Korean Peninsula Flowers ポスト Korean Peninsula FlowersCampanula punctata Hotarubukuro or called as Campanula punctata (scientific name: Campanula punctata) is native Korea, China, Siberia and Japan, and is a hardy perennials of the family Campanulaceae. The name of the floLiparis makinoanaLiparis makinoana or Suzumuhi-sou (scientific name: Liparis makinoana) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and Russia, and is a perennial plant belonging to the family Orchidaceae. In Japan, it gLithospermum zollingeriLithospermum zollingeri (Scientific name: Lithospermum zollingeri) is an evergreen perennial herb of the family Boraginaceae, native to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. It grows wild in fields and foreEuphorbia jolkiniiEuphorbia jolkiniis is a perennial bloom in the rocky coast of the department Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia genus native to Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Spring makes yellow colony on the rocky coast. The leavesLilium pensylvanicumLilium pensyvanicum or called Siberian lily is a perennial lily of the Liliaceae, the genus Lilium ezoscaciuly species native to the coast of Hokkaido, etc.. Leaves are lanceolate and the bulb is locaEbineEbine , scientific name:Calanthe discolor , is a perennial plant of the orchidaceae department of calanthe genus native to Japan. It grows on the ground wild orchids. Hokkaido-distributed in Okinawa Jgooseneck loosestrifeGooseneck loosestrife or Okatrano (scientific name: Lysimachia clethroides) is native to Japan etc. and is a cold-resistant perennial grass of the family Primulae . In the field, it grows by extendinJapanese dockJapanese dock or Yotei (scientific name: Rumex japonicus) is native to Japan, Korean Peninsula, China, Taiwan, Russia, and it is a large perennial wild grass of the family Polygonaceae. The thick stemLilium medeoloidesLilium medeoloides is a (Sub) Alpine perennial of the genus Lilium native to Japan and Korea. Flower name comes from the plant of the Lilium family, and this depends on the original wheels radial-spok Chinese peonyChinese peony or Shakuyaku in Japanese ( Scientific name: Paeonia lactiflora) is a hardy perennial herb of Button family Paeoniaceae native to northern China to northern North Korea. I came to Japan SpatterdockSpatterdock or Kohone (scientific name: Nuphar japonicum) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, and is a perennial aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae water lily. A golden flower makecreeping pineCreeping pine, scientific name:Pinus pumila) and Northeast Asia-is a shrub creeping of evergreen conifer of pine Pinus, native to Japan. Hokkaido ~ growing in the harsh environment of the high mountaiAmsonia ellipticaAmsonia elliptica , the Choju-sou or Japanese Bluestar, scientific name: Amsonia elliptica, is a semi-hardy and non-heat resistant perennial herb belonging to the Apocynaceae family and the Amsonia gOrchid NagoOrchid Nago (scientific name:Phalaenopsis japonica) is a perennial Evergreen Evergreen epiphytic orchids of Phalaenopsis genus. Native to Mt. Yae in Nago city, Okinawa Prefecture, was found for the fiStewartia pseudocamelliaStewartia pseudocamellia or Natsutsubaki (scientific name: Stewartia pseudocamellia) is native to Japan to the Korean Peninsula, and it is a deciduous tree of the family Theaceae. In the early summer,Scutellaria strigillosaScutellaria strigillosa is a perennial herb in the genus scutellaria, Department of Lamiaceae native to Korea, China and Japan . In summer, the native prairie sands of seashore and doggy style. SimplHemerocallis fulvaOrange Daylily, scientific name:Hemerocallis fulva , is native to Japan, China, the Korean peninsula, and is a perennial grass of the department Hemerocallidaceae , of Hemerocallis genus. Summer, JapTomentosumTomentosum(scientific name: Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum) is a deciduous small trees of the family caprifoliaceae native to China ,Korea and Japan. It lets white ornamental flowers (asexual floweNanking cherryNanking cherry ( scientific name: Cerasus tomentosa) is a deciduous shrub in the family Rosaceae, native to China and the Korean Peninsula. It produces flowers in spring that look like a mixture of li