Special Feature: Flower Names Inspired by "Fairy Tales or Story Protagonists" ポスト 特集:带有“童话或故事主人公”名字的花Rose 'Cinderella'Rose ’Cinderella' (scientific name: Rosa cv. Cinderella) is a cultivar of the deciduous shrub rose of the family Rosaceae, created in 2003 by the German company W. Kordes. The hybrid parentage is seedRosa 'Le Comte Fersen'Rose 'Le Comte Fersen' (Scientific Name: Rosa cv. Le Comte Fersen) is a deciduous shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family, part of the F. Floribunda horticultural variety. It was bred by Meilland in Fr Hybrid tea rose 'Atsuhime rose'Atsuhime rose (scientific name: Hybrid tea rose 'achuhime rose') is a horticultural variety of a small shrub 'rose' in the family Rosaceae. These roses were selected as the centerpiece of the KagoshimMickey mouse plant Mickymouse Tree, scientific name:Ochna serrulata) is an evergreen shrubs of the Ochnaceae Department of ocna genus native to South Africa. In the spring, blooms small yellow 5 petaled flower. Red seSnowflake euphorbiaSnowflake euphorbia , scientific name:Euphorbia leucocephala is an evergreen shrub of the Euphorbiaceae department,of the Euphorbia genus native to Mexico- and El Salvador. Good branching. From late Tradescantia sillamontanaTradescantia sillamontana ,cobweb spiderwort or (scientific name : Tradescantia sillamontana) Common name: Tradescantia sillamontana, scientific name : Tradescantia sillamontana, Place of origin: MEbine 'Orihime' Ebine 'Orihime' , scientific name:Calanthe discolor cv.Orihime, is a perennial plant of the orchidaceae department of calanthe genus native to Japan. Other FeaturesSpiraeaThe scientific name of the genus "Spiraea" means "spiral" in Latin. The spiral is related to the spiral shape of the leaves on the branches, which are arranged in a spiral so that they do not overlap.Feature: August purpleflowersFeature: August purpleflowers Purple Flowers Blooming in August There are a total of 262 species of purple flowers that bloom in August (as of August 28, 2024). According to the color-based statisHypericumHypericum-Hypericum patulum, Great St. Johnswort, Hidcote, Hypericum monogynum, Hypericum erectum, Chinense St.John's wort, Hypericum tosaense, Hypericum androsaemum 'Mystic Flare'Botanic Garden of Toyama Flowers at Botanic Garden of Toyama Plants in bloom in the greenhouse on April 30, 2023. There are the Pachypodium brevicaule), Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Rafflesia arnoldii, Sida fallax,Cool flowerCool flowerInsectivorous Plants ListInsectivorous Plants List Insectivorous plants are plants that capture insects and produce digestive juices that dissolve the insects and grow as nutrients. They include the following Nepenthes ra