Special Feature: Flower Names with "Jewels" ポスト Special Feature: Flower Names with "Jewels" Gem Jade vineJade vine 'Strongylodon macrobotrys' is tropical evergreen shrub vine of the Fabaceae Family native of Luson resembles the jade of the jewel in a color. It makes raceme perform descent of bunches moJusticia carneaJusticia carnea , Flamingo plantor or Plume plant (Scientific name: Justicia carnea), is an all-natural shrub of the genus Aquilinaceae, belonging to the Atlantic Forest Zone in eastern Brazil. Tree hNertera granadensisNertera granadensis or Commonly called as Florists' cyclamen , Persian cyclamen (Scientific name: Nartera granadensis) is native to Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia, South America, and Hawaii. It is a semiJerusalem cherryJerusalem cherry , scientific name: Solanum pseudocapsicum, is a non-cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the Solanaceae solanum. The small red spherical fruit which it makes a small white flower bloom, RivinaRivina humilis( scientific name: Rivina humili,) is a semi-vine, shade-tolerant, non-cold-hardy, evergreen shrub of the family Phytolaccaceae, native to tropical America, including Mexico and Brazil. Acer palmatum 'sango-kaku'Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'(Scientific name: Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku') is a cultivar of Japanese maple ( Scientific name: palmatum) which is a deciduous small tree of the family Sapindaceae. The leaSweet viburnumSweet viburnum or Sangoju , coral tree (scientific name: Viburnum odoratissimum) is a cold-resistant evergreen tall tree of the adoxaceae family native to Southeast Asia and Japan. In Japan it is distGreen coraGreen coral (scientific name: Euphorbia tirucalli) is a native of East Africa, a fleshy tropical and tropical tree of Euphorbia of the Euphorbiaceae family. Minimal leaves attached to the tip of the bGaultheria mucronataGaultheria mucronata or prickly heath (Scientific name: Gaultheria mucronata) is native to South America and is a cold-resistant evergreen shrub and alpine plants of the family Ericaceae . In the spri Echium wildpretii"Tower of jewels" Echium wildpretii is a semi-hardy biennial or triennial plant native to the Canary Islands and belonging to the borage family, Boraginaceae. It prefers well-drained, dry environmenGrevillea 'Honey Gem' Grevillea 'Honey Gem' (scientific name: Grevillea banksii × Grevillea pteridifolia) is a species of evergreen shrub native to Australia, in the family Lamiaceae ( It is a cultivar of Grevillea, a semiHidcoteHidcote (Scientific name: Hypericum patulum cv. Hidcote) is a cold-resistant semi-deciduous shrub of Hypericaceae native to China. The leaves are elliptical in shape, all the edges, green and autumn KumquatKumquat or Kinkan (scientific name: Fortunella japonica) is a summer-Evergreen shrub of the genus Sapindus eyes Orange Department of kumquat fruit consisting of flowers after blooming fall the white vPotentilla matsumuraePotentilla matsumurae or Miyama kinbai (scientific name: Potentilla matsumurae) is native to Japan, Kuril and Sakhalin and is an alpine perennial in the family Rosaceae. The rhizome is thick and givesPotentilla megalanthaPotentilla megalantha or Chishima-kinbai(Scientific name: Potentilla fragiformis ssp. Megalantha)is a perennial plant of the family Rosaceae. In the summer, it grows naturally in rocky areas and grassGolden OrchidGolden Orchid or Kin-ran(scientific name: Cephalanthera falcata) is a perennial orchid that belongs to the family Orchidaceae native to Korea, China and Japan. It is a terrestrial wild orchid growing Dasiphora fruticosaDasiphora fruticosa or Kinpeibai (scientific name:Dasiphora fruticosa) is cold resistance deciduous small shrub of the family Rosaceae native to the northern hemisphere. It grows naturally in the rubGolden clackerGolden cracker (scientific name: Euryops virigineus cv. Golden clacker) is a gardening variety, evergreen shrub of the asteraceae family of the euryops genus. It was created from the South African natMeiwa kumquatMeiwa kumquat (scientific name: Fortunella obovata) is a variety of evergreen shrub “Kumquat” that is native to China and belongs to the family Rutaceae, and is also