Flowers native to Mexico ポスト Flowers native to Mexico- -Salvia leucantha,Cuphea hyssopifolia, etc.American AloeAmerican Aloe , scientific name: Agave americana var. marginata , is an asparagaceae Department of succulent plants native to Mexico. It is a variety of the agave (ryūzetsuran) does not contain the yeSalvia leucanthaAmethyst sage , Mexican Bush Sage or Velvet sage , scientific name:Salvia leucantha , is a half-hardy perennial herb of the department Lamiaceae of Salvia genus native to Mexico. Stretch out the spikeCuphea hyssopifoliaCuphea hyssopifolia, commonly called Mexican heather, Hawaiian heather or false heather (scientific name:Cuphea hyssopifolia) is a non-cold-resistant evergreen small shrub of the Lythraceae family naMirabilis jalapaMirabilis jalapa or four o'clock flower, scientific name: Mirabilis jalapa, is native to Mexico and Peru and is an annual grass or perennial grass of the the family nyctaginaceae . It is strong, and eBeschorneria yuccoidesBeschorneria yuccoides (scientific name: Beschorneria yuccoides) is a large, cold-hardy, heat-tolerant, drought-tolerant dwarf herb in the family Asparagaceae, native to Mexico. It is also called MexiAntigonon leptopusMexican Creeper , scientific name:Antigonon leptopus, is a non-cold-resistant evergreen shrub vine of the family Polygonaceae native to Mexico. It makes pull out the ivy and climb up the wall and the Biden laevisBiden laevis or commonly called as Smooth beggartick or Winter cosmos (scientific name: Biden laevis) is native to North America, Mexico and Guatemala, and is a cold-resistant perennial / annual grassAmazon sword plantAmazon sword plant or called Echinodorus paniculatus (Echinodorus paniculatus) is native to Mexico and Argentina, and is an aquatic perennial plant of the Alismataceaefamily. Used in the emergent watCottonCotton, scientific name: Gossypium arboreum, is an annual plant of the department Malvaceae Gossypium genus native of Ind. The cotton wool which split open like popcorn white is fun. As for the colo Cosmos sulphureusCosmos sulphureus , sulfur cosmos , golden cosmos, or yellow cosmos, scientific name: Cosmos sulphureus, is native to Mexico and is an annual herbin the family Asteraceae Cosmos. From rainy season to spider flowerThe flower name "Cleome" includes references to arthropods such as butterflies and spiders. Nephila clavata、Parantica sita、Cleome Nephila clavata (Joro spider), Parantica sita (Chestnut Tiger butBell tree dahliaBell tree dahlia ,scientific name:Dahlia imperialis, is native to Mexico and is a half-hardy perennial grass of of the dahlia genus of the department Asteraceae . Also called Tree Dhalia. High tall wCosmosCosmos, scientific name:Cosmos bipinnatus , is an annual non-cold-resistant grass of the Asteraceae genus , of the Asteraceae department native to Mexico. Bloom yellow tubular flowers rise a little inSalvia microphyllaSalvia microfila (scientific name: Salvia microphylla) is native to Mexico from the southern part of the United States, and semi cold-resistant herbs of the Labiatae family. As massage leaves scent Evening primroseTsukimisou or Oenothera tetraptera(scientific name: Oenothera tetraptera) is native to Mexico and is a perennial of the Onagraceae that blooms white flowers at night. It begins to bloom from the eveniAsarina barclaianaAsarina barclaiana is an evergreen vines and perennial herb of the department Plantaginaceae of Asarina genus native to Mexico. Flowers Tung similar to and leaves are Ivy and morning glory similarTradescantia zebrinaTradescantia zebrina (scientific name: Tradescantia zebrina) is a crawling, semi-cold-tolerant perennial plant in the family Tradescantiaceae, which is native to the United States and Mexico. The fronDatura tatulaDatura tatula, scientific name:Datura stramonium var. tatula、Datura tatula, the band, is the year of herbaceous plant of the nightshade, Department of datura (datura spp.) native to tropical Asia, AmePapayaPapaya (Papaya, scientific name:Carica papaya L.) is evergreen shrubs of the papaya, Department of papaya in Mexico, Brazil, West Indies native. Great stuff so will height 10 m. White flowers, large l Agar Agar or Tengusa, scientific name: Gelidium elegans, is a seaweed of the family Gelidiaceae, native to the Pacific coast of the United States, Mexico, Chile, Japan and Korea. It has a cylindrical spindCoral plantCoral plant (scientific name: Russelia equisetiformis) is native to Mexico and is a non-cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the family Plantaginaceae. From a long and narrow stalk similar to common horsutriculata PringleiTillandsi utriculata 'Pringlei' (scientific name: Tillandsi utriculata ssp. pringlei) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Bromeliaceae, genus Tillandsia, native to Mexico. It grows wild in iPlumeriaPlumeria (Plumeria, scientific name: Plumeria sp.) is native to the West Indies, and from Guatemala, Mexico, and is a fallen leaf or evergreen small shrub of the apocynaceae family. In summer to autumTradescantia pallidaTradescantia pallida or Murasaki Goten (scientific name: Tradescantia pallida) is native to Mexico, it is a cereal, semi-cold-resistant and evergreen perennial of the family Commelinaceae. Continue toIron Cross Iron Cross(scientific name:Oxallis tetraphylla) is a bulbous plant of the family Oxalidaceae native to Mexico.It is known as "lucky leaf", "four-leaf sorrel" or, "four-leaved pink-sorrel". It has a buPeacock flowerPeacock Flower (scientific name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima) is native to the West Indies to Mexico and is a tropical evergreen small tree of the family Caesalpiniaceae. Brilliant red orange flowers and Cup of GoldThe Golden Cup (Solandra maxima) climbs the walls near the entrance of tropical botanical gardens, blooming with golden flowers. Its name, "Golden Cup," refers to its magnificent goblet-like shape. BuAgave angustifolia "margiana"Agave angustifolia "margiana" (scientific name: Agave angustifolia var. margiana) is native to Mexico,and is a variegated variant of a succulent plant and tree of Agricaceae family . There is a yelloSnowflake euphorbiaSnowflake euphorbia , scientific name:Euphorbia leucocephala is an evergreen shrub of the Euphorbiaceae department,of the Euphorbia genus native to Mexico- and El Salvador. Good branching. From late Bartlettina sordidaBartlettina sordida, common names Blue mist flower, or Purple torch (scientific name: Bartlettina sordida) is an endemic species of Mexico and is a non-cold-resistant evergreen small shrub of the famiSalvia microfila 'Pink brush'Salvia microfila 'Pink brush' (Scientific name: Salvia microphylla 'Pink Blush') is a herb of evergreen shrub of the family Lamiaceae, a native of Mexico to Arizona of USA. Also called Cherry Sage 'PiXyphidium caeruleumXyphidium caeruleum (scientific name: Xiphidium caeruleumb) is native to tropical America, and is a perennial plant in the family Haemodoraceae. In the place of origin, it grows naturally on the lowlaZinnia elegansZinnia elegans known as common zinnia, youth-and-old-age (scientific name: Zinnia elegans) is an annual herb belonging to the family Asteraceae, which is native to Mexico. Flower color and how to blAngeloniaAngelonia (scientific name: Angelonia angustifolia) is a non-cold-resistant evergreen perennial "Angelonia (Scientific name: Angelonia angustifolia)" of the family Plantaginaceae originating in MexicoEmoryEmory (scientific name: Ferocactus emoryi) is a cactus from the US to Mexico, belonging to the cactus family Cactaceae. In the country of origin, it grows naturally in the calcareous soil of the deserEchinodorus palifoliusEchinodorus palifolius or Mexican sword plant (scientific name: Echinodorus palifolius) is a perennial plant in the family Alismataceae, native to Brazil, Peru, Uruguay and Mexico. It is found in riveCypress VineCypress Vine (Scientific name: Ipomoea quamoclit) is a vining annual herbaceous plant native to Mexico in the family Convolvulaceae. It produces small, funnel-shaped, pentagonal-tipped flowers that blPetrea volubilisPetrea (scientific name: Petrea volubilis) is a tropical evergreen vine native to tropical America from the West Indies to Mexico and Brazil. It is also called sandpaper vine, queen's wreath, bluebirdSalvia coccineaSalvia coccinea or Texas sage, coccinea, scarlet sage, ( scientific name: Salvia coccinea) , is an annual herb of the genus Salvia in the family Lamiaceae , native to South America and Mexico. It has Mexican poppyMexican poppy, scientific name:Argemone mexicana, is an annual grass of family Papaveraceae, the genus argemone introduced during the Edo period for one yeanative to Mexicor. Flowers similar thistle lAgeratum houstonianumAgeratum houstonianum or flossflower (Scientific name: Ageratum