The Aster family ポスト The Aster familyKeshiro-yomenaKeshiro-yomena or Phellodendron (white brush, hair , scientific name: Aster ageratoides var. Intermedius) is a unique varieties in Japan. It is a variant of the perennial wild grass "Shiro-yomena (whiFrost asterFrost aster (scientific name:Aster hybrids) is a cultivar of the perennial "Aster" belonging to the Asteraceae family native to North America. It was made by crossbreeding Shirokujaku and Yuzengiku. IMiyakowasureMiyakowasure (scientific name: Aster savatieri cv. Miyakowasure) is a hardy perennial of the family asteraceae cultivated in Japan. It is garden variety of flower Miyamayomena(scientific name: Aster sAster tataricusAster tataricus , Tatarian aster or shion (Scientific name: Aster tataricus) is native to China,and it is a perennial grass of the family Asteraceae. In Japan, it grows naturally in Mt. Aso in KyushuFrost asterFrost aster (scientific name: Symphyotrichum pilosum, synonym:Aster pilosusAster pilosus) is a perennial naturalized plant of the genus Zionaceae, native to North America. It is also called peacock (pNokongikuNokongiku (scientific name: Aster microcephalus var. ovatus) is a cold-hardy perennial herb of the Asteraceae family native to Japan. It is well branched. From late summer to autumn, it produces floweAster microcephalusAster microcephalus or Treevein aster (Scientific name: Aster microcephalus) is a perennial wildflower of the Asteraceae family and is endemic to Japan. It is a wild chrysanthemum. It commonly grows wAster scabeAster scabe or shirayamagiku (Scientific name: Aster scaber) is a perennial wildflower of the Asteraceae family native to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. In Japan, it grows wild in the mountains from Alpine Aster Alpine Aster , scientific name:Aster Alpinus, is a hardy perennials of the Aster genus , of the Asteraceae department native to Switzerland, etc. Sub-alpine and Alpine-the indigenous Alpine gravels. C Aster kantoensisAster kantoensis or Kawahara nogiku (scientific name:Aster kantoensis) is a perennial herb in the family Asteraceae. It is a grass tufted sand beach and river. In the autumn of lilac florets give maAster iinumaeAster iinumae or Japanese aster , false aster or Yuugagiku (scientific name: Aster iinumae) is a peculiar species of Japan, a perennial wild chrysanthemum of the Asteraceae family Zion. It is a plantAster savatieri Aster savatieri is hardy perennials of the family asteraceae native to Japan. It grows in mountain and is a group of wild chrysanthemum letting bloom in a ligulate flower of white or the light blue puGomanaGomana, scientific name: Aster glehni var. hondoensi, is perennial herbs of the Aster genus, Asteraceae department native to Japan. A number of erect stems branching. In the fall, bloom many white floKorean starwortKorean starwort (scientific name: Aster koraiensis) is a perennial herb belonging to the family Asteraceae, an endemic species of the Korean Peninsula. From summer to early autumn, the inflorescenceAster viscidulusAster viscidulus, or aka: hakonegiku(scientific name: Aster viscidulus) is a perennial plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. It grows naturally on the grasslands in the mountains of Kanto to ChubSymphyotrichum novi-belgiiSymphyotrichum novi-belgii, New York Aster, Michaelmas daisy or Yuzen-giku (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii, synonym: Aster novi-belgii) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Eastern Canada and the NorAster yomenaAster yomena or Yomena (scientific name: Aster yomena), endemic to Japan, is a wild perennial herb in the genus Astern of the Asteraceae family. In Japan, it grows wild along damp roadsides in the Chu Other FeaturesList of Tulip TypesList of Tulip Types. Tulip (scientific name: Tulipa L.) is a cold-hardy bulbous plant of the lily family, native to Turkey. Here is a collection of pictures of tulip flowers. December Orange BlossomDecember in 2022 This is a collection indication of orange grass flowers (including orange bracts) blooming in December in garden plants, potted plants, indoors, and in greenhouses. December is thイ's flowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "イ". Even if the name doesn't start with "イ", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "イ". Please check the flower caVietnam FlowersVietnam FlowersThe Aster familyThe Aster familyFebruary Rred Blossoms-3List of red flowers blooming in February Part-3 Ixora macrothyrsa,Prunus mume 'Sabashikou',Poitea carinalis etc. *Special Feature February Red Blossoms-3>English (language),英语) 特集「2月に咲く赤い花一覧