South African Flowers ポスト South African FlowersArctotisArktotis (Scientific name: Arctotis × Hybrida) is a semiarid cold perennial plant of the family Asteraceae native to South Africa. From spring to summer, it blooms similar to Gerbera (Scientific name:Ivy geraniumIvy geranium (scientific name:Pelargonium peltatum hybrids) is a horticultural geraniaceae half-Hardy half vine of Evergreen perennials "geranium" Ivy leaves. The leaves are similar to Ivy. Flowers flAsparagus densiflorus 'Myers' Asparagus densiflorus MyersAsparagus densiflorus 'Myers' (scientific name: Asparagus densiflorus cv. Myers) is a horticultural varieties of kidikaxi, Department of [kusasugikazura] of Evergreen perennials "asparagus". Also callAsparagus setaceusAsparagus Fern , Scientific name:Asparagus setaceus,, is an evergreen perennial grass of Asparagaceae Department of Asparagus genus native to temperate and subtropical area Often seen as an ornamentalFreesia laxaFreesia laxa (scientific name:Freesia laxa) is a perennial half-Hardy bulbs of IRIS of anomateca. Flowers bloom is in Frisian, similar to horizontally extended. 7 ~ 8 flowers 1 column that contains daDimorphothecaDimorphotheca (scientific name: Dimorphotheca sinuata) is a native to South Africa, Chrysanthemum Family Asteraceae is semi-cold weather one year old grass. Glittering yellow, orange, or red warm coloYellow cape honeysuckleYellow Cape Honeysuckle (Scientific name: Tecomaria capensis cv. Aurea) is a cultivate of Yellow Cape Honeysuckle ( scientific name: Tecomaria capensis) which is a non-cold-resistant half-vine and shStreptocarpusStreptocarpus wendlandii is a non-hardy perennials of the streptocarpus genera of the Gesneriaceae department native to Natal in South Africa. It is a univalent species spend a lifetime, without leaErica colorans ' White delight'Erica Collins 'white delight' (scientific name: Erica colorans ' White delight') is a half-Hardy evergreen small shruba native horticultural varieties of South Africa , Department Ericaceae, genus Eri Erica darleyensisErica darleyensis (scientific name: Erica × darleyensis) is a gardening variety of the cold-resistant evergreen shrub "Erica" of the Ericaceae family. This species is a garden cultivar breeded by E. cErica cerinthoidesErica cerinthoides or commonly Erika fireheath (scientific name: Erica cerinthoides) is paraphyletic graduate of Erika and is a half-hardy evergreen shrub native to South Africa. Long cylindrical branButtercup oxalisButtercup oxalis, scientific name:Oxalls pes-caprae , is a perennial plant of the oxalidaceae family of oxalis genus native of South Africa.From spring to autumn, yellow flowers very similar to oxalNatal plumNatal plum, scientific name:carssa macrocarpa, is a hardy evergreen low trees of the Carissa , of the Apocynaceae department native to South Africa,. Nature extends across the branches. Big white stSt.bernara's lilySpider plant (scientific name:Chlorophytum comosum) is kidikaxi of cold-resistant Evergreen perennial. Green leaves into spots of the white stripes. Stretch the liner while breeding. Flowers are soberErica canaliculataErika canaliculata, Janome Erika, bull's-eye design erica,black stamen erica and black-eyed Heath (scientific name: Erica canaliculata) is a gardening variety of the evergreen shrub "Erica (scientificAloe arborescensAloe arborescens (scientific name:Aloe arborescens) is a succulent plant of the family Asphodelaceae native to South Africa. In 2016, it was changed the family of from Xanthorrhoeaceae to AsphodelaceaOrnithogalum thyrsoidesOrnithogalum thyrsoides (Scientific name: Ornithogalum thyrsoides) is a native South Africa and is a semi-cold resistant bulb plant of the family Asparagaceae. Pick out long lanceolate leaves directlyGerberaGerbera (scientific name: Gerbera Hybrids) is native to South Africa and is semi-cold-resistant perennial of Gerbera spp. Made mainly by Barberton daisy (scientific name:Gerbera jamesonii) , crosses aAgapanthusAgapanthus , scientific name:Agapanthus