
The representative wild species, varieties, and relatives of the genus Dianthus include the following:
Types of Dianthus
Ezo-Kawaranadeshiko (Dianthus superbus var. superbus) – A variety of Kawaranadeshiko.
Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus).
Kawaranadeshiko (Dianthus superbus "longicalycinus") – Features deeply cut petal tips. One of the "Seven Flowers of Autumn" mentioned in the Manyoshu.
Sekichiku (Dianthus chinensis) – Features numerous fine cuts at the petal tips. Native to China.
Takane-Nadeshiko (Dianthus superbus "speciosus").
Tatsuta-Nadeshiko (Dianthus plumarius) – Features a "snake's eye" pattern, silver-white leaves. Native to Europe.
Temarisou (Dianthus barbatus 'Green Trick'), and others.
Related pages
Special features:Dianthus