


Representative flowers of the Proteaceae family include large tropical plants such as Grevillea, Pincushions, and King Protea, which are often used in luxurious flower arrangements and bridal bouquets. The Proteaceae family belongs to the order Proteales within the dicotyledonous plants and developed in the ancient Gondwana continent as evergreen low shrubs.

The Proteaceae family includes ornamental plants like the Protea genus (Protea), Banksia genus (Banksia), as well as edible fruit-bearing plants such as the Macadamia genus (Macadamia).

Classification: Plantae, Angiosperms, Eudicots, Order: Proteales, Family: Proteaceae

Some plants in the Proteaceae family include:

Grevillea(Grevillea banksii)、
Pincushions(Leucospermum spp.)、
King protea(Protea cynaroides),
Macadamia(Macadamia integrifolia)、
Apple-green protea(Protea coronata),
Banksia Orange Frost(Banksia prionotes),
Protea neriifolia(Protea neriifoli)、
Coast banksia'Banksia integrifolia)、
Leucadendron platyspermum,
Grevillea 'Honey Gem'、学名:Grevillea banksii× Grevillea pteridifolia'),
Leucadendron Discolor,
Serruria 'Calmen'(Serruria florida x Serruria rosea)、
Tree waratah(Alloxylon flammeum).

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The plants of the family Proteaceae

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