africanus, is a semi cold resistance perennial plant of the family Amaryllidaceae native to South Africa. The leaves are crowding on the thin green, at the base Gazania rigensGazania (scientific name: Gazania rigens) is a garden varieties of Gazania originating from South Africa, semi-cold-resistant perennial of the genus Gusania of the Asteraceae family. In South Africa tCallaCalla , scientific name: Zantedeschina Hybrids, is a hardy perennials plant of the Araceae geneus Zantedeschina native to South Africa. A flower-centered yellow part attracts florets and generates aKalanchoeKalanchoe is a non-hardy perennials and shrubs succulents of Kalanchoe genus of the department Crassulaceae native to South Africa and Madagascar. Spring-Autumn, flower stalk to stretch tip cymes aggrCrocosmia x crocosmiifloraCrocosmia x crocosmiiflora, or Hime-hiogi-zuisen (scientific name:Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora) is a varieties of the cold-resistant grass of the family Iridaceae native to South Africa. Another name isCliviaClivia or Kaffir lily(scientific name:Clivia miniata) is native to South Africa, is a half-hardy perennial of the family Amaryllidaceae. Cymes from elongated stem tips came out from between the leavesDietes bicolorDietes bicolor is the IRIS half-Hardy Evergreen perennial native to South Africa.Scape where only paragraph flowers out of narrow, Sword-shaped leaves-needled the leaves between white stretch-out-3: lNemesisNemesia or commonly called as white cape snapdragon (scientific name: Nemesia strumosa) is a South African endemic species, non-cold-resistant deciduous leaf annual grass or homoea grass of Nemesia siCrassula ovataCrassula ovata (scientific name: Crassula ovata) is a South Africa native succulent plant and evergreen shrub of Crassulaceae family. It is resistant to dryness, and the stems and stems become thickerTwinspurDiascia barberae or Twinspur (scientific name: Diascia barberae) is a mountainous region of South Africa Cape region, hardy evergreen annual plants of the family Scrophulariaceae. About 70 kinds inhaParadise RegineParadise Regine (scientific name: Strelitzia reginae) is native to South Africa and is a tropical perennial of the family Strelitziaceae. It has a large long root leaf. Because it makes colorful flowe Crinum bulbispermumThe African Lily, scientifically known as Crinum bulbispermum, is a hardy evergreen perennial (bulbous plant) from the Amaryllidaceae family, native to South Africa. It thrives in warm climates and isAsclepias physocarpaGomphocarpus physocarpus, commonly called balloonplant, balloon cotton-bush, (scientific name: Gomphocarpus physocarpus) is native to South Africa and is a perennial of the family Apocynaceae. The greStrelitzia nicolaiStrelitzia nicolai (scientific name: Strelitzia nicolai) is native to South Africa and is a large evergreen perennial plant of the Musaceae family. Originally it is herbaceous but it has been cultivatHelichrysum petiolareHelichrysum petiolare is a native of South Africa, and is a semi-cold resistant evergreen sub-shrub of the family Asteraceae. It is a foliage plant mainly enjoying silver-white leaves. From June to JuLove chainLove chain , scientific name:Ceropegia woodii) is a succulent plant evergreen creeping grass of dthe Department Apocynaceae of the Ceropegia genus native to South Africa, On either side of the elongaFig MarigoldFig Marigold , scientific name:Lampranthus spectabilis , is native to South Africa and a half-hardy evergreen perennial of the department Aizoaceae , of the genus Lampranthus. Plant stems crawling on Euryops daisyEuryops pectinatus commonly called as Euryops daisy (scientific name:Euryops pectinatus) is native to South African mountainous regions and a cold-resistant, evergreen shrub-like, perennial of the famTulbiaghia violaceaTulbiaghia violacea or Society garlic, wild garlic (scientific name:Tulbiaghia violacea) is a perennial grass of the family Amaryllidaceae native to South Africa. About 10 violet florets with