Indian Flowers ポスト Indian FlowersCucumis makuwaCucumis makuwa, commonly called as Oriental Melon, or Makuwa-uri (Scientific name: Cucumis melo var. Makuwa) is an Indian vine varieties of the family Cucurbitaceae native to India. It came to Japan fChiloschistaChiloschista or Chiloschista (scientific name: Chiloschista) is a leafless epiphytic orchid of the family Orchidaceae, native to Vietnam, India, Thailand and Australia. Nourishing photosynthesis with Curcuma aromaticaCurcuma aromatica (scientific name: Curcuma aromatica) is a perennial herb native to India and belongs to the genus Curcuma in the family Zingiberaceae. It is named after the flowering turmeric that bKopsia fruticosaKopsia fruticosa or Pink kopsia (scientific name: Kopsia fruticosa) is an evergreen shrubs in the family Apocynaceae, native to India, Myanmar and the Malay Peninsula. The throat of the flowers is darCottonCotton 'Gossypium arboreum' or tree cotton is an annual plant of the department Malvaceae Gossypium genus native of Ind. The cotton wool which split open like popcorn white is fun. As for the color ofArgyreia nervosaArgyreia nervosa (Argyreia nervosa) is a vining evergreen perennial herb or subshrub native to India and Bangladesh. As a naturalized plant, it has been introduced into many countries. It is also knowKonjacElephant foot,scientific name:Amorphophallus konjac, is a perennial herb of theDepartment Araceae Amorphophallus genus native to India. Spadix surrounded by Purple black who bracts in 5 or 6 years, blBarringtonia asiaticaBarringtonia asiatica or Goobannoashi (Scientific Name: Barringtonia asiatica) is an evergreen middle tall tree of the family Lecythidaceae originating from Japan , or the Indian and Malay Peninsula iAmaranthus caudatusAmaranthus caudatus or Love Lies Bleeding (scientific name: Amaranthus caudatus) is a large-scale annual grass of non-cold-resistant of the family Amaranthus, which is native to India, Tropical Americ Antiaris toxicariaAntiaris txicaria, commony called upas,,tajam , ipoh , upas tree , Malay upas , is an evergreen tree of the Moraceae department Antiaris genus distribution from Eastern India, Malaysia and other SouthTurmeric Turmeric, scientific name:Curcuma longa, is a perennial plant of the Curcuma genus of the Zingiberaceae department native to India. Speaking of turmeric, mostly autumn turmeric that intersect. In theRed cucumberRed cucumber (scientific name:Cucumis sativus) is heat resistance and climbing annual grass of the family Cucurbitaceae native to India. It was transmitted in Okinawa from China to Japan.It is old andSandalwoodSandalwood , scientific name:Santalum album , is native to India, and is a tropical semiparasitic evergreen tree of the department Santalaceae , of the Santalum genus. Independently during the germinSarcandra glabraSarcandra glabra (scientific name: Sarcandra glabra) is native to India, Malaysia, and Japan and is an evergreen small shrub belonging to the genus Senryo. The leaves are shiny, thin, cortical and havAlocasiaAlocasia odora , giant upright elephant ear, Asian taro or night-scented lily, (scientific name: Alocasia odora) is native to India, the Philippines and Taiwan, and is an evergreen perennial plant belKenafKenaf (scientific name:Hibiscus cannabinus), is native to Africa and India and is an annual grass in the family malvaceae . In forest protection and conservation of the environment are in the spotlighErythrina variegataErythrina variegata or Deigo (scientific name: Erythrina variegata) is native Indian and is semi-cold resistant deciduous broad-leaved trees of the family Fabaceae. Before the spring leaves, extend tGarcinia xanthochymusGarcinia xanthochymus is an evergreen tree in the family Clusiaceae, native to India and Himalayan West. It is a member of the mangosteen . It is in the same group as the mangosteen and Garcinia subelCelosiaCelosia(scientific name:Celosia argentea), is annual grass of the amaranthaceae family native to India. It is said the thing which became the wild grassl of the cockscomb and the gardening kind. Beca LimeLime,scientific name : Citrus aurantifolia , is a non-cold-resistant evergreen shrubs of the genus