
Acca sellowiana

  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Feijoa
  • Flower name
  • Scientific name
    Acca sellowiana
  • AliasFeijoa, フェイジョア・セロウィアナ, パイナップルグアバ, アナナスガヤバ
  • Place of originSouth America
  • Place of floweringSubtropical region
  • Flowering seasonJune, July

What is Feijoa

Feijoa , scientific name:Acca sellowiana , is an evergreen subtropical vegetation and fruit trees of Acca genus, of Myrtaceae department native to South America. Has egg-shaped oval-shaped leaves are thick, glossy and fluff in the leaf looks washed out. During the rainy season to guava-like flowers bloom. Flowers on a white background is purple color inside. Small oval-shaped grey-green fruit ripens in autumn. Fruit flavors such as pineapple and incense. Eat fruits raw, jam, or jelly. Aka painapruguaba and incense in a pineapple, similar named flower is similar to gaaba.

Common name: feijoa,
scientific name:Acca sellowiana,
synonym:Feijoa sellowiana, Orthostemon sellowianus,
aka: feijoa sellowiana, painapruguaba, ananasugayaba,
origin: South America, living type: subtropical fruit trees,
height: 200-600 cm,
leaf length: 5-7 cm,
flowering time: June - July, flower diameter: 4 cm color: pale pink, white,
fruit diameter: 4-7 cm, fruit color: gray-green, Fruit harvest time: October to Novembr,
applications: fruit, trees and hedges

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    A. sellowiana
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cluster inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeEvergreen subtropical vegetation and fruit trees
  • Flower colorsPink White
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorGreen
  • Height200.0 ~ 600.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower4.0 ~ 4.0 cm

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