funnel-sPlumbago auriculataPlumbago auriculata or Ruri Matsuri (scientific name: Plumbago auriculata) is native to South Africa, it is a semi cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the family Plumbaginaceae. Under half shadow to sunGarden lobeliaGarden lobelia, scientific name: Lobelia erinus , is a non-hardy evergreen perennial or annual grass of the Campanulaceae family , native to Malawi, Namibia, South Africa. A lot of florets resembling Ice PlantIce Plant (scientific name: Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) is a creeping annual or biennial salt- and drought-tolerant succulent plant of the genus Mesembryanthemum of the Hamamelidaceae family, nativButton BushButton Bush, scientific name:Berzelia lanuginosa , is a half-hardy evergreen shrub of the Bruniaceae department , of the Berzelia genus native to South Africa. Corymb stretched from stem of Cedar spriFicus cyathistipulaFicus cyathistipula, commonly called as African fig tree ,scientific name:Ficus cyathistipula, is a non-cold-resistant evergreen mature trees of the department Moraceae of Ficus genus native to South Lachenalia mathewsiiLachenalia mathewsii (scientific name: Lachenalia mathewsii) is native to South Africa, and it is a semi-cold resistant deciduous bulb plant of the genus Lachenalia of the family Asparagaceae. It growLivingstone DaisyLivingstone daisy (scientific name: Dorotheanthus bellidiformis) is originally from South Africa and is a non-hardy annual plant in the family Aizoaceae. The height of a plant is low and opens while Serruria 'Carmen' Serruria 'Carmen' ( scientific name: Serruria florida x Serruria rosea) is an evergreen shrub of the proteaceae family which is horticultural varieties bred in Australia native to South Africa Cape prgeraniumGeranium (scientific name: Pelargonium × hortorum) is native to South Africa and is non-cold-resistant evergreen perennial of the family Geraniaceae. The leaves are heart-shaped, and the leaves are seSunbritteniaSunbrittenia, scientific name: Jamesbrittenia hybrid cv. Sunbrittenia , is a garden variety of Jamesbrittenia which is a non-hardy perennials or annual grass of the department Scrophulariaceae , of JaTecomaria capensisTecomaria capensis or Cape honeysuckle (scientific name: Tecomaria capensis) is a non-cold-resistant half vine and shrub of the Department Bignoniaceae , of Tecomaria genus native to South Africa. OraKing ProteaThe King Protea (scientific name: Protea cynaroides) is an evergreen shrub of the Proteaceae family native to South Africa. In its native habitat, it is widely distributed in the southwestern and sout Pincushion Pincushions (scientific name: Leucospermum spp.) are tropical evergreen shrubs from the Proteaceae family, native to South Africa. They are also known as Leucospermum, Pin Cushion Protea, and sometimeVeltheimia capensisVeltheimia capensis, commonly called sand lily , is perennial plant of the departmentAsparagaceae , of the Veltheimia genus native to South Africa Western Cape Province. Wintry succulent plants in tPelargoniumPelargonium or Fancy Geranium , scientific name:Pelargonium grandiflorum , is native to South Africa and is a heat-resistant, non-drying, non-cold-resistant, evergreen perennial herb of the genus PelaStenoglottis longifoliaStenoglottis longifolia is an evergreen perennial of the orchidaceae department of the Stenoglottis genus native to South Africa. Racemes draws out at the end fall out of long floral rosettes from wiMickey mouse plant Mickymouse Tree, scientific name:Ochna serrulata) is an evergreen shrubs of the Ochnaceae Department of ocna genus native to South Africa. In the spring, blooms small yellow 5 petaled flower. Red seOsteospermum Cape DaisyOsteospermum 'Nasinga', Scientific name: Dimorphotheca ecklonis cv. Nasinga ,is a perennial of the genus Osteoporumum of the Asteraceae family native to South Africa's Cape region. It is a spoon bloomFreesiaFreesia (Freesia, scientific name: Freesia refracta) is a native South African, semi-cold