Flower Names with "Numbers" ポスト Flower Names with "Numbers"Japanese YewTaxus cuspidata (scientific name: Taxus cuspidata) is a cold- and negative-resistant evergreen coniferous tree of the family Taxaceae. It is a hermaphroditic gymnosperm that makes a quiet flower bloomThe aridoshi The aridoshi (scientific name: Damnacanthus indicus) is an evergreen broad-leaved shrub in the family Rubiaceae, native to Japan, Korea, China, and India. It is also known as ichiryo, aridoushi, and tArdisia crenataCoral bush, coralberry, coral ardisia or manryo, ( scientific name: Ardisia crenata), is cold-resistant evergreen small shrub of the geneus Ardisia native to China, Korea, India and Japan. Leaves areSarcandra FlavaSarcandra Flava or Kimino Senryo(Scientific name: Sarcandra glabra f. Flava) is a varieties that puts different fruits of the evergreen small shrub of the genus Senchiaceae, Sengyo family (Sengwha, scSarcandra glabraSarcandra glabra (scientific name: Sarcandra glabra) is native to India, Malaysia, and Japan and is an evergreen small shrub belonging to the genus Senryo. The leaves are shiny, thin, cortical and havMarlberryMarlberry or Juryo (Scientific name: Ardisia japonica) is a cold-hardy, evergreen, broad-leaved shrub belonging to the Primulaceae family and the Ardisia genus. It is also known as Yabukōji (薮柑子) in Ardisia japonicaOne of the auspicious New Year decorations. Its Japanese name, "Hyakuryō," is derived from the Chinese name "Bai Liang Jin" (百两金). Hyakuryō (百両, scientific name: Ardisia crispa) is a cold-hardy, everPinus parvifloraPinus parviflora ,Japanese white pine, or Goyo matsu( scientific name: Pinus parviflora) , is a species of the family Pinaceae native to Japan. So have long, heat-resistance, cold-resistant and can wiAjuga nipponensisAjuga nipponensis (scientific name: Ajuga nipponensi) is native to Japan, and is a cold evergreen perennial in the family Lamiaceae. It can be seen in the mountains of Honshu - Shikoku, the edge of fa Hylocereus undatusHylocereus undatus, commonly calledwhite dragon, is tropical evergreen perennial plant of the hylocereusvgenus. The flower resembles (Epiphyllum oxypetalum and flowers in the autumn night from the sumHepatica nobilis var.japonica form.magnaHepatica nobilis var.japonica form.magna(scientific name is same) is a hardy perennial of the Ranunculaceae native to Japan Sea side in endemic to Japan. In a variant of the Anemone hepatica Anemone hWinged beanThe winged bean (scientific name: Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) is native to Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, and is a vine annual of the family Fabaceae. In Japan, it is cultiAnemone hepaticaAnemone hepatica (scientific name: Anemone hepatica var. Japonica f. Japonica, or Hepatica nobilis) is an endemic variety of Japan, and is a cold-tolerant evergreen perennial herb in the family RanuncPrunus mume 'Hitoe-kankou'Prunus mume 'Yae kanko', scientific name: Prunus mume 'Hitoe-kankou', is an early-flowering wild plum variety bred in Japan and used for New Year's. Common name: Prunus mume 'Hitoe-kankou', scientifGymnadenia conopseaGymnadenia conopsea or Tegata-chidori (scientific name: Gymnadenia conopsea) is native to the Eurasian Continent and is a perennial of the Orchidaceae. In Japan, It grows naturally in alpine in HokkaiMonostroma nitidumMonostroma nitidum (scientific name: Monostroma nitidum) is a seagrass of the family Monostromataceae native to the Korean peninsula, China and Japan. It is attached to rocks in the intertidal zone alAnemone flaccidaAnemone flaccida or nirin-sou(scientific name: Anemone flaccida) is a cold-resistant perennial herb (lodging plant) in the family, Ranunculaceae, native to Japan and China. In spring, it forms large cAnemone nikoensisAnemone nikoensis or Ichirin-sou(scientific name: Anemone nikoensis), also known as spring ephemeral, is a cold-resistant perennial herb (lodging plant) of the genus Anemone (Ranunculaceae) native to Anemone pseudoaltaicaAnemone pseudoaltaica or Kikuzaki ichige (scientific name:Anemone pseudoaltaica) is a hardy perennial of the family Ranunculaceae native to Japan, etc.. In spring, it forms clusters on the forest floo Anemone raddeanaAnemone raddeana, or Azuma ichige (scientific name: Anemone raddeana) is a deciduous perennial herb native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula, belonging to the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. It grows Anemone keisueanaAnemone keisueana or Yukiwari-ichige (scientific name: Anemone keisueana) is native to Japan and is a cold-resistant perennial herb of the Ranunculaceae family. In the spring, it makes communities on Primula japonicaPrimula japonica, Japanese primrose or kurinsou (scientific name:Primula japonica) a perennial grass of the primrose family Primulaceae, native to Japan. It has a long, neat stem and is taller than moSedum bulbiferumSedum bulbiferum or Komochi Mannengusa (scientific name: Sedum bulbiferum) is native to Japan to China. Weeds that grow out of the way between Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Okinawa. In early summer, theVeronicastrum japonicumVeronicastrum japonicum or Kugaisou (scientific name: Veronicastrum japonicum) is native to Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula and is a perennial of the genus Psyllidae. In Japan, I grow naturally Veronicastrum sibiricumVeronicastrum sibiricum(scientific name:Veronicastrum sibiricum subsp. japonicum) is perennial grass of the family Plantaginaceae. Inflorescence in the sunny meadow in the summer, came from the stem tEzo kugaiso Ezo kugaiso (scientific name: Veronicastrum sibiricum subsp. yezoense) is a perennial herb native to Japan and Sakhalin in the genus Kugaiso (Veronicastrum sibiricum subsp. yezoense). It grows wild inSnake PlantSnake Plant, scientific name:Sansevieria triafasciata is a non-cold-resistant, evergreen perennial succulent plant of the Sansevieria genus , of the Asparagaceae department native to tropical Africa fLeptotes bicolorLeptotes bicolor, scientific name: Leptotes bicolor, is originally from South America and is an epiphytism orchid of the Orchidaceae. In the close relation of the cattleya, there is a creeping stem or Other FeaturesE FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "e". Even if the name doesn't start with "e", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "e". Please check the flower caFeature: White Flowers Blooming in AugustFeature: White Flowers Blooming in August The list of "White Flowers Blooming in August" currently includes 318 species as of August 15, 2024. We have added 22 new species since last year. Some of Special feature “sweets” in flower namesSpecial feature “sweets” in flower namesfebruary-red-blossoms-4List of red flowers blooming in February Part-4 Prunus mume 'Sabashikou', C. Sasanqua 'Kanjirou',Ixora macrothyrsa,Poitea carinalis etc. *Special Feature 特集「2月に咲く赤い花一覧その4」(日本語、Japanese (languaFlowers of New CaledoniaNew Caledonia flowers are a treasure trove of rare flowers with many endemic species. Xanthostemon aurantiacus 'red & yellow', Reindeer lichen, Amyema scandens etc.ProteaceaeProteaceae Representative flowers of the Proteaceae family include large tropical plants such as Grevillea, Pincushions, and King Protea, which are often used in luxurious flower arrangements and bri