Brazilian Flowers ポスト Brazilian FlowersAbutilonAbutilon (scientific name: Abutilon) is a herb or tree of the Malvaceae family which is cultivated worldwide and has horticultural varieties. From the spring to the fall, the five-petaled flower withPetuniaPetunia (scientific name: Petunia × hybrida) is born in South America such as Brazil and Argentina, and is semi-cold resistant perennial of the family Solanaceae. morning glory flowers that bloom all BrugmansiaAngel's trumpets (datura trees, scientific name:Brugmansia) native to South America, such as Brazil and Ecuador Eggplant of Brugmansia half-hardy shrub high is green. In the summer, big trumpet (trumpOxalis triangularisOxalis triangularis is cold-resistant bulbous plant of the Oxalidaceae department Oxalis genus original from Brazil. A leaf color is purple, and three angles of leaf shape is called "Murasakinomai" byMimosa pudicaMimosa pudica, Sensitive plant or Ojigisou (scientific name: Mimosa pudica L.) is native to Brazil and is a non-cold-tolerant annual or perennial plant in the family Fabaceae. Blooming pink small sPineapplePineapple (Scientific name: Ananas comosus) is native to Brazil, it is a tropical evergreen perennial of the family Bromeliaceae. It is cultivated mainly for harvesting fruits. The origin of the name Aechmea blanchetianaAechmea blanchetiana or commonly called Yellow aechmea blanchetiana (scientific name: Aechmea blanchetiana) is an evergreen perennial of the family Bromeliaceae which grows naturally on the Brazilian NicotianaNicotiana (scientific name: Nicotiana) is a semi-cold hardy annual/biennial/perennial herb of the genus Nicotiana in the family Solanaceae, native to South America, including Bolivia and Argentina, NoRed powderpuffRed Powder Puff (Scientific name: Calliandra haematocephala) is a tropical evergreen shrub of the family Fabaceae that makes hemispherical flowers like red cosmetic puffs bloom. What looks like a flow PapayaPapaya (Papaya, scientific name:Carica papaya L.) is evergreen shrubs of the papaya, Department of papaya in Mexico, Brazil, West Indies native. Great stuff so will height 10 m. White flowers, large lTecomabrunfersia paukikhlora 'excimer' Brunfelsia paukikhlora 'excimer' (scientific name:Brunfelsia pauciflora cv, Eximia) is a tropical Evergreen shrub of brunfelsia Solanum native to Brazil. Brunfelsia paukikhlora in horticultural variet Otacanthus caeruleus Otacanthus caeruleus commonly called Blue Cat's Eye or Brazilian snapdrago (Scientific name: Otacanthus caeruleus) is native to Brazil, it is an evergreen shrub of the genus Otacanthus. The stem standPampas grassA “ghost” pampas grass that appears to bloom like flowers, with its plumes staying intact as dried flowers even in January and February. Pampas grass (scientific name: Cortaderia selloana) is a semi-Passion fruitPassion fruit , scientific name:passiflra edulis , is native to Brazil and is a vines and shrubs, fruit trees of the Department of Passifloraceae , of the Passiflora. With five white petals and white Orange trumpet vineOrange trumpet vine, or commonly called as Kaenkazura in Japanese (scientific name: Pyrostegia venusta) is an evergreen dwarf shrub of the Bignoniaceae family , which is native to Brazil. The flower nVriesea hieroglyphicaVriesea hieroglyphicaPereskia grandifoliaPereskia grandifolia (scientific name: Pereskia grandifolia) is native to Brazil and is a non-tuberous shrub of the Cactaceae family. It grows naturally in dry forest like savanna on site. There are tUtricularia longifoliaUtricularia longifolia (scientific name: Utricularia longifolia) is an endemic to Brazil and a large insecticidal plant of semi-cold-resistant perennials belonging to the family Lentibulariaceae. It iStifftia chrysanthaStifftia chrysanta (Scienttia chrysantha) is native to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and is an evergreen small shrub of the family Asteraceae. Asteraceae trees are rare. It blooms with an orange head flower Xyphidium caeruleumXyphidium caeruleum (scientific name: Xiphidium