Cimicifuga simplexCimicifuga simplex is a large perennial grass of the Department of Ranunculaceae , of Cimicifuga genus native to the mountains of Japan, Korea and China. Summer and fall, from stem and leaf axil stretVeronicastrum sibiricumVeronicastrum sibiricum(scientific name:Veronicastrum sibiricum subsp. japonicum) is perennial grass of the family Plantaginaceae. Inflorescence in the sunny meadow in the summer, came from the stem tClematis ternifloraClematis terniflora or Sweet Autumn Clematis , scientific name:Clematis terniflora , is fallen leaves perennial climbing plant of the family Ranunculaceae , genus Clematis native to Japan, China and KLycorisLycoris,commonly called red magic lily or Red spider lily (scientific name:Lycoris radiata) is a hardy perennials of Lycoris, Department of amaryllidaceae (plant bulbs). At the equinoctial week. StretHama niganaHama nigana (scientific name: Ixeris repens) is cinnamic perennial of wild grasses of the family Atheraceae family, in Japan, the Korean Peninsula, native to China. It can be seen on the coastal sandyAralia cordataAralia cordata or Udo (Scientific name: Aralia cordata) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China, and is edible with perennial herbs of the family Araliaceae. White flowers will bloom in theCercis chinensisChinese redbud (scientific name: Cercis chinensis) is native to China and the Korean Peninsula, and is a cold-resistant deciduous shrub of the family Fabaceae. Before the leaves come out, it makes bloChinese fringetreeChinese fringetree (scientific name: Chionanthus retusus) is a large deciduous trees of the genus Chionanthus, of the Oleaceae family native to the Korean Peninsula , China and Japan. The tree height Camellia japonicaCamellia japonica or Yabu-tsubaki (scientific name: Camellia japonica L.) is an evergreen tall tree of the family Theaceae. Simply speaking of camellia, it refers to this species. The original speciesVeronicastrum japonicumVeronicastrum japonicum or Kugaisou (scientific name: Veronicastrum japonicum) is native to Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula and is a perennial of the genus Psyllidae. In Japan, I grow naturally Adenophora remotifloraAdenophora remotiflora, or sobana (Scientific name: Adenophora remotiflora) is a perennial grass in the family Campanulaceae native to Korea, China and Japan. It grows wild on a sheer cliff in summer, Japanese water iris Japanese water iris (Latin name: Iris ensata var. spontanea) is a species of perennial plant of Iris Iris 'IRIS'. Red purple ground petals at the base (outside perianth) to enter the yellow markings.Rebun-kozakuraRebun-kozakura scientific name:Primula farinosa subsp. modesta var. matsumurae) and, is a hardy perennial of Primrose Primula native of Rebun Island. Mealy (primrose, scientific name: p. f. subsp. modAka-Shide(Hornbeam)Aka-Shide(Hornbeam) is in Deciduous tree of the autochthonism native in Japan and the tree is tinged with a reddish tinge and is used for bonsais.Castanopsis sieboldiiCastanopsis sieboldii is an evergreen broadleaf trees of the family Fagaceae native to Niigata Prefecture, West Japan and Korean peninsula . Also called alias in castanopsis trees, along with the treeMaple tree Maple tree (scientific name: Acer) is native to the Northern Hemisphere and is a deciduous tree of the family Sapindaceae. The leaves that fall in autumn are beautiful. The leaves are palm-shaped and Small-leaved Scutellaria indicaSmall-leaved Scutellaria indica( scientific name:Scutellaria indica var. parvifolia) is a perennial or shrubs of the lamiaceae. Flower was named in Lamiaceae distinctive lip form flowers that look liRosa rugosaRosa rugosa is a hardy deciduous shrub of the family Rosaceae, the genus Rosa native to China, the Korean peninsula and Japan . A beautiful pink Peony flower, like a single small flowers bloom. RosaceClematis apiifoliClematis apiifoli is a vine with leaves half-shrub of the department Ranunculaceae Clematisgenus . In the summer, from the axil flowers the bloom white small 4-petaled flower (actually sepals). CEuphorbia togakusensisEuphorbia jolkiniis is a perennial herb endemic to Japan antisyphilitica. General name: Euphorbia togakusensis, scientific name:Euphorbia togakusensis, origin: Japan, Habitat: low