houstonianum) is native to Latin America, such as Mexico and Peru, is a non-cold-resistant annual grass of the family Asteraceae. OriginAphelandra DaniaAphelandra Dania, scientific name: Aphelandra squarrosa cv. Dania, is a gardening kind of the non-cold-resistant evergreen undershrub of the acanthaceae department aaphelandra genus. In Aphelandra squTagetes erectaAfrican marigold (scientific name: Tagetes erecta) is native to Mexico, and is a drought-resistant evergreen one-year-old grass of the Asteraceae family. Along with French marigold, it is one of the rAvocadoAvocado (scientific name:Persea americana) is a tropical evergreen tall tree in the family Lauraceae, native to the tropics of Central America. The tree grows to a height of about 25 meters. Its greenAgave franzosinii cactusAgave franzosinii cactus (scientific name: Agave franzosinii cactus) is a grayish-blue succulent native to Mexico and belonging tothe family Asparagaceae. It is similar to the Agave americana var. marParthenium hysterophorusParthenium hysterophorus, false ragweed, whitetop weed, famine weed, Santa-Maria, Santa Maria feverfew, or goma giku (scientific name: Parthenium hysterophorus) is an annual wildflower that is native OchromaOchroma or balsa tree(Scientific name: Ochroma lagopus、Synonym: Ochroma pyramidale)is an evergreen or deciduous broad-leaved tree in the family Bombacaceae, native to southern Mexico and southern BraEpiphyllum oxypetalumEpiphyllum oxypetalum, commonly known as 'Dutchman's Pipe' (scientific name: Epiphyllum oxypetalum) is a semi-cold, evergreen perennial succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native to Mexico. GlossyFerocactus glaucescensFerocactus glaucescens (scientific name: Ferocactus glaucescens) is native to Hidalgo, endemic to México and is a cylindrical cactus of the family Cactaceae, genus Ferocactus. The body is about 50cm i Malabar chestnutPachira (scientific name: Pachira), native to Mexico, Brazil, and Peru, is a tall evergreen tree in the genus Pachira of the mallow family. It is mainly used as a potted houseplant. The tree is up to PoinsettiaPoinsettia or commonly called as Christmas Flower (Scientific name: Euphorbia pulcherrima) is native to Mexico and is an evergreen shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family. It is Christmas flower to greet thShimatonerico eleganceShimatonerico elegance (scientific name:Chamaedorea elegans) is the resistance behind the Palm of shimatonerico spp., Hardy Evergreen shrub. It is a Palm native to Central and South rice such as commoAnnona muricataAnnona muricata, ancestor bear or soursop (scientific name: Annona muricata) is native to tropical America and is evergreen tall tree of Annonaceae and its fruits. The tree height is about 5 m. The leTrimezia steyermarkiiTrimezia steyermarkii or Yellow Walking Iris (scientific name: Trimezia steyermarkii) is native to Mexico and is a temperate perennial of the family Iridaceae. Leaves are linear root roots. A small yeDasylirion longissimumDasylirion longissimum or Mexican Grass Tree (scientific name: Dasylirion longissimum) is a cold-tolerant evergreen shrub of the Dasylirion genus in the family Asparagaceae, which is native to Mexico.Ruellia simplexRuellia simplex, Brittons wild petuniaor yanagiba ruirasou (scientific name: Ruellia simplex) is a kitsunenomago of lira sow half-Hardy Evergreen small shrub native to Mexico. From spring until late aAgave americanaAgave americana ,scientific name:Agave americana , is the fleshy plant which a shrill irregularity entered to a blue agave of the Asparagaceae department agave genus native to Mexico. It makes Form ofPhaseolus coccineusPhaseolus coccineus ,commonly known as scarlet runner bean , runner bean is a perennial legume of Phaseolus spp. in the cool highlands native to Mexico. Because sensitive to heat and cold is produced golden barrel cactusKinshachi (money killer whale and scientific name:Echinocactus grusonii) is native to Mexico and is a Department of tamasaboten genus of cacti. Size and shape are the King of ball cactus. Mature plant Leucaena leucocephalaLeucaena leucocephala,or Gin-nem (scientific name: Leucaena leucocephala) is native to Mexico and is an evergreen shrub of the genus Legume family. It is a naturalized plant from South America. LeavesDioon spinulosumDioon spinulosum is a half-hardy evergreen of the family Zamiaceae,the genus Dioon