caeruleumb) is native to tropical America, and is a perennial plant in the family Haemodoraceae. In the place of origin, it grows naturally on the lowlaCanistel Canistel (scientific name: Pouteria campechina) is a tropical American native, and is an evergreen small tree and fruit tree of thefamily Sapotaceae. The leaves are oblong and elongated. The flower cobiribaBiriba (scientific name: Rollinia deliciosa) is native to Brazil and is a medium-high tree and fruit of the family Annonaceae. Grown in tropical lowlands for the purpose of fruit. The skin is creamy aAlternanthera dentataAlternanthera dentata(Alternanthera dentata cv. rubiginosa) is native to Brazil and is a non-cold-tolerant perennial grass in the family Amaranthaceae. A red leaf with a needle shape and a white spherSenna corymbosaSenna corymbosa, Argentine senna, Hana Senna, (Scientific name: Senna corymbosa), is a semi-cold tolerant evergreen shrub of the family Fabaceae, native to Brazil and Argentina. In autumn, yellow flowEchinodorus palifoliusEchinodorus palifolius or Mexican sword plant (scientific name: Echinodorus palifolius) is a perennial plant in the family Alismataceae, native to Brazil, Peru, Uruguay and Mexico. It is found in rivePetrea volubilisPetrea (scientific name: Petrea volubilis) is a tropical evergreen vine native to tropical America from the West Indies to Mexico and Brazil. It is also called sandpaper vine, queen's wreath, bluebirdIresine herbstiiIresine herbstii is a evergreen perennial of the family Amaranthaceae native to Brazil. All grass in red-purple leaf color and with red-purple veins vermeil has. Branch extends to down the ground. LeaAphelandra DaniaAphelandra Dania, scientific name: Aphelandra squarrosa cv. Dania, is a gardening kind of the non-cold-resistant evergreen undershrub of the acanthaceae department aaphelandra genus. In Aphelandra squCrybabytreeCrybabytree , scientific name:Erythrina crista-galli , is a broad-leaved shrub of the Fabaceae department , Erythrina genus native to Brazil in South America. Early summer to autumn leaves and at the Parakeet bromeliadsParakeet bromeliads (scientific name: Vriesea carinata) is Evergreen perennial of the pineapple school parakeet bromeliad genus to admire the beautiful contrast of yellow and Red calyx and flower bracOchromaOchroma or balsa tree(Scientific name: Ochroma lagopus、Synonym: Ochroma pyramidale)is an evergreen or deciduous broad-leaved tree in the family Bombacaceae, native to southern Mexico and southern BraSanchezia speciosaSanchezia speciosa or Shrubby whitevein (scientific name: Sanchezia Speciosa) is an evergreen small shrub of the genus Sanchezia in the family Acanthaceae, native to Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. The stemMalabar chestnutPachira (scientific name: Pachira), native to Mexico, Brazil, and Peru, is a tall evergreen tree in the genus Pachira of the mallow family. It is mainly used as a potted houseplant. The tree is up to Garden nasturtiumGarden nasturtium (scientific name: Tropaeolum majus) is a non-hardy vine perennial of family Tropaeolaceae native to South America. Yellow flowers bloom for a long period from spring to autumn. TherPitangaPitanga (scientific name:Eugenia uniflora) is the fruit of the tropical evergreen shrub of the family Myrtaceae native to Brazil. Self-compatibility in bore fruit in the trees. Just one long pistil frSpiralis gingerSpiralis ginger or Costus spiralis (scientific name: Costus spiralis 'Strawberry Bud') is a native of Brazil and is a large perennial or shrub of the family Costaceae. Spiralis ginger is called becausPotato vinePotato vine , scientific name:Solanum laxum, is a half-hardy evergreen shrubs of the Solanaceae department , of the Solanum genus native to Brazil. In summer, it lets the slightly small white full ofSolanum mammosumSolanum mammosum Tsunonasu (scientific name: Solanum mammosum) is native to Brazil, and is a small shrub , or an annual / perennial grass of the family Solanaceae . It grows to about 1.5 m. In the suLeptotes bicolorLeptotes