mountains and hig Synurus palmatopinnatifiduSynurus palmatopinnatifidu commonly called as Kikuba-Yamabokuchi (scientific name: Synurus palmatopinnatifidu) is native to Japan and the Korean peninsula,and is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae faIsunokiDistylium racemosum or Isunoki (scientific name: Distylium racemosum) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan and China. It is an evergreen tall tree in the family Hamamelidaceae. It grows inEbine 'Toka no maboroshi'Ebine 'Toka no maboroshi' , scientific name: Calanthe discolor cv. Toka no maboroshi, is a perennial plant of the orchidaceae department of calanthe genus native to Japan. Bridalwreath spireaBridalwreath spirea, scientific name:Spiraea prunifolia, is a deciduous shrub of the genus Rosa of family Rosaceae native Korean peninsula ,China and Japan. Spring blooms white flowers of many branchIris sanguineaIris sanguinea , commonly called as Ayame in Japan (Scientific name: Iris sanguinea) is a perennial herb of the genus Iris, which is native to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China. We grow wild on grasslaIris lavigataIris lavigata, commonly known as Kakitsubata or Japanese iris (scientific name: Iris lavigata) is a cold-tolerant perennial herb (perennial grass) of the genus Iris, which is native to Japan-East Siblamp rushLamp rush (scientific name: Juncus effusus var. decipens) is a perennial wild plant in the family Juncaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. It is also called "Igusa" (rush). It growsChionographis japonicaChionographis japonica called Shiraitoso, scientific name: Chionographis japonica, is an evergreen perennial herb belonging to the family Melanthiaceae, which is native to Japan from the Korean PeninsSyringa reticulataSyringa reticulata ,Japanese tree lilac or Hashidoi (scientific name: Syringa reticulata) is a cold-resistant deciduous tree from the East Asian region of Japan, the Korean peninsula, China, etc. It gShirahagiShirahagi (scientific name: Lespedeza thunbergii subsp. Thunbergii form. Albiflora) is a deciduous shrub of the family Fabaceae native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. From late summer to autumn, lo Euphorbia pekinensisEuphorbia pekinensis,or Takatodai (scientific name: Euphorbia lasiocaula) is similar to the perennial wild grass of the same genus 「 Euphorbia helioscopia」, and its plant is higher than that. It is diCallistephus chinensisCallistephus chinensis , Chaina aster, annual-aster or Ezogiku (scientific name: Callistephus chinensis) is a semi-hardy annual plant of the Asteraceae family, native to Japan, Korea and China. There hatsuyuki kazuraHatsuyuki kazura (scientific name: Trachelospermum asiaticum cv. hatsuyukikazura) is a cold-tolerant, crawling, vining, evergreen shrub in the family Apocynaceae, native to Japan and the Korean PeninsHypericum erectumHypericum erectum (scientific name: Hypericum erectum) is a perennial herb in the family Hypericaceae, which is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and mainland China. It grows naturally by the roadHypoleucumHypoleucum or Aki Karamatsu (scientific name: Thalictrum minus var. Hypoleucum), is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Sakhalin, and China, and is a perennial plant belonging to the the family RanLespedeza maximowicziiLespedeza maximowiczii (scientific name: Lespedeza maximowiczii) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China, and is a deciduous semi-shrub inf the family Fabaceae. From late spring to summer, GonzuiGonzui (scientific name: Euscaphis japonica) is a deciduous broad-leaved small tree in the family Staphyleaceae, which is native to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. It grows wild in the thickets of HonRubus crataegifoliuRubus crataegifolius, Korean raspberry or Kuma ichigo, (Scientific name: Rubus crataegifolius) is an alpine deciduous shrub in the family Rosaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. In Leptochilus pothifoliusLeptochilus pothifolius, (scientific name: Leptochilus pothifolius) is a native evergreen perennial fern plant inf the Polypodiaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, China, and the IndoBarnardia japonicaBarnardia japonica, Japanese