Citrus, Department of Rutaceae native to India. Blue is similar to lemon Peel and pulp. The scent Abutilon theophrastiAbutilon theophrasti, Indian mallow or Ichibi (scientific name: Abutilon theophrasti) is an annual or shrubby herb in the family Malvaceae, native to India. It is a naturalized plant that grows wild iWinter melonWinter melon, scientific name:Benincasa hispida, is an annual vines grass and vegetables of the Benincasa genus ,of the Cucurbitaceae Department native to India and Java Island. Countless blooms yellRice plantRice plant , scientific name:Oryza sativa, is a tropical annual grass of the department Poaceae Oryza genus native to South Asia such as India, China, and Oceania . Is a Japanese rice. Plant is calleJapanese cleyeraJapanese cleyerai, scientific name:Cleyera japonica, in China, Taiwan, Myanmar, Nepal, India, native to Japan and is a moccoc of sacaki genus of evergreen trees. In Japan's Shinto branches with leaveShorea robustaSal (SAL trees, scientific name:Shorea robusta) is a deciduous treeo f the department Dipterocarpaceae Shorea genus native to India. Reportedly is one of the 3 sacred tree of Buddhism, Shakyamuni was CucumberCucumber (scientific name:Cucumis sativus L.) is vegetables of the non-hardy non-heat resistance climbing nature annual plant of the gourd family cucumber genus. It makes five yellow valves flower bloArdisia crenataCoral bush, coralberry, coral ardisia or manryo, ( scientific name: Ardisia crenata), is cold-resistant evergreen small shrub of the geneus Ardisia native to China, Korea, India and Japan. Leaves areOrthosiphon aristatusOrthosiphon aristatus, catswhisker or Neko-no-hige (scientific name: Orthosiphon aristatus) is an evergreen perennial herb of the Lamiaceae family. Stems are erect,and has 4 lip-shaped petals and longWhite bat flowerWhite bat flower , scientific name:Tacca integrifolia , is a bulbous plants of the Department Taccaceae , Tacca genus native to India. Species of tacca, bracts are white. Referred to in the scientifi Ardisia japonicaOne of the auspicious New Year decorations. Its Japanese name, "Hyakuryō," is derived from the Chinese name "Bai Liang Jin" (百两金). Hyakuryō (百両, scientific name: Ardisia crispa) is a cold-hardy, everBlack pepper Black pepper or Piper nigrum (scientific name: Piper nigrum) is a vineous perennial and its fruit in the family Piperaceae, native to India. It is a black pepper made by drying the unripe fruits withPapaver somniferumPapaver somniferum or Opium poppy (Scientific name: Papaver somniferum) is a biennial herb of the poppy family, native to Asia Minor, India, Iran and Armenia. It is the so-called opium poppy and contaToxicodendron vernicifluumToxicodendron vernicifluum or Lacquer tree, scientific name: Toxicodendron vernicifluum, is a deciduous tree in the family Anacardiaceae, native to China and India. It is found from Hokkaido to KyushuBlack bat flowerBlack bat flower , scientific name:Tacca chantrieri , is a bulbous plants of the Department Taccaceae , Tacca genus native to India. Species of tacca, bracts are dark purple. Referred to in the scienJob's tearsJob's tears (scientific name: Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen) is a grain originating from China and native to the Indochina Peninsula and belonging to the family Poaceae. Name: Job's tears, ScientiVetiverVetiver , scientific name:Chrysopogon zizanioides, is a perennial herb in the genus Chrysopogon, Department of Poaceae native to India.Rhizomes strong fragrance and essential oils used in perfumery. Saccharum officinarumSaccharum officinarum or Sugarcane(scientific name: Saccharum officinarum) is native to the Ganges River Basin of India and is a plant of the genus Sugarcane. Subtropical region - It is cultivated in LemonCitron (scientific name: Citrus medica) is an evergreen shrub native to India, belonging to the family Rutaceae. The fruit is larger and stouter than lemons (scientific name: Citrus limon). The brNeemNeem or Azadirachta indica ( scientific name: Azadirachta indica) is a species of broad-leaved tree of the genus Azadirachta in the family Meliaceae, native to India, Pakistan and Myanmar. It is also Senna