bicolor, scientific name: Leptotes bicolor, is originally from South America and is an epiphytism orchid of the Orchidaceae. In the close relation of the cattleya, there is a creeping stem or Cerasus 'Karabashi'Cerasus 'Karabashi' (scientific name: Cerasus 'Karabashi') is a horticultural variety of the Karamizakura (Cerasus pseudo-cerasus) family, derived from wild Brazilian individuals. The tree is 3-4 m taMadeira vineMadeira vine (scientific name:Anredera cordifolia) is half-hardy evergreen vine of DepartmentBasellaceae , acasacazra genus native to Brazil. Stem extends to about 5 m in the vine, so summer shade plaBougainvilleaBougainvillea (scientific name:Bougainvillea spp.) are the Mirabilis Department bougainvillaea genus of tropical vines and shrubs. To species of bougainvillea glabra (B.glabra Choisy), spectabilis (B.PassionflowerPassion fruit (clock grass, scientific name: Passiflora caerulea) is native to tropical America such as Brazil and Peru. It is a semi-cold tolerant evergreen shrub of Passionaceae. The petals were namAristolochia littoralisAristolochia littoralis or Pipe kazura (scientific name:Aristolochia littoralis) is native to Brazil and is a vine evergreen shrub of the family Aristolochiaceae. A flower like large dark purple and Iresine Herbstie 'Aureoreticulata' Iresine Herbstie 'Aureoreticulata' (Iresine herbstii cv. Aureoreticulata) is a gardening variety of non-cold-resistant perennial "Iresine herbstii' which is considered to be a house plant of the familButia capitataButia capitata(, scientific name:Butia capitata Becc) is evergreen shrubs of the Palm family native to Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. In pinnately compound leaves of green grey whitish light green leaCalathea lancifoliaCalathea lancifolia or rattlesnake plant(scientific name: Calathea lancifolia) is a native of Brazil and is an evergreen perennial herb in the family Marantaceae. The leaves are lance-shaped with wavyGuavaStrawberry guava , scientific name:Psidium littorale , is a cold-resistant evergreen small treeof the myrtaceae department , of the psidium genus native to Brazil. White 5 petaled flower blooms. GuavrocktrumpetDipladenia ( scientific name: Mandevilla spp.), in early summer to summer, oleanders of mandevilla bloom many funnel shaped flowers of white, red, pink or tangle in the prop, while non-hardy evergreen Narow leaf anacharisNarow leaf anacharis (scientific name: Egeria najas) is native to South America of Brazil - Uruguay, is an evergreen submerged perennial of the genus Melonaceae. It is a member of Anacharis (Egeria deEchinodorus argentinensiEchinodorus argentinensi, Argentine sword, spoon sword plant, or spoon melon sword, (scientific name: Echinodorus grandiflorus) is a perennial plant in the family Alismataceae, native to tropical AmerFurcraea foetida 'Mediopicta' Furcraea foetida 'Mediopicta' (scientific name: Furukuraa faetida "Medio-picta') is native to Brazil and is a yellow spotted variety of the non-cold-resistant large succulent plants and shrubs " FurcrLudwigia sedoidesLudwigia sedoides or Mizu-himebishi (scientific name: Ludwigia sedoides) is native to Brazil and is an evergreen perennial of aquatica belonging to the family Onagraceae. It is the aquatic plants,and Euphorbia cyathophoraEuphorbia cyathophora commonly called as fire-on-the-mountain (scientific name: Euphorbia cyathophora) is a non-cold-resistant annual grass of the family Euphorbiaceae in the southern part of North AmDurantaDuranta (Duranta erecta) is an evergreen shrub from the verbena family, native to Florida, Brazil, and the West Indies. It is also known by names such as "Harimatsuri (Needle Jasmine)," "Jurankatsura,Sphyrospermum cordifoliumSphyrospermum cordifolium is a tropical evergreen shrub of the ericaceae department of the sphyrospermum genus native to Central America. After the flowers bloom, a drooping little white bell-shaped fPavonia intermediaPavonia intermedia (Scientific name: Pavonia intermedia) is a gardening variety of the evergreen shrub "Pavonia" of