jacinth, tsurubo, ( scientific name: Barnardia japonica) is a cold-resistant perennial (bulbous plant) in the family Asparagaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, C Japanese Flowering AshFraxinus sieboldiana, Japanese Flowering Ash or Malva Aodamo (Scientific name: Fraxinus sieboldiana) is a deciduous tree in the family Oleaceae, which is native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. In JGlehniaGlehnia(scientific name: Glehnia littoralis) is a coastal evergreen perennial wildflower native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Kamchatka, Taiwan and China in the genus Glehnia. The stems and flower sMercurialis leiocarpaMercurialis leiocarpa or Yama-ai (scientific name: Mercurialis leiocarpa) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Euphorbiaceae, native to the Korean Peninsula, China, Indochina and Japan. It grPotentilla fragarioides 'major"Potentilla fragarioides 'major' (Scientific name: Potentilla fragarioides var. major) is a species of perennial plant in the family Rosaceae, native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. It can be foundAnemone raddeanaAnemone raddeana, or Azuma ichige (scientific name: Anemone raddeana) is a deciduous perennial herb native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula, belonging to the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. It grows Cornus controversaCornus controversa or wedding cake tree (Cornus controversa ) Swida macrophylla or Kumano mizuki (scientific name: Swida macrophylla) is a deciduous tree in the family Cornaceae, native to AfghanistaActaea asiaticActaea asiatic (Scientific name: Actaea asiatic) is a perennial herb of the family Ranunculaceae, native to Japan, Korea and China. It is a wildflower that grows naturally in forests in the wildernesPolypogon fugaxPolypogon fugax or ditch polypogon (scientific name: Polypogon fugax) is an annual weed in the family Poaceae, native to East Asia and Africa, including Japan. It grows naturally in moist, sunny grassMukdenia rossiiMukdenia rossii , Iwayatsude or Tanchosou ( Scientific name: Mukdenia rossii) is a perennial herb of the family Saxifragaceae, native to China and the Korean Peninsula. From late winter to early sprCallicarpa japonicaCallicarpa japonica (Murasaki Shikibu, scientific name:Callicarpa japonica) in Japan, the Korean peninsula and Taiwan origin, vervain, Department of callicarpa japonica species deciduous shrub. Japan Japanese Flowering DogwoodCornus kousa (Yamaboushi, Scientific name: Cornus kousa) is native to Japan, and it is a deciduous subtropical tree of the family Cornaceae. During the rainy season to early summer, flowers like smallJapanese bittercressJapanese bittercress, scientific name:Cardamine regeliana , is 2 year's grass of the Cardamine genus of the Brassicaceae. Stretched spikes from the stem tip upright by the roadside in the summer, a Cornus canadenseCornus canadense Canadian dwarf cornel, Canadian bunchberry, or Gozen Tachibana (scientific name: Cornus canadense) is an evergreen perennial plant in the family Cornaceae native to the northwestern pJapanese torreyaJapanese torreya or kaya (scientific name: Torreya nucifera) is an evergreen coniferous tree in the family Taxaceae native to Japan and the Korean peninsula. It grows naturally in the temperate zone oPhedimus floribundusPhedimus floribundus or Kirinso (scientific name: Phedimus aizoonm var. floribundus) is a succulent plant of the genus Sedum, Department of Kirin sow hardy perennials in Siberia, China, Korean peninsuKiransouKiransou (scientific name: Ajuga decumbens) is native to Japan, Korean Peninsula, China, crawl and cold-resistant evergreen perennials of the Labiatae family Ajuga. In the spring, purple flowers with Silver orchidSilver orchid called Gin-ran, Erect cephalanthera, or Cephalanthera erecta (scientific name: Cephalanthera erecta) is a perennial plant of the genus Cephalanthera of the family Orchidaceae native to JClerodendrum trichotomumClerodendrum trichotomum, scientific name:Clerodendrum trichotomum, is a deciduous trees of the Clerodendrum genus, Department of clerodendrum trichotomum. In the summer, but the tip of the tube-shapeJapanese black pineJapanese black pine (scientific name: Pinus thunbergii) is a tall evergreen coniferous