called the Neiha kumquat. Fruits c KumquatKumquat or Kinkan (scientific name: Citrus japonica、Synonyms:Fortunella japonica) is an evergreen shrub native to China and belonging to the family Rutaceae. From the summer to autumn, the white five-Aporocactus flagelliformisAporocactus flagelliformis or Kinpimo (scientific name: Aporocactus flagelliformis) is native to Mexico and is a string-like succulent plant of the cactiaceae disocactus genus (← Apollocactus spp.) ThPilosocereus chrysostelePilosocereus chrysostele, or Ogonchu (scientific Name: Pilosocereus chrysostele) is a shrub of the cactus family Cactaceae native to the northeastern part of Brazil. A type of pillar cactus that branDwarf Japanese yewKinkala (scientific name: Taxus cuspidata var. nana 'Aurescens') is a three leaf looks like gold. It is a garden variety of evergreen shrubs of the yew trees "kyaraboku". Named by three golden leaves.Trollius riederianusReven kinbaisou (scientific name: Trollius ledebourii var. Polysepalus) is a peculiar species of Rebun Island and is a perennial plant of the family Ranunculaceae. It can be seen in Rebuno Island and Marsh-marigoldMarsh-marigold or Ryukinka (scientific name: Caltha palustris var. Nipponica) is a perennial plant of the family Ranunculaceae native to temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. From early springAgrimonia japonicaAgrimony (gold mizuhiki, scientific name: Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica) is a hardy perennial plant of the genus Rosa of Agrimony (perennial). Seen in a summer filled with good sunny fall, the fieldsCalendula officinalisCalendula officinalis (scientific name: Calendula officinalis) is an annual herb in the family Asteraceae, native to southern Europe, including the Canary Islands. It was introduced to Japan via ChinaHypericum patulumHypericum patulum or commonly caeed as Tall St. John's wort (scientific name: Hypericum patulum) is a cold-resistant evergreen shrubs of clusiaceae department. In summer it makes 5 petaled flower witGolden Shower TreeGolden shower tree , scientific name:Cassia fistula , is a tropical semi-evergreen trees of the department Fabaceaenative Cassia genus native to India. Many racemes with fragrant yellow flowers bloom. French marigoldFrench marigold (Scientific name: Tagetes patula) is native to Mexico and is an evergreen annual grass of the Asteraceae family. Along with African marigold (Scientific name: Tagetes erecta), it is onSilver osmanthusSilver osmanthus or ginmokusei (scientific name: Osmanthus fragrans var. fragrans) is a small evergreen broad-leafed tree of the genus Osmanthus of the family Oleaceae that originates from China. In JGold osmanthusIn Japan, representatives of fragrant flowers are Spring Daphne(scientific name:Daphne odora), summer Gardenia (scientific name: Gardenia jasminoides), and Autumn Osmanthus aurantiacus (Kinmokusei, scHypericum calycinumHypericum calycinum (Hypericum calycinum) is a small, cold-resistant evergreen shrub. It produces flowers in early summer that resemble those of the Hypericum patulum or commonly caeed as Tall St. JohSnapdragon 'Parisienne'Snapdragon 'Parisienne' (scientific name: Antirrhium majus cv. Parisienne) is a highbred variety bred in France of the cold-tolerant perennial (treated as an annual) "Snapdragon" of the genus Antirrhigolden barrel cactusKinshachi (money killer whale and scientific name:Echinocactus grusonii) is native to Mexico and is a Department of tamasaboten genus of cacti. Size and shape are the King of ball cactus. Mature plantChinese yellow bananaChinese yellow banana(scientific name: Ensete lasiocarpum) is native to Yunnan Province, China and is a cold-resistant perennial in the family Musaceae. The golden bracts look like flowers of lotus. BRanunculus 'salmon's white'Ranunculus 'salmon's white'(Ranunculus ficaria cv. salmon's white) is a garden variety of Himedate Kinka. General name: Ranunculus 'salmon's white', scientific name: Ranunculus ficaria cv. salmon'sKinmei mosoKinmei moso (scientific name: Phyllostachys pubescens f. bicolor) is a mutant species of the "Moso bamboo" (Phyllostachys heterocycla f. pubescens) which is a very large, evergreen bamboo. The neck iGolden spanish daggerGolden spanish dagger(scientific name: Yucca aloifolia cv marginata) Common name: Golden spanish dagger(scientific name: Yucca aloifolia cv marginata, aka: Ranunculus CoppernobRanunculus Coppernob (scientific name: Ranunculus ficaria cv. Coppernob) is the horticultural species and is a naturalized plant of European origin, the gardening of the perennial Pleurotus lucidum (sLilyLilium bosniacum|National Flower of Bosnia and HerzegovinaLilium-bosniacum or commonly called the Bosnian Golden Lily (scientific name: Lilium bosniacum) is a perennial herbaceous bulb plant in the lily family, Liliaceae, native to Bosnia and Herzegovina. ItLudwigia stipulaceaLudwigia stipulacea or Mizu-kinbai (scientific name: Ludwigia stipulacea) is native to Japan, Taiwan and China and is a crawling perennial of the family Onagraceae It grows naturally in the watersideScutellaria baicalensisScutellaria baicalensis, Baikal skullcap or Chinese skullcap (scientific name: Scutellaria baicalensis) is a perennial herb of the genus Scutellaria Lamiaceae, native to Russia, Mongolia, China and thGolden chainGolden chain (scientific name: Laburnum anagyroides) is native to central and southern Europe and is a deciduous cold tolerance middle shrub of the family Fabaceae. In May, bright yellow or pink floreGoldcrestGoldCrest (Scientific name: Cupressus macrocarpa 'Gold Crest') is a cultivar of the evergreen needle-leaved tall trees which is "Monterey cypress" of the family Cypressae native to California Coast inGalphimia gracilisGalphimia glauca is a small non-cold-resistant evergreen shrub in the family Malpighiaceae native toCentral America. In late spring to autumn, the raceme is extended to produce many small yellow five-Chloranthus spicatusChloranthus spicatus is an evergreen shrub of the chloranthaceae department , of theChloranthus genus native to China. Origin of the flower name depends on that was used to make flavored tea. ChlorantRanunculus ficariaRanunculus ficaria is perennial plant of the family Ranunculaceae , of the Ranunculus native to Europe. It is the flower is said to springefemeral, flowers to bloom in the spring, at the top will withNarthecium asiaticumYellow flowers bloomed by the sidewalk of the grasses among day lilies when trekking the wetlands of low mountain ~ sub-alpine like Oze. Narthecium asiaticum , Bog asphodel or Kinkoka (Gold yellow f Senecio scandensSenecio scandens or taikingiku (Senecio scandens) is a perennial vine native to Japan,Taiwan, China, the Himalayas, Thailand, Bhutan, India, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Nepal. It grows wild on cliffTagetes erectaAfrican marigold (scientific name: Tagetes erecta) is native to Mexico, and is a drought-resistant evergreen one-year-old grass of the Asteraceae family. Along with French marigold, it is one of the rRanunculas ' Gold coin'Ranunculus-gold coins , scientific name: Ranunculus repens cv. Gold coin, is a hardy creeping perennial of the Buttercup Ranunculus native to Central Asia, It is a horticultural varieties of RanunculuSweet violet 'Kogane'Sweet violet 'Kogane' (scientific name:Viola odorata) is a yellow variety of leaves of perennials of the violet family, the Sweet violet (scientific name: Viola odorata) . Common name: Sweet violeAcer platanoidesAcer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' (Scientific name: Acer platanoides cv. Princeton Gold) is one of the horticultural varieties of Norway maple (Scientific name: Acer platanoides) ,which is a deciduousGolden lilyGolden lily or golden oni yuri(Scientific name: Lilium lancifolium var. flaviflorum) is a large bulbous plant native to Japan (endemic to Tsushima) and belongs to the family Liliaceae. It is a variantRanunculus repensCreeping buttercup , Scientific name:Ranunculus repens) is perennial grass of the department Ranunculaceae Ranunculus genus native to wetlands of the northern hemisphere. It inhabits fields and the dForsythia 'Gold Leaf'Forsythia 'Gold Leaf' (Forsythia ×intermedia 'Gold Leaf') is a garden variety of the 'Forsythia which is a cold-tolerant deciduous shrub in the family Oleaceae native to China. The leaves are a gorgeoCrotalaria assamicaCrotalaria assamica (Crotalaria assamica) is an annual plant of the family Fabaceae, native to eastern India. The plant is about 150 cm tall. The stems are erect and have many branches. The leaves areKokinbaizasaKokinbaizasa (scientific name:Hypoxis aurea Lour.) is a perennial grass of the hypoxidaceae family native to China and Japan . Leaves linear-no!! The inflorescence stem in spring, extends from the top Coreopsis lanceolataCoreopsis lanceolata, commomly called , Lance-leaved coreopsis, is a perennial plant with yellow flowers native to North America resembling Yellow cosmos. In the invasive alien species of the genus CoCalanthe nipponicaCalanthe nipponica or Kinseiran (scientific name: Calanthe nipponica) is one of the original early summer-blooming species of the perennial herb Ebine (scientific name: Calanthe discolor), which beloSeiko kinpa (florists’ daisy)Forists’ daisy 'Seiko kinpa' (Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. Seiko kinpa) Kanmono(tubular), flower color: yellow.Garden nasturtiumGarden nasturtium (scientific name: Tropaeolum majus) is a non-hardy vine perennial of family Tropaeolaceae native to South America. Yellow flowers bloom for a long period from spring to autumn. TherTulipa cv. Ballade GoldTulipa cv. Ballade Gold (Scientific name: Tulipa cv. Ballade Gold) is a horticultural variety of the family Liliaceae. It is a single, lily-typed and middle time blooming. The yellow flowers come in Spaghetti squashSpaghetti Squash, scientific name:Cucurbita pepo, is a hardy annual vine and vegetable of the Cucurbita genus ,of the Cucurbitaceae Department in the American continent of origin. Deemed to be the orTulip Pink CameoTulip Pink Cameo (Scientific name: Tulipa cv. Pink Cameo) is a garden cultivar of "Tulip" of the family Liliaceae. It is a garden cultivar of the Netherlands, with short stems, double, early bloom, daNierembergia repensNierembergia repens (scientific name: Nierembergia repens) is a small, cold-resistant, creeping perennial herb (lodging plant) of the genus Nierembergia (Solanaceae), native to Argentina and Chile. ItHydrangea bifidaHydrangea bifida or ginbaisou (scientific name: Hydrangea bifida) is a perennial herb of the family Hydrangeaceae, native to Japan. It grows in clusters on cool, moist slopes along streams in the shadCamellia sasanqua 'Shichihouden'Camellia sasanqua 'Shichihouden' (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua 'Shichihouden') is a garden variety of Camellia sasanqua, an evergreen broad-leaved medium shrub in the family Theaceae. Sasanqua-g Dossinia marmorataDossinia marmorata (scientific name: Dossinia marmorata), endemic to Borneo, is a perennial herb in the genus Dossinia of the orchid family. This single flower is a hypersexual species of one genus, DGoodyera pusillaGoodyera pusilla (scientific name: Goodyera pusilla) is a semi-cold hardy herb native to Northeast Asia (Malaysia, Java, Borneo Sumatra, New Guinea, etc.), belonging to the genus Goodyera in the orchiLudisia discolorLudisia discolor (scientific name: Ludisia discolor) is an evergreen perennial, small, terrestrial orchid native to southern China, northern Thailand, and Vietnam in the genus Ludisia of the orchid fa Other FeaturesSpiraeaThe scientific name of the genus "Spiraea" means "spiral" in Latin. The spiral is related to the spiral shape of the leaves on the branches, which are arranged in a spiral so that they do not overlap.Feature: August purpleflowersFeature: August purpleflowers Purple Flowers Blooming in August There are a total of 262 species of purple flowers that bloom in August (as of August 28, 2024). According to the color-based statisHypericumHypericum-Hypericum patulum, Great St. Johnswort, Hidcote, Hypericum monogynum, Hypericum erectum, Chinense St.John's wort, Hypericum tosaense, Hypericum androsaemum 'Mystic Flare'Botanic Garden of Toyama Flowers at Botanic Garden of Toyama Plants in bloom in the greenhouse on April 30, 2023. There are the Pachypodium brevicaule), Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Rafflesia arnoldii, Sida fallax,Cool flowerCool flowerInsectivorous Plants ListInsectivorous Plants List Insectivorous plants are plants that capture insects and produce digestive juices that dissolve the insects and grow as nutrients. They include the following Nepenthes ra