resistant bulb plant of the family Iridaceae Freesia. In the spring, extend the spikes from flower stalks and Nemesia KLMNemesia KLM (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa 'KLM') is a horticultural variety of the non-cold-hardy, deciduous annual plant "Nemesia" (Scientific name: Nemesia strumosa), native to South Africa, anPentzia grandifloraPentia (scientific name: Pentzia grandiflora) is native to South Africa and is an annual grass of the genus Penglia of the family Asteraceae. In place of origin, it lives in sandy lands. The leaves arAcacia baileyanaAcacia baileyana (scientific name: Acacia baileyana) is native to New South Wales in Australia and is an evergreen tall tree of the family Fabaceae. In the early spring, it does expand the general inf Kniphofla uvariaKniphofla uvaria or Tritoma (scientific name: Kniphofla uvaria) is an evergreen perennial in the family Asphodelaceae, native to South Africa. It is now called Kniphofia, but it is not used very oftenDiides iridioides Diides iridioides or African Iris (scientific name: Dietes iridioides) is an evergreen perennial herb in the family Iridaceae native to Ethiopia from South Africa in Africa,. The green, slender, swordLeucadendron platystarLeucadendron platystar (Scientific name: Leucadendron platyspermum) is native to South Africa and is an evergreen shrub of the genus Ryukha Dendron of Yamamoto Shrine. I will put an umbrella shaped flLeucadendron DiscolorLeucadendron Discolor (Scientific name: Leucadendron Discolor) is a tropical, non-cold-resistant, evergreen shrub of the genus Ryukha Dendron of the family Dioscorea native of South Africa. Branches aAgapanthusAgapanthus , scientific name:Agapanthus africanus, is a semi cold resistance perennial plant of the family Amaryllidaceae native to South Africa. The leaves are crowding on the thin green, at the baseHypoxis corchicifoliaHypoxis corchicifolia (scientific name: Hypoxis corchicifolia) is a bulbous plant native to South Africa and belonging to thefamily Hypoxidaceae. In early summer, the inflorescence extends from the tiUtricularia sandersoniiUtricularia sandersonii, commonly called Sanderson’s bladderwort (scientific name: Utricularia sandersonii) is an endemic perennial plant belonging to the family Lentibulariaceae, a native species of LeucadendronLeucadendron (Scientific name: Leucadendron) is native to South Africa and is an evergreen shrub of the genus Ryukha Dendron of Yamamoto Shrine. I will put an umbrella shaped flower (fruit) similar toStapelia hirsutaStapelia hirsuta, starfish flower or carrion plant (scientific name: Stapelia hirsuta) is an evergreen perennial succulent plant native to the Cape region of South Africa in the family Apocynaceae, geHeliophila longifoliaHeliophila longifolia (scientific name: Heliophila longifolia) is an annual herb of the genus Heliophila (Brassicaceae), native to South Africa. Locally, it grows wild in arid areas. The herb is 40 to Other FeaturesFlowers that were difficult to identifyFlowers that were difficult to identifySpecial Feature: Flower Names with "Food"Special Feature: Flower Names with "Food"February Silver LeavesFebruary Silver Leaves Plants with silver leaves found in February have been collected.It is not all-inclusive. These include Senecio cineraria, Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, and Acacia baileyana. *RPoisonous plantsSpecial Feature Toxic Plants - Coriaria and an aconite, the water hemlock are considered to be Japanese three major poisonous plants. The deadly poison degree does not permit other following. There ar'Heidi's Flower Trail''Heidi's Flower Trail' Flowers blooming in the Swiss Alps 'Heidi's Flower Trail'―Alpine Aster(scientific name:Aster Alpinus), Edelweiss(Leontopodium alpinum), Yellow Aconite(Aconitum lycoctonum),Krlight-yellowish-fruitlight-yellowish Fruit Photo or Clipart List Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits of trees and grasses" (Sorry, this is only available in Japanese). The fruits were collect