tree in the family Pinusceae, native to Japan. The bark is grayish-black, the shoots are whitish and the trunk isEuphorbia sieboldianaEuphorbia sieboldiana is a perennial. grass native to Japan, China and Korea. In Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu it grows in the wild at the forest edge. In spring, upright stems which bloom more reddis Actinidia argutaActinidia arguta Actinidia polygama ,silver vine, matatabi or cat powder ,scientific name: Actinidia polygama, is a deciduous vine native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula, belonging to the genusScutellaria indicaScutellaria indica is a perennial or shrubs of the lamiaceae. Flower was named in Lamiaceae distinctive lip form flowers that look like a crest. Low height, the flowers are small, matte, white or subtKorean ForsythiaKorean Forsythia (scientific name:Forsythia ovata) is among the Forsythia genus of osmanthus, Department of Hardy, deciduous shrub, "Forsythia", is a variety of the half-island's Korean and variants oJapanese gentianJapanese gentian, scientific name:Gentiana scabra , is a deciduous perennial herb in the gentian family, Gentianaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China. It is also known as Korean gentParthenocissus tricuspidataParthenocissus tricuspidata or commonly called as Boston ivy, or Japanese ivy, Tsuta (scientific name: Parthenocissus tricuspidata) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China, and is a deciduAsian jasmineAsian jasmine ( scientific name:Trachelospermum asiaticum) is an evergreen vines and shrubs of the apocynaceae native to Japan and Korea. It makes the white blossom with the sweet smell to the cyme whPogoniaPogonia (scientific name:Pogonia japonica) is a deciduous perennial orchids of origin, Japan. Sunny wetland communities to Wild Orchid stems of many issues on the ground, underground Rhizome. Leaves oMaianthemum japonicumMaianthemum japonicum is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. It produces 10 to 20 small white flowers with conical inflorescences growing from the tips of theTansy 'boreale'Tansy 'boreale' or Ezo no yomogigiku (scientific name: Tanacetum vulgare var. boreale) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and eastern China, and is a variant of the perennial plant "TanacetumDesmodiumDesmodium (scientific name: Desmodium podocarpum subsp. oxyphyllum) is a perennial wildflower in the family Fabaceae, native to China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan. It grows wild in summer in mountains and Campanula glomerata "Dahurica"Campanula glomerata "Dahurica" , Carmichael's Monkshood or Yatsushiroso (scientific name: Campanula glomerata var. Dahurica) is a deciduous perennial grass of the family Campanulaceae in the Japanese,Yaguruma-souYaguruma-sou (scientific name: Rodgersia podophylla) is native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula, and is a perennial grass of the family Saxifragaceae. It grows naturally in the shade of mountain etc.lex macropodalex macropoda or Ao hada( scientific name: Ilex macropoda) is a tall tree of the family Aquifoliaceae, native to Japan, Korea and China. It grows naturally in mountainous areas throughout Japan from HblackberryBlackberry (Empetrum nigrum L. var. japonicum) is a subalpine evergreen creeping shrub of the family Ericaceae, native to China, Korea and Japan. In Japan, it grows wild on subalpine ridges and rockyJapanese pepperJapanese pepper, scientific name:Zanthoxylum piperitum), is fallen leaves shrub of the Rutaceae zanthoxylum. A leaf and a flower, fruit become the materials of "the Japanese pepper" of the spice and aHedyotis coreanaHedyotis coreana, or Sonare-mugura (scientific name: Hedyotis biflora var. Parvifolia) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, and is an evergreen perennial wild grass of the family RubiaceStar lilyStar lily(scientific name:Lilium concolor) is native to Japan, etc., non of Liliaceae of heat-resistance, cold resistance is a bulbous plants (perennials). From the Northeast native to the Japan's KyuSaltwortSaltwort, scientific name : Salsola komarovii , is an annual plant and vegetable of the Salsola genus of the Amaranthaceae department native to Japan, Korea and China. Hokkaido-succulent plant