
Ardisia japonica

  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Marlberry
  • Flower name
  • Scientific name
    Ardisia japonica
  • Aliasヤブコウジ, 薮柑子, 十両, marlberry, やまたちばな, ヤマタチバナ
  • Place of originEast Asia such as Japan, China, Korea 
  • Place of floweringFields and footpaths, Potted flower
  • Flowering seasonJune, July, August

What is Marlberry

Marlberry or Juryo (Scientific name: Ardisia japonica) is a cold-hardy, evergreen, broad-leaved shrub belonging to the Primulaceae family and the Ardisia genus.
It is also known as Yabukōji (薮柑子) in Japanese and referred to as marlberry in English.
It resembles a small manryō (万両) and is typically found growing wild in thickets.

The plant is small, with a height of about 10–20 cm. Its stems are upright and unbranched, and it propagates through spreading roots, forming clusters.
The leaves are green, glossy, and have fine serrations along the edges. They grow in whorls of 3–4 on the stems.
From June to August, small white flowers, 0.4–0.8 cm in diameter, bloom in downward-facing umbels that emerge from the axils of the leaves. These flowers are broadly ovate and have five-lobed tips.
From November to the following May, the plant bears small, spherical, red fruits about 0.5–0.6 cm in diameter. These charming fruits, which remain on the plant for six months without falling, are considered auspicious and are often used in New Year’s decorative arrangements.

As described later, although it was assigned a low monetary value in old currency systems, it has historical significance, being referred to as "Yamatachibana" (山橘) in the Man'yōshū poetry anthology.
Its uses include potted plants, garden ornamentation, and New Year’s decorations. Additionally, its rhizome is believed to have medicinal properties, such as suppressing coughs and treating eczema, and is used as an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is called "紫金牛" (Zhijin Niu).

Common name: Marlberry
Scientific name: Ardisia japonica,
Aka: Juryo ,
Origin: China, Korea,and Japan,
Tree height: 10-20 cm ,
Leaf oblong ,leaf color: green ,leaf margin: fine tooth ,blade length: 7-15 cm of leaves: alternate,
Flowering June through August in flower size: 0.8 cm, color: white corolla shape: wide oval Tip 5 crack,
Fruit color: red fruit diameter: 0.5-1 cm, flowering period: November to next year May.

Related pages
Marlberry or Juryo (Scientific name: Ardisia japonica)
Feature: Red Fruits

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    A. japonica
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Scattered inflorescence/ umbrella shape
  • Petal shape
    High cup-shaped
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeSmall Hardy Evergreen shrub
  • Flower colorsWhite
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit colorRed
  • Height10.0 ~ 20.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.4 ~ 0.8 cm

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