native to the tropical forests of Mexico. Looks like a Palm tree is the world's largest Cycad. Beautiful male and femHylocereus undatusHylocereus undatus, commonly calledwhite dragon, is tropical evergreen perennial plant of the hylocereusvgenus. The flower resembles (Epiphyllum oxypetalum and flowers in the autumn night from the sumMonsteraMonstera (scientific name: Monstera deliciosa) is a large vine plant of the family Araceae that is native to Mexico. It is a foliage plant that creates a mysterious (creepy?) Atmosphere by puncturing Mexican shrimp plantMexican shrimp plant, Plants Named After Crustaceans Mexican shrimp plan, or the Shrimp Plant (Justicia brandegeeana) is a tropical and semi-hardy evergreen shrub native to Mexico, belonging to the AFrench marigoldFrench marigold (Scientific name: Tagetes patula) is native to Mexico and is an evergreen annual grass of the Asteraceae family. Along with African marigold (Scientific name: Tagetes erecta), it is onGulmoharGulmohar (scientific name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima var. rosea) is a variant of caesalpinia-caesalpinia tropical Evergreen small tree, pride of Barbados (Yellow Butterfly, scientific name: Caesalpinia Dalechampia roezlianaDalechampia rezliana is a Euphorbia graduate Dale Campa's Evergreen small tree native to Mexico.Like a flower without petals, spring-blooming pink flowers is the larger involucres. Generic name: DaBald cypressBald cypress, scientific name:Taxodium distichum, is a deciduous coniferous trees of the Taxodium genus, of the Cupressaceae department native to North America and Mexico . Out aerial roots (root respMelampodiumMelampodium (Scientific Name: Melampodium divaricatum) is an annual herb in the family Asteraceae, native to Mexico and North America. It produces yellow head-like corollas from the top of the flower TuberoseTuberosa , scientific name:Polianthes tuberosa , is native to Mexico and is a non-hardy perennial herbs and spherical root of the Asparagaceae, of Polianthes genus. Spring bulbs out of lanceol the ateTetranema roseumTetranema roseum commonly called as Mexican foxglove or Mexican violet (scientific name: Tetranema roseum) is native to Mexico - Guatemala, and is an evergreen perennial of the family Plantaginaceae. Ant Farm OrchidAnt Farm Orchid, scientific name:Myrmecophila tibicinis) in Mexico and Central America, native to Venezuela, perennial Department of the Orchid myrmecophila genus. Pink flowers bloom. So with fake steEcheveria secundaEcheveria secunda , scientific name:Echeveria secunda , is native to Mexico and is an evergreen succulent perennial of the genus echeveria, of the department crassulaceae. Preceded by a rosette-shapeGraptopetalum mendozaeGraptpetalm Mendoza , Latin name:Graptopetalum mendozae, is native to Mexico and is a succulent plant of the genus Graptopetalum, Department of Crassulaceae. Simulates the rosette in graptpetalm min.Beaucarnea recurvataBeaucarnea recurvata, commonly called as ponytail palm, elephant's foot, or the tokkurilan (scientific name: Beaucarnea recurvata) is a. Native to Mexico, it is a semi-cold hardy evergreen shrub in tSphyrospermum cordifoliumSphyrospermum cordifolium is a tropical evergreen shrub of the ericaceae department of the sphyrospermum genus native to Central America. After the flowers bloom, a drooping little white bell-shaped fLealia superbiensLealia superbiens (scientific name: Lealia superbiens) is evergreen perennial of the family Orchidaceae. It is an orchid growing on the tree trunk of a tropical rainforest and a big rock. Many luxurioSanvitaliaSanvitalia (Scientific name: Sanvitalia) is an annual plant of the genus Asteraceae, native to the southwestern United States to Guatemala, and Mexico. In Japanese name it is called janome-gikku. BecaTithoniaTithonia ,commonly called as Mexican sunflower,(scientific name: Tithonia rotundifolia), is native to Central America and Mexico, and is an annual plant of the family Asteraceae. In summer, yellow flo White beanWhite bean or shirohana-bean, (scientific name: Phaseolus coccineus 'Shirohana-mame') is a variant of the annual or biennial of the family Fabaceae 'runner bean(scientific name: Phaseolus coccineus)',Manilkara zapotaManilkara zapota or sapodilla (sapodilla, scientific name: Manilkara zapota) is a tropical evergreen tall tree and tropical fruit tree in the family Sapotaceae, native to