that Japanese beautyberry albibaccaJapanese beautyberry albibacca, scientific name: Callicarpa dichotoma f. lbibcc, is native to China, Japan, the Korean peninsula, is a white variety of the Japanese beautyberry and deciduous small treAbeliophyllum distichumAbeliophyllum distichum, Korean abeliophyllum, Korean abelialeaf, white forsythia (Scientific name: Abeliophyllum distichum) is a deciduous broad-leafed shrub in the family Oleaceae, native to the Kor Chloranthus serratusChloranthus serratus or called Futari Shizuka in Japanese (Scientific name: Chloranthus serratus) is a perennial plant of the family Chloranthaceae native to Japan, the Korean peninsula, and China. InShiroshikibu Shiroshikibu (Scientific name:Callicarpa japonica f. albibacca) is native to Japan, the Korean peninsula, and China, and is a white leaf of "{{comprasaki}} (small purple)" which is a deciduous small sNana-kamadoJapanese rowan , Nana-kamado, or Sorbus commixta (scientific name: Sorbus commixta), is a native to Japan, Sakhalin and Korean Peninsula and is a deciduous tree of the family Rosaceae. A number of smaMuku TreeMuku Tree or mukunoki (Scientific name:Aphananthe aspera) is a deciduous broad-leafed tree in the family Cannabaceae native to East Asia. Its light green flowers bloom in spring and are visited by staToxicodendron trichocarpumToxicodendron trichocarpuma (scientific name:Toxicodendron trichocarpum) is a deciduous shrub of the family Anacardiaceae nantive to Japan, the Korean peninsula and China. Beautiful fall foliage. GeSiberian lupinSiberian lupin(scientific name:Thermopsis lupinoides) is a perennial grass of the family fabaceae native Korean peninsula, China, Siberia and Japan.The leaves are Trifoliate margin serrated in a biplaHananigana Hananigana (scientific name: Ixeris dentata var. Albiflora f. Amplifolia) is a perennial wild grass of the Asteraceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. Blooming on the mountain road. LRubus buergeriRubus buergeri or winter strawberry (scientific name: Rubus buergeri) is a small evergreen vine native to Japan, Korea and China. In Japan, it grows wild in the mountains and fields from southern KantIbukiboufuLibanotis coreana or Ibukibofu , (scientific name: Libanotis coreana) is an evergreen perennial plant belonging to the family Apiaceae, which is native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. It grows natuRhododendron aureum Rhododendron rhododendron (Scientific name: Rhodododendron aureum) is a small, cold-tolerant evergreen shrub with a height of 10 to 30 cm of the genus Rhododendron, native to East Asia, including Sibe Dead nettleDead nettle (grass dancer, scientific name: Lamium album L. var. barbatum) is a perennial grass of the genus of Lamium native to China, Korea and Japan. Grows from Hokkaido to Kyushu mountains or pathActinidia polygama ,silver vine, matatabi or cat powder ,scientific name: Actinidia polygama, is a deciduous vine native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula, belonging to the genus Actinidia in the famiAngelica polymorphaAngelica polymorphaAster scabeAster scabe or shirayamagiku (Scientific name: Aster scaber) is a perennial wildflower of the Asteraceae family native to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. In Japan, it grows wild in the mountains from Veratrum maackii longibracteatum Veratrum longibracteatum ( scientific name: Veratrum maackii var. longibracteatum ) is a perennial grasses of the Melanthiaceae department of the family Melan native to northern hemisphere. It is alpAmana erythronioidesAmana erythronioides (Scientific nama: Amana erythronioides) is a perennial wild herb of the genus Amana in the family Liliaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. In Japan, it grows iPolygonatum macranthumPolygonatum macranthum or Big Footed Solomon's Seal (scientific name: Polygonatum macranthum) is a perennial herb of the family Asparagaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. It is natJapanese MintJapan Mint, Latin name: Mentha canadensis var. piperkescens , is a perennial herb of genus Mentha of family Lamiaceae native to Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Used in the manufacture of mentSolanum lyratuSolanum lyratum, Scientific name: Solanum lyratum, is