horticultural species, Potted flower
- Flowering seasonMay, June
- Language of flowersPromise
What is Japanese snowball
Japanese snowball or Oh-demari in Japanese ( scientific : Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum f. plicatum ) is the horticultural varieties of Tomentosum (Yabu-temari , scientific : Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum)which is wild species native to Japan .Plicatum (Oh-demari) is a deciduous broad-leaved shrub of the family caprifoliaceae. Plicatum lets a pistil and the stamen of the bisexual flower of the tomentosum degenerate, and is not possible for the fruit because it has a neutral flower (ornamental flower) and is the cultivation class. It makes flowers with the white ball-formed volume bloom in early summer from late spring. The leavs have irregularity in the ovoid with the circle.
General name: Japanese snowball ,Scientific name: Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum, Native habitat: Japan, Hokkaido - Kyushu, environment: garden variety of tomentosum, life: deciduous broad-leaved shrub, Height: 2 - 6 m, shoots and leaves: with star-shaped hairs, leaf shape: wide oval, leaf length: 5-7 cm, the phyllotaxis: serrated, opposite,leaf quality: veins, cymose inflorescence shape: spherical, uneven, inflorescence length: 10 cm, flowers: all decorative flower, flower diameter: 2-places flower color: pale green →, white, pink, flowers bloom: single, yae, flower sise: 2-4 cm, Apex or leaf axil, petal-type flowers, petal-shaped : car shape, fruit: sterility, plant propagation: cuttings, use: garden, potted.