Chinese peony ポスト Chinese peony , kind of peonyChinese peonyChinese peony or Shakuyaku in Japanese ( Scientific name: Paeonia lactiflora) is a hardy perennial herb of Button family Paeoniaceae native to northern China to northern North Korea. I came to Japan Paeonia lactiflora MyokoPaeonia lactiflora 'Myoko'' (scientific name: Paeonia lactiflora cv. Myoko ) is a horticultural variety of the cold-resistant perennial herb "Paeonia lactiflora" (Shakuyaku, scientific name: Paeonia lP. lactiflora 'Takizawa-aka'P. lactiflora 'Takizawa-aka' (scientific name: Paeonia lactiflora cv. Takizawa-aka ) is a horticultural variety of the cold-resistant perennial herb "Paeonia lactiflora" (Shakuyaku, scientific name: PPaeonia lactiflora 'ShIrotae'P. lactiflora 'ShIrotae'(Scientific name: Paeonia lactiflora cv. Shirotae) is a horticultural variety of the cold-resistant perennial herb "Paeonia lactiflora" (Shakuyaku, scientific name: Paeonia lacPaeonia lactiflora 'Tokimeki'P. lactiflora 'Tokimeki'(Scientific name: Paeonia lactiflora cv. Shirotae) is a horticultural variety of the cold-resistant perennial herb "Paeonia lactiflora" (Shakuyaku, scientific name: Paeonia lac Other FeaturesFeature White FruitWhite Fruit Photo or Clipart List Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits of trees and grasses" (Sorry, this is only available in Japanese). The fruits were collected if eithJanuary Brown FlowersList of January Brown Flowers 'Brown flowers blooming in January' are even fewer in number than 'green flowers blooming in January'. These precious brown flowers include 'orchids' that bloom in greenLlist of 'SANGO(coral tree)Llist of flowers with the Japanese name '珊瑚'(sango, English name: coral) - The list includes Jatropha podagrica('珊瑚'油桐)), Green coral (Euphorbia tirucalli,緑'珊瑚'), Coral bells (Heuchera sanguinea,壺'珊Short video "Illustrations of Plants and Trees from Manyoshu"Short video of illustrations of plants and trees from ManyoshuList of sasanquasWhat is Camellia sasanqua? Camellia sasanqua (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua) is an evergreen, broad-leaved, medium-sized tree in the family Camelliaceae. It is similar to the camellia (scientifLegendary CreaturesPlants with names of legendary creatures in their flower names - dragons, mites, yamata-no-orochi, unicorns, and scarabs.