a perennial herbaceous vine of the Solanaceae family, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. It is native to the roadsides and mountainsVincetoxicum acuminatumVincetoxicum acuminatum (Scientific name: Vincetoxicum acuminatum) is a perennial herb of the genus Vincetoxicum in the family Apocynaceae, native to Japan, Korea and China. It grows wild in grassland TabirakoTabirako, scientific name:Lapsana apogonodes, is 2 year's wild grass of the Lapsana genus the Asteraceae department native to Taiwan, Korea, China and Japan. In spring, blooms small yellow flowers on Meehania urticifoliaMeehania urticifolia is a perennial herb of the Meehania genus , Lamiaceae department native to Korean, Chinese and Japan. All grass there are aromatic. In Japan the native wetlands of the mountains olong-stamen chiveLong-stamen chive (scientific name: Allium macrostemon) is native to East Asia and is a perennial herbaceous of the family Amaryllidaceae. Bulbs are formed in the basement. It is a wild grass growing Japanese hophornbeamJapanese hophornbeam or Asada (scientific name: Ostrya japonica) is deciduous broad leaved trees of the family Betulaceae in Japan, Korean Peninsula, China. Only one kind is included in this affiliatiGalium asiaticumGalium asiaticum (Scientific name: Galium verum var. asiaticum) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China and Russia ,and is perennial plant of the family Rubiaceae. There is a beard on the rooSyneilesis palmataSyneilesis palmata, or Yaburegasa (scientific name: Syneilesis palmata) is native to Japan to the Korean Peninsula and is a perennial plant of the family Asteraceae. The leaves are large circular, teKorean starwortKorean starwort (scientific name: Aster koraiensis) is a perennial herb belonging to the family Asteraceae, an endemic species of the Korean Peninsula. From summer to early autumn, the inflorescenceCremastra appendiculataCremastra appendiculata (scientific name: Cremastra appendiculata var. Variabilis) are native to Japan, the Korean peninsula, and China, and are perennials belonging to the family Orchidaceae. It growGnaphalium japonicumGnaphalium japonicum or Chichiko gusa (scientific name: Gnaphalium japonicum) is a small perennial wildflower native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China, and belongs to the family Asteroideae ItKadsura japonicaKadsura japonica is native to Korean peninsula, China, Taiwan and Japan and is an evergreen vines of Schisandraceae department , of the Kadsura genus. In winter beautiful red berries become in forest Monostroma nitidumMonostroma nitidum (scientific name: Monostroma nitidum) is a seagrass of the family Monostromataceae native to the Korean peninsula, China and Japan. It is attached to rocks in the intertidal zone alPulsatilla cernuaPulsatilla cernua or Okinagusa (scientific name: Pulsatilla cernua) is a perennial plant belonging to the family Ranunculaceae, which is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. In Japan, it gTripora divaricataTripora divaricata or blue mist spiraea (Scientific name: Tripora divaricata) is a perennial plant of the perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae, which is native to East Asia in Japan, Korea and ChinPrunus buergerianaPrunus buergeriana or inu-zakura (Scientific name: Prunus buergeriana) is a deciduous tree of the family, Rosaceae genus Prunus, native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. It is also called the white Scutellaria baicalensisScutellaria baicalensis, Baikal skullcap or Chinese skullcap (scientific name: Scutellaria baicalensis) is a perennial herb of the genus Scutellaria Lamiaceae, native to Russia, Mongolia, China and thAcer aidzuenseAcer aidzuense or Karakogo kaede (Scientific name: Acer ginnala var. Aidzuense) is native to Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula, and is a maple of the family Sapindaceae. It grows naturally in a loLeibnitzia anandriaLeibnitzia anandria, or Senbon-yari(Leibnitzia anandria) is a perennial herb of the family Asteraceae, native to Japan, Korea and China. There are two types of Leibnitzia: the spring-flowering spring Calanthe striataCalanthe striata, Ki-Ebine , Siebold's hardy calanthe orchid or Siebold's hardy orchid (scientific name: Calanthe striