Feature: August blue flowers

Special Feature: Blue Flowers of August
As of August 23, 2024, there are 44 types of blue flowers blooming in August.
Compared to June and July, when hydrangeas, irises, and Japanese irises bloom, the number has slightly decreased. Since the dominant flower colors vary by month, it would be interesting to compile statistics on this in the future.
Blue Flowers Blooming in August
Some of the blue flowers blooming in August include Globe Thistle, Blue Daze, Japanese Bellflower, Plumbago, Delphinium, Blue Daisy, Morning Glory, Water Lily, Yakushima Gentian, Salvia, Monkshood, African Violet, Borage, Orostachys, Blue Thistle, and Yatsushiro Grass. For more details, please refer to the page below.
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Special Feature: Blue Flowers of August