surattensisSenna surattensis , moku senna (scientific name: Senna surattensis) is native to tropical Asia such as India, Thailand, Laos, and is a semi-cold tolerant evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Senna. Buddha's handBuddha's hand (scientific name: Citrus medica var. Sarcodactylis) is an evergreen broad leaf shrub that is the native of China to India, where the citrus fruits of the family Rutaceae are. The fruit pRoyal jasmineRoyal jasmine (scientific name: Jasmimum nobile) is a semi cold-resistant vulnerable evergreen shrub of the Oleaceae family native to India, Thailand and China. The vine length will be 2 to 3 m. The Sapindus mukorossiSapindus mukorossi ,Chinese soapberry, soap nut tree, or Mukuroji (scientific name: Sapindus mukorossi) is a deciduous broadleaf tree in the family Sapindaceae, native to Japan, Taiwan, China, India aClerodendrum Clerodendrum japonicum, Scientific name: Clerodendrum japonicum, is a native of China and India, and is an evergreen broad-leaved small shrub in the family Lamiaceae. Similar to < i> Kiri (桐Strobilanthes cusiaStrobilanthes cusia, Assam indigo or Ryukyu Ai (scientific name: Strobilanthes cusia) is an evergreen shrub belonging to the family Acanthaceae, native to Japan, Taiwan, China, India, and the IndochinTelegraph plantTelegraph plant (scientific name: Codariocalyx motorius) is a small evergreen tree of the Fabaceae family Codariocalyx genus native to India and the Philippines. its tridentate compound leaves have aCalotropis giganteaCalotropis gigantea, crown plant, Akund Calotrope, Bowstring Hemp (scientific name: Calotropis gigantea) is an evergreen shrub of the family Apocynaceae, native to India and Southeast Asia. It is callGmelina hystrixGmelina hystrix, Parrot's Beak, Hedgehog bush or Snapdragon tree (Gmelina hystrix) is a tropical evergreen shrub of the genus Gmelina in the family Verbenaceae, native to India, the Philippines and ThStrobilanthes gossypinusStrobilanthes gossypinus or Persian Shield (scientific name: Strobilanthes gossypinus), native to India and Sri Lanka, is a small tropical shrub in the family Acanthaceae. It has white hairs on the l Alpinia zerumbetAlpinia zerumbet or Shell Ginger ( scientific name: Alpinia zerumbet) is an evergreen perennial herb of the ginger family Zingiberaceae, native to India and Southeast Asia. It is also called Getto, AlFicus elasticaFicus elastica or rubber tree(scientific name: Ficus elastica) is a non-hardy evergreen broad-leaved tree of the genus Ficus in the mulberry family, native to tropical Asia, including India, Sumatra aThunia albaThunia alba (scientific name: Thunia alba) is a deciduous perennial plant of the genus Thunia in the family Orchidaceae, native to China, Thailand and India. It is a deciduous perennial orchid that grBitter orange Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) is a medicinal plants native to India having fruit color from generation to generation in the winter, Cubs (Kabusu) and early summer bloom white flowers of Evergreen sNatsudaidai orangeNatsudaidai orange or ponkan (scientific name: Citrus reticulata var poonensis) is an evergreen shrub and fruit tree native to India. It is a species of evergreen shrub and fruit tree in the mandarin Diplazium esculentumVegetable Fern, Diplazium esculentum (scientific name: Diplazium esculentum) is a perennial evergreen fern from India to South Polynesia and belongs to the family Woodsiaceae. In Japan, it grows in wePapaver somniferumPapaver somniferum or Opium poppy (Scientific name: Papaver somniferum) is a biennial herb of the poppy family, native to Asia Minor, India, Iran and Armenia. It is the so-called opium poppy and contZingiber zerumbetZingiber zerumbet, Wild ginger or Shampoo ginger (Scientific name: Zingiber zerumbet) is a perennial herb of the ginger family,Zingiberaceae, native to India and the Malay Peninsula. It grows wild on Rose balsamRose balsam (scientific name: Impatiens balsamina) is native to India, the Malay Peninsula, and China. With a flower that blooms in summer, the stem is straightened. The flowers are basically single rSarcandra FlavaSarcandra Flava or Kimino Senryo(Scientific name: Sarcandra glabra f. Flava) is a varieties that puts different fruits of the evergreen small shrub of the genus Senchiaceae, Sengyo family (Sengwha, sc Crinum latifoliumCrinum latifolium (scientific name: Crinum latifolium) is an evergreen perennial of amaryllidaceae (plant bulbs) nd genus Crinum native to India. It produces many lily-like flowers on the tips of flosacred figSacred fig, scientific name:Ficus religiosa, is a non-cold-resistant evergreen tree of the mulberry trees of Ficus is the national flower of India and in the Himalayas, China, native to Indo-China. ItRanunculus silerifoliusRanunculus silerifolius (scientific name: Ranunculus silerifolius) is native to East Asia such as Japan, Korea, China, India, Indonesia and Bhutan, and is a wild perennial inf the family RanunculaceaeMusk melonMusk melon says that the Earl and the strains of melon varieties. Earls of melon (musk that is in France) mask of such named because there is a strong fragrance. Earl's favorite, scientific name:CucuIxora coccineaIxora Coccinea (scientific name: Ixora coccinea) is a tropical evergreen shrub of Santonca genus of the Rubiaceae family in Indian origin. In Japanese name it is safflower suntanka (safflower mountainBauhiniaBauhinia variegata is a tropical deciduous bush and tree of the department Fabaceae Bauhinia genus native to India. Orchid flowers bloom. Winter, in cymes slender petals, pale pink-purple (rarely whitEggplant 'Mizunasu'Eggplant 'Mizunasu'(scientific name:Solanum melongena ' Mizunasu'), is one of breed of eggplant which is non-cold-resistant grass native to India . It is a vegetable commonly eaten at home. The ediblCamphor treeCamphor tree, scientific name:Cinnamomum camphora, native to India, East Asia or Japan and is a half-hardy evergreen tree of the cinnamomum genus , of the Lauraceae department. In may, small yellow-grNeriumNerium , scientific name: Nerium oleander, is a non-cold-resistant evergreen small trees of the department Apocynaceae of Nerium genus native to India. A number of small flower is fragrant flowers latGolden Shower TreeGolden shower tree , scientific name:Cassia fistula , is a tropical semi-evergreen trees of the department Fabaceaenative Cassia genus native to India. Many racemes with fragrant yellow flowers bloom. Ming araliaTaiwan Momiji , scientific name:Polyscias fruticosa , is evergreen shrubs of the Department Araliaceae , of Polyscias genus native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. from spring to summer,Bantams ylang-ylangBantams-cananga odorata , scientific name: Cananga odorata var. fruticosa, is a tropical evergreen shrub of the Cananga genus of Annonaceae genus native to Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and India'Loropetalum Loropetalum or Tokiwamansaku (Scientific name: Loropetalum chinense) is native to Japan, China and India, and is a cold-resistant evergreen medium to high tree of the family Hamamelidaceae. In springKaloKalo (scientific name:Colocasia esculenta) is the staple food of native Hawaiian taro Department of taro genus Evergreen perennial. Caro is also called taro (taro) and dasheen (taro potato). Must be hMung beanMung bean or Ryokutou (scientific name: Vigna radiata) is an annual herbaceous plant in the family Fabaceae native to India. It is the seed of the Yaenari (double seed, scientific name: Vigna radiataEranthemum pulchellumEranthemum pulchellum , Blue eranthemum or Rurihanagasa (scientific name: Eranthemum pulchellum) is an evergreen small shrub native to India and belonging to the family Acanthaceae. From midwinter to EggplantEggplant (scientific name:Solanum melongena) is non-cold-resistant annual vegetable native to India in Solanaceae family. It is eaten at home such as tomato or cucumber, etc. Many large and small leavOriental pickling melonOriental pickling melon or shiro-uri (scientific name: Cucumis melo var. conomon) is a vining annual vegetable of the cucumber family Cucurbitaceae, native to China and India. It produces yellow flowTrichosanthessnake gourd(scientific name: Trichosanthes cucumerina is an annual vine vegetable plant of the trichosanthes , of the family cucurbitaceae native to Ind. From late