New Year's lucky plant ポスト New Year's lucky plantThe aridoshi The aridoshi (scientific name: Damnacanthus indicus) is an evergreen broad-leaved shrub in the family Rubiaceae, native to Japan, Korea, China, and India. It is also known as ichiryo, aridoushi, and tArdisia japonicaOne of the auspicious New Year decorations. Its Japanese name, "Hyakuryō," is derived from the Chinese name "Bai Liang Jin" (百两金). Hyakuryō (百両, scientific name: Ardisia crispa) is a cold-hardy, everSarcandra glabraSarcandra glabra (scientific name: Sarcandra glabra) is native to India, Malaysia, and Japan and is an evergreen small shrub belonging to the genus Senryo. The leaves are shiny, thin, cortical and havArdisia crenataCoral bush, coralberry, coral ardisia or manryo, ( scientific name: Ardisia crenata), is cold-resistant evergreen small shrub of the geneus Ardisia native to China, Korea, India and Japan. Leaves areMarlberryMarlberry or Juryo (Scientific name: Ardisia japonica) is a cold-hardy, evergreen, broad-leaved shrub belonging to the Primulaceae family and the Ardisia genus. It is also known as Yabukōji (薮柑子) in Sarcandra FlavaSarcandra Flava or Kimino Senryo(Scientific name: Sarcandra glabra f. Flava) is a varieties that puts different fruits of the evergreen small shrub of the genus Senchiaceae, Sengyo family (Sengwha, scUmeUme or Japanese apricot , scientific name: Prunus mume , is deciduous small tree of the department Rosaceae Prunus genus native to China. Before the open leaf shoots in early spring, fragrant flower bChorogi Chorogi (Stachys sieboldii), also known as Chinese artichoke, is a perennial plant in the mint family Lamiaceae, originating from China. It grows to a height of about 60 cm. In June and July, it bloomBlack soybeanBlack soybeans (scientific name: Glycine max 'Kuromame'), are annual grass of the fabaceae family native to China. Because a blackish pigment is included, it becomes black, but the ingredient to be in Camellia Kingyoba-TsubakiCamellia Kingyoba-Tsubaki, scientific name: horticultural varieties of Camellia japonica cv. Kingyoba-Tsubaki, pink, small to medium size(flower diamter:4~9cm), single-petaled, tube Agglutination, antJapanese red PineThe Japanese Red Pine (scientific name: Pinus densiflora) is an evergreen coniferous tree of the Pinaceae family and genus Pinus, native to Japan, Korea, and China. It is also known by other names, suCamellia Kingyoba-TsubakiCamellia Kingyoba-Tsubaki, scientific name: horticultural varieties of Camellia japonica cv. Kingyoba-Tsubaki, pink, small to medium size(flower diamter:4~9cm), single-petaled, tube Agglutination, antChrysanthemum morifoliumA list of species of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is shown in the "Special Feature: Chrysanthemums" section. Chrysanthemum morifolium or Florist's daisym, scientific name:Chrysanthemum moChrysanthemum morifoliumA list of species of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is shown in the "Special Feature: Chrysanthemums" section. Chrysanthemum morifolium or Florist's daisym, scientific name:Chrysanthemum mo Other FeaturesApril White Flowers2Here is the second installment featuring white flowers blooming in April. Before delving into flower descriptions, let's summarize some points about color: Mixing paint and light results in differeSpecial features:VioletSpecial features:Violet Viola mandsurica ebicha,Viola grypoceras,Viola chaerophylloides,Sweet violet,Sweet violet 'Kogane',Viola brevistipulata,Ootachitsubo-sumire ,Violet ,Viola 'Misuzu maichidoriOctober's Collection of Purple FlowersOctober's Collection of Purple Flowers We hava gathered a collection of purple flowers blooming in October. These include varieties from chrysanthemums to captivating blooms in tropical plant greenkazuyo-san's gardenKazuyo-san lives in Kochi pref. We stayed at Kazuyo-san's home on July 15-17, 2017 on a company trip and took pictures of vegetables and flowers in her garden. After that, Kazuyo-san would send us herSeptember Black-colored Flowers September Black-colored Flowers A collection of black flowers blooming in September. Black flowers are rare in nature, and even rarer are the black flowers that bloom at this time of the year. The fShort video "Illustrations of Plants and Trees from Manyoshu"Short video of illustrations of plants and trees from Manyoshu