the family Malvaceae originated in Brazil. It is regarded as an interspecific cross Walking irisNeomarica northiana or valled Walking iris (Scientific name: Neomarica northiana) is an evergreen perennial herb of the family Iridaceae Neomarica, native to Brazil. It runs and breeds runners undergrPetuniaPetunia (scientific name: Petunia × hybrida) is born in South America such as Brazil and Argentina, and is semi-cold resistant perennial of the family Solanaceae. morning glory flowers that bloom all Araucaria araucanaAraucaria araucana , or commonly called as Chile Pine,or Monkey Puzzle (scientific name: Araucaria araucana) is a cold-resistant evergreen coniferous tree of the genus Angioceae, which is native to BrC. walkeriana fma. perola ‘Nem Sempre’Cattleya walkeriana (scientific name: Cattleya walkeriana) is a perennial herb in the Cattleya genus of the Orchidaceae family, native to Brazil. It is one of the typical Cattleya species. It is a smaCeiba speciosaCeiba speciosa , ( scientific name: Ceiba speciosa) is a tropical deciduous tree of the genus Ceiba in the family Malvaceae, native to South America from Brazil to Argentina. It has a bottle-shaped trPassiflora piresiiPassiflora piresii (scientific name: Passiflora cv. Piresii)is a half hardy evergreen vine and shrub of the family Passifloraceae native to Brazil. Passiflora piresii (P. piresii) is a horticultural vSinningia leucotrichaSinningia leucotricha or Brazilian edelweiss (scientific name: Sinningia leucotricha) is a semi-tolerant perennial (tuberous succulent) plant native to the state of Paraná in Brazil, belonging to the Aristolochia braziliensisAristolochia braziliensis, or Dutchman's pipe vine, Rooster flower (scientific name: Aristolochia braziliensis) is an evergreen vine shrub native to Brazil in thefamily Aristolochiaceae. The vine entaCouroupita guianensisCouroupita guianensis, commonly called as Cannonball tree, or Boulet de canon ,(scientific name: Couroupita guianensis), is an endemic species of tropical rain forests of Central and South America, anPeruvian applePeruvian apple , Kimenkaku, Hedge cactus. Peru cereus, or Cereus peruvianus, (scientific name: Cereus peruvianus), is a large pillar cactus and half-hardy and evergreen perennials native to Brazil andScarlet sageScarlet sage, scientific name:Salvia splendens , is native to Brazil and an annual herb of the Lamiaceae Department the Salvia genus. Salvia flowers in the shine of scarlet red flowers in the flower bJusticia carneaJusticia carnea , Flamingo plantor or Plume plant (Scientific name: Justicia carnea), is an all-natural shrub of the genus Aquilinaceae, belonging to the Atlantic Forest Zone in eastern Brazil. Tree h Other FeaturesTypes of alpine plantsTypes of alpine plants Alstroemeria,Alpine Aster ,Northern fairy candelabra,Bistorta japonica,Edelweiss,Marsh tea,Leontopodium discolor,Therorhodion camtschaticum,Thalictrum intermedium,Narthecium Feature: Flower Names with "Vehicles"Feature: Flower Names with "Vehicles" We have collected flowers whose names are associated with vehicles such as airplanes, four-wheelers, two-wheelers, and their parts. Vehicles include KLM aircrFeature: August pink flowersLovely Pink Flowers When it comes to charming flowers, pink ones are always popular. Here, we've gathered pink flowers that bloom in August. There are a total of 336 species (as of August 18, 2024), Aquatic plants and aquatic plantsAquatic plants and aquatic plants There are Salvinia molesta,Nymphoides peltata,Hippuris vulgaris,Oryza sativa,Pistia stratiotes,Rhynchospora,Nuphar subintegerrimum,Hydrocleys nymphoides,Echinodorus ptypes-of-daffodils-narcissusWhat is Narcissus? Narcissus (scientific name: Narcissus) is a cold-resistant bulb native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean. It produces trumpet-shaped, downward-facing flowers from winter toHa FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "ha". Even if the name doesn't start with "ha", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "ha". Please check the flower