Dianthus ポスト DianthusDianthus speciosus Dianthus speciosus or Takane Nadeshko (scientific name:Dianthus superbus var. speciosus) is native German and is a cold-resistant evergreen perennial of the family Caryophyllaceae. In Japan, from HokGreen TrickGreen Trick, scientific name: Dianthus barbatus 'Green Trick'', is a horticultural varieties of hardy perennials of the family Caryophyllaceae Dianthus barbatus}. Petals, feminions, stamens and buds DianthusDianthus or Nadeshiko (scientific name: Dianthus hybrids) is a cold-resistant evergreen perennials of the family Caryophyllaceae. It is a flower planted in the garden in Japan. Flower color is variousDianthus barbaltusDianthus barbaltus (Bijo nadeshiko, Scientific name: Dianthus barbaltus) is a Eurasian continent native and a cold tolerant perennial plant of the family Caryophyllaceae. It is a familiar flower that CarnationCarnation (Scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus) is a cold-resistant perennial grass and gardening kind of the family Caryophyllaceae. It is a garden cultivar breeded by mating breed and daianthus eDianthus plumariusDianthus plumarius, Tatsuta Nadesico or Garden pink (Scientific name: Dianthus plumarius) is a native of Europe to Siberia, a kind of evergreen perennial "Dianthus = Nadeshiko" of the family CaryophylCarnation "Monndust lylac blue"Carnation 'Moondust lylac blue'(scientific name:Dianthus caryophyllus cv' Moondust lylac blue) is the kind that makes the lilac blue-colored flowers makes bloom in the carnation of the spray type thaCarnation 'Moon dust deep blue'Carnation 'Moon dust deep blue' standard type(scientific name:Dianthus caryophyllus "Monndust deepblue") is the kind that the deep blue makes bloom in the carnation of the standard type that Suntory Carnation 'Moon dust lyaic blue'Carnation 'Monndust lylac blue' (scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus cv lylac blue) is a standard type of carnation bred by genetically modified by Suntory Corporation and has lilac blue flowers. M Dianthus alpinusDianthus alpinus or called as Alpine pink (Scientific name: Dianthus alpinus) is a alpine and subalpine native of the European Alps and is a cold-resistant perennial plant of the family Nadesicoea. ThCarthusian pinkCarthusian pink(Scientific name: Dianthus carthusianorum) is a perennial plant of the family Caryophyllaceae native to the (sub) high mountains such as the Swiss Alps and the Pyrenees. It is also knowSpray CarnationSpray Carnation (Scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus 'Spray type') is one of the horticultural varieties of the carnation (Carnation, Scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus), a cold-tolerant perennDianthusDianthus or Nadeshiko (scientific name: Dianthus hybrids) is a cold-resistant evergreen perennials of the family Caryophyllaceae. It is a flower planted in the garden in Japan. Flower color is variousDianthus barbaltusNadeshiko 'Hana hana' (Scientific name: Dianthus barbaltus "Hana-hana") is a super-fertile, seasonal flowering gardening variety of Dianthus barbatus (Bijonadeshiko, scientific name: Dianthus barbDianthus japonicusDianthus japonicus or Hama nadeshiko (Scientific name: Dianthus japonicus) is a perennial plant in the family Caryophyllaceae native to Japan and China. It grows naturally in the sandy soil along the Dianthus superbusDianthus superbus (scientific name: Dianthus superbus var. superbus) is a cold-resistant evergreen perennia of the family Caryophyllaceae. It makes bloom of pink 5 valve in the steppes North of the sDianthus chinensisDianthus chinensis or Sekichiku(scientific name: Dianthus chinensis) is a cold-resistant evergreen perennial herb of the family Caryophyllaceae from China. It is also known as rainbow pink and China pDianthus longicalycinusDianthus superbus ”longicalycinus” is a hardy evergreen perennials of the Caryophyllaceae department Dianthus genus native to Japan. It is a variant of the ezokawaranadeshko. In the low mountains sun Other FeaturesYa FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "ya". Even if the name doesn't start with "ya", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "ya". Please check the flowerApril-pink-flowersList of Pink Flowers Blooming in April The list of pink flowers blooming in April has 288 species listed as of April 1, 2024. Examples of the listings include cherry blossoms Hepatica nobilis, Fig MaLegendary CreaturesPlants with names of legendary creatures in their flower names - dragons, mites, yamata-no-orochi, unicorns, and scarabs.イ's flowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "イ". Even if the name doesn't start with "イ", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "イ". Please check the flower caJanuary Brown FlowersList of January Brown Flowers 'Brown flowers blooming in January' are even fewer in number than 'green flowers blooming in January'. These precious brown flowers include 'orchids' that bloom in greenThe seven flowers of autumn in JapanAs for the seven flowers of autumn, the seven kinds that Okura Yamanoueno wrote in a tanka of Manyoshu tanka collection from the flower which bloomed in autumn were chosen. Japanese pampas grass, pere