Viburnum dilatatum

Viburnum wrightii

  • Viburnum dilatatum
  • Viburnum dilatatum
  • Flower name
    Viburnum dilatatum
  • Scientific name
    Viburnum wrightii
  • Alias深山蒲染, Miyama gamazumi, Viburnum wrightii
  • Place of originJapan, Korea and Russia
  • Place of floweringGarden, Sub-alpine, Park
  • Flowering seasonMay, June

What is Viburnum dilatatum

The viburnum wrightii is an alpine form of Viburnum dilatatum , native to Japan, Korea and Russia. It grows wild in mountain forests from Hokkaido to Kyushu. Its leaves and flowers are smaller than V. dilatatum. The leaves of V. dilatatum are wide and round with many hairs, and the tips of the leaves are a little thin and have prominent lateral veins, while the leaves of V. dilatatum are wider and round. In V. wrightii, the tips of the leaves become sharp and narrow and have shallow triangular serrated edges. Its fruits are larger and more spherical than those of Vi. dilatatum, and it is beautiful when the leaves turn red in autumn. Also, the fruit of Vi. dilatatum is upward-facing, while that of V. dilatatum is drooping. V. dilatatum has a better taste and is used for eating fresh and making fruit wine. Native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China, it is a cold-resistant evergreen shrub in the family Lempaxaceae, which produces vermilion buds and fragrant white clustered flowers in May and June. In October-November, coinciding with flowering, the oval-shaped fruits ripen to dark purple. The fruits are used in flower arrangements and as cut flowers. It bears red berries in the fall.

Common Name: Viburnum wrightii, Scientific Name: Viburnum wrightii, Taxonomy: Dicotyledonous Macrophytes, Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera, genus of viburnum, Origin: Japan, Korea, Russia, Habitat: Hokkaido to Kyushu, Environment: Wilderness, Height: 200 to 500 cm, Living type: Deciduous broad-leaved Shrub, Leaf Form: Narrowly Oval, Leaf Color: Dark Green to Foliage, Leaf Height: 5-15 cm, Inflorescence: Convex, Leaf Margin: Serrated, Inflorescence: Scattered Inflorescence, Flowering Period: May-June, Flowering Form: Trumpet-shaped with 5 lobes at the tip, Small Flower Diameter: 0.5-0.7 cm, Flower Color: White, Inflorescence Diameter: 5-10 cm, Fruit Type: Nucleus, Fruit Form: Spherical, Fruit Color: Red, Fruit Diameter: 0 .6-0.9 cm, fruit-viewing season: September-November, use: garden planting.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    V. wrightii
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Corymbose inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    Funnel/trumpet shaped
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typealpine form
  • Flower colors
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorGreen
  • Height200.0 ~ 500.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.5 ~ 0.7 cm

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