Cornelian cherries
- Flower nameCornelian cherries
- Scientific nameCornus officinalis
- Aliasハルコガネバナ, Japanese cornel, 山茱萸, ジャパニーズ・コーネル, 春黄金花
- Place of originChina, Korea
- Place of floweringGarden, Park
- Flowering seasonMarch, April
- Language of flowersLove courageous
What is Cornelian cherries
Cornelian cherries (Scientific name: Cornus officinalis) is a hardy deciduous broadleaved bush and tree of the genus Cornus of the family cornaceae native to China to Korea. It came as a medicinal plant in the Edo period, from China and Korea to Japan. In the early spring, 20- 30 yellow flowers are gathered and blooming, extending the scattering inflorescence. In autumn, many red fruits are made like coral. Flowers bloom before the leaves come out. Flowers are four flowers, blooming like rolling on the outside. It is said that the ingredients such as iridoid glycosides contained in pulp are said to be nourishing tonic effect, and are compounded in Chinese herbal medicine.
Common name: Cornelian cherries, Scientific name: Cornus officinalis, aka: Japanese cornelian cherry origin: from China to Korea, distribution: Japan south of Tohoku, environment: wetland, life type: hardy deciduous leaves broadleaf small trees, tree height: leaf shape: eggs 5 to 7 m, leaf shape: egg Leaf length: 4 to 10 cm, leaf length: white hair on the whole surface, alternate, inflorescence form: scattering inflorescence, flowering period: March to April, flower color: yellow, number of petals: 4, Flower diameter: 0.5 to 1 cm, fruit color: red, fruit shape: oval shape, fruit length: 1 to 2 cm, fruit season: October to December, taste: not good.