Special Feature: Flower Names with "Food" ポスト Special Feature: Flower Names with "Food"BreadfruitBreadfruit (Scientific name: Artcarpus altilis) is native to Polynesia and is a tropical evergreen tall tree of the family Moraceae. The fruits contain carbohydrates and are the staple food in the PacIlex Rotunda Ilex Rotunda is an evergreen tree of the family aquifoliaceae native to Japan and China. Autumn red spherical fruits on the branches weighed down; The bark is white and smooth.Leaves similar to CamellPolycarpaPolycarpa or iigiri (Scientific name Idesia polycarpa) is a deciduous tree in the family Salixceae, native to Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. Japanese name "Iigiri" comes from the fact that it was usePhotinia serratifoliaPhotinia serratifolia or as known as Taiwanese photinia, Chinese photinia, or Oh-Kanamemochi (scientific name: Photinia serratifolia) is native to China and Taiwan. It grows naturally at an altitude oPhotinia glabraPhotinia glabra , Japanese photinia or Kaname-mochi (Scientific name, Photinia glabra) is an evergreen broad-leaved shrub belonging to Rosaceae, a family of the Rosaceae family, native to China and Jasausage treesausage tree, Kigelia africana is originally from Ethiopia, and a flower stalk is a climbing fallen leaves shrub of the Bignoniaceae family. It draws out raceme and makes orange trumpet-formed flowerYukimochisouYukimochisou (scientific name: Arisaema sikokianum) is a perennial plant of the family Araceae native to Part of Honshu (Mie Prefecture, Nara Prefecture) and Shikoku in Japan. It glows in wet forest fSuruga manyoSuruga manyou (scientific name: Rhododendron macrosepalum cv. Surugamanyo) is a horticultural variety, a classic horticultural azalea that has been around since the Edo period. Suruga Manyo' is sometiHanagurumaHanaguruma (scientific name: 学名:Rhododendron macrosepalum cv. Hanaguruma) is a horticultural variety of the semi-deciduous shrub "Macrosepalum ( scientific name: Rhododendron macrosepalum)" in the Eri MacrosepalumMacrosepalum is a Japanese unique species and is a (semi) deciduous leaf shrub of the azalea family. It lives in the hills of Okayama and Shikoku from south Shizuoka prefecture. The bark has a dark grDendrochilum cobbianumDendrochilum cobbianum (scientific name: Dendrochilum cobbianum) is indigenous to the Philippines small epiphytic orchids of the family Orchidaceae from excised shoots from the left two columns with pBrighamia insignisBrighamia insignis or Alula、(Scientific name: Brighamia insignis), is Hawaii on specific Chinese is the Department of Brigham a non-cold-resistant Evergreen shrub. Referred to in the scientific nameEastern Skunk CabbageEastern Skunk Cabbage, scientific name:Symplocarpus foetidusm, is a perennial of symplocarpus genus of the Araceae Department known as heat plants. Hood one piece of chocolate-colored flowers (actualEggplantEggplant (scientific name:Solanum melongena) is non-cold-resistant annual vegetable native to India in Solanaceae family. It is eaten at home such as tomato or cucumber, etc. Many large and small leav Other FeaturesList of sasanquasWhat is Camellia sasanqua? Camellia sasanqua (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua) is an evergreen, broad-leaved, medium-sized tree in the family Camelliaceae. It is similar to the camellia (scientifApril-pink-flowersList of Pink Flowers Blooming in April The list of pink flowers blooming in April has 288 species listed as of April 1, 2024. Examples of the listings include cherry blossoms Hepatica nobilis, Fig Mafebruary-white-flowersFebruary white-flowers Related pages Special featurs:Februaru White FlowersTypes of alpine plantsTypes of alpine plants Alstroemeria,Alpine Aster ,Northern fairy candelabra,Bistorta japonica,Edelweiss,Marsh tea,Leontopodium discolor,Therorhodion camtschaticum,Thalictrum intermedium,Narthecium Red flowers bloom in DecemberDecember-2022 December flowers include Camellia japonica or Tsubaki (scientific name: Camellia japonica) and sasanqua. Also. ecember flowers include Flowering quince (scientific name: Chaenomeles) i.Typical orchidsTypical orchids - Epidendrum radicans,Cypripedium macranthos var. speciosum,Calanthe discolor,Prosthechea cochleata, Odontoglossum, astrochilus japonicus, Cattleya,Cephalanthera erecta, Phalaenopsis a