summer to early autumn evening to eCorchorus olitoriusCorchorus olitorius or Moroheiya (Nalta jute, mulukhiya, scientific name: Corchorus olitorius) is an annual grass that becomes a vegetable of leafy vegetables of the family Malvaceae native Egypt to I Ashoka treeAshoka tree (scientific name : Saraca asoca, Synonyms : Saraca indica) is a non-cold-tolerant small evergreen tree in the family Fabaceae native to India. It is considered one of the three major sacreNelumbo nuciferaLotus, scientific name:Nelumbo nucifera, is a hardy deciduous perennial aquatic plantsvof the department Nelumbonaceae Nelumbo genus native to India,. Grown in paddy fields of the world's tropical andFicus variegataFicus variegata or Common Red Stem fig (scientific name: Ficus variegata) is native to India, southern China, Indonesia and Malaysia and is a deciduous trees of the family Moraceae. It inhabits the huThunbergia mysorensisTsunbergia mysorensis (scientific name: Thunbergia mysorensis) is is native to India, and is a vined evergreen perennial plant of the family Acanthaceae. From spring to autumn, petal flowers are droppPortulaca grandifloraPortulaca Giganthes or Hana-suberi-hiyu (scientific name: Portulaca oleracea cv. Giganthes) is native to Ind, it is a crawl non-cold-resistant perennial grass of the family Soberillaceaceae. It is a cPolygonum filiformePolygonum filiforme is a perennial herbs of the polygonum department of polygonum genus native to India. Thin straight to Spike (raceme) on rice-grain florets (actually calyx) to open. In a relativelCymbidiumCymbidium (scientific name: Cymbidium sp.) is native to Southeast Asia such as Nepal, India, Thailand, East Asia such as China. It is an evergreen perennial of the family Orchidaceae. Japanese cymbidwindmill palmWindmill palm, scientific name:Trachycarup fortunei , is native to India, Myanmar, Japan and China, is a palm of Trachycarpus genus of evergreen hardy trees. Marshal the large cylindrical stem Crown, Pandanus furcatusPandanus, scientific name:Pandanus furcatus, is a tropical evergreen shrub of the Pandanus genus , Pandanaceae department native to the forest of Ind etc. It makes a ramification in bifurcation on theGnaphalium affineGnaphalium affine (scientific name:Gnaphalium affine) is a perennial Asteraceae of gnaphalium affine genus of grasses. Leaf has a rosette of basal leaves like dandelion. Spring-in Woods and fields dur Aucuba himalaicaHimalayan himalaica (Scientific name: Aucuba himalaica) is an evergreen small and tall tree of the family Garryaceae of the Garryaceae genus native to India, Myanmar and China . Common name: HimalaMangoMango (scientific name: Mangifera indica) is native to the Indochinese Peninsula and is a fruit tree of a tropical evergreen tall tree of the Anacardiaceae family. The trunk branches well and the tree Other FeaturesTypes of alpine plantsTypes of alpine plants Alstroemeria,Alpine Aster ,Northern fairy candelabra,Bistorta japonica,Edelweiss,Marsh tea,Leontopodium discolor,Therorhodion camtschaticum,Thalictrum intermedium,Narthecium Feature: Flower Names with "Vehicles"Feature: Flower Names with "Vehicles" We have collected flowers whose names are associated with vehicles such as airplanes, four-wheelers, two-wheelers, and their parts. Vehicles include KLM aircrFeature: August pink flowersLovely Pink Flowers When it comes to charming flowers, pink ones are always popular. Here, we've gathered pink flowers that bloom in August. There are a total of 336 species (as of August 18, 2024), Aquatic plants and aquatic plantsAquatic plants and aquatic plants There are Salvinia molesta,Nymphoides peltata,Hippuris vulgaris,Oryza sativa,Pistia stratiotes,Rhynchospora,Nuphar subintegerrimum,Hydrocleys nymphoides,Echinodorus ptypes-of-daffodils-narcissusWhat is Narcissus? Narcissus (scientific name: Narcissus) is a cold-resistant bulb native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean. It produces trumpet-shaped, downward-facing flowers from winter toHa FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "ha". Even if the name doesn't start with "ha", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "ha". Please check the flower