the Caribbean coast of MexicoZamia furfuraceaZamia furfuracea (scientific name: Zamia furfuracea) is an evergreen shrub native to Mexico and belonging to the genus Zamia. The trunk is short and bulbous and grows slowly. Although it is a cycad, tArpophyllum giganteumArpophyllum giganteum (Scientific Name: Arpophyllum giganteum) is a perennial herb in the genus Arpophyllum of the Orchidaceae family, native to Mexico to Central America, Colombia, Venezuela and JamaErusamuErusamu , Scientific name: Mammillaria bucareliensis 'erusamu', is a warty cactus of the family Cactaceae, native to Mexico. It is a variant of M. bucareliensis, a horticultural species with short or Acacia cornigeraAcacia cornigera, bull-horn acacia, bullhorn wattle, or swollen-horn acacia (scientific name: Acacia cornigera), native to Mexico and Costa Rica, is a small evergreen tree of the genus Acacia in the fAgave striataAgave striata (scientific name: Agave striata) is an evergreen succulent plant native to Mexico in the genus Agave in the family Asparagaceae. It is similar to Yucca recurvifolia (Kimigayoran,(ScientiPinguicula giganteaPinguicula gigantea or The Giant Butterwort (scientific name: Pinguicula gigantea) is a species of insectivorous violet native to Oaxaca, Mexico, in the genus Pinguicula. It is native to tropical highOrchid cactusOrchid cactus (scientific name:Epiphyllum spp.) is half cold resistance of actaceae family and evergreen perennials of the succulent herb native to Mexico. Like leaf stalks are called leafy stems. BecGibasis pellucidaGibasis pellucida or bridalveil (scientific name: Gibasis pellucida) is native to Mexico and is a semi-cold tolerant evergreen perennial of the family Commelinaceae. It grows tightly, but it is suscep Salvia microphylla ”Hot Lips”Salvia microfila 'Hot Lips' (Scientific name: Salvia microphylla cv. Hot Lips) is native to Mexico and is a gardening variety of the evergreen shrub Salvia microphylla. S. microfila is also called Ch Capsicum annuumCapsicum annuum is native to Mexico and refers to the perrennial vegetables of the family Solanaceae. It is also called red pepper or blue pepper in English. Many small flowers bloom on branched branRauvolfia tetraphyllaRauvolfia tetraphylla (Rauvolfia tetraphylla)Spineless cactus Spineless cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) is a perennation shrub of the family Cactaceae genus Opuntia native to Mexico. The stem is green, and the form does flat round fan form or cylinder form, and apGraptopetalum paraguayenseGraptopetalum paraguayense, Sedum weinbergii or Mother-of-pearl-plant (scientific name: Graptopetalum paraguayense) is a succulent plants in the family Crassulaceaeof native to Mexico. Common name:Aporocactus flagelliformisAporocactus flagelliformis or Kinpimo (scientific name: Aporocactus flagelliformis) is native to Mexico and is a string-like succulent plant of the cactiaceae disocactus genus (← Apollocactus spp.) ThMammillaria carmenaeMammillaria carmenae or Old lady cactus, scientific name: Mammillaria carmenae, is a verrucous cactus of the genus Mammillaria of the cactus family, native to central Mexico. In its native habitat, i Other FeaturesStrange plantsStrange plants It is gathered the mysterious and strange plants , for example, such as it is thought a tree but is a grass. Flower name : Ombu (Phytolacca dioica), Nesocodon mauritianus, PterostyU.S.A FlowersFlowers native to the U.S. - A collection of flowers that are believed to be native to the United States or horticultural varieties.Interior & BeddingInterior/ Bedding - Sofas, Carpets, Tatami mats, Dining sets, Curtains, Chairs, Lights and lighting fixtures, Tables, Cushions and cushions, Desks, Mirrors, Storage furniture, Clocks, Bedding, StorageFeature: Foliage plantSpecial Features Houseplants includes 296 species (as of August 19, 2024). Definition of Ornamental plants(Foliage plants) An ornamental plant(foliage plant) is a plant grown for admiring the coloCauliflory"Cauliflory" refers to the phenomenon commonly observed in tropical forest regions where plants bear flowers or fruits directly on the main stem or trunk. Depending on where the flowers or fruits are December Special: White FlowersDecember Special: White Flowers December is the Christmas season, so red and green flowers tend to stand out, but there are also quite a few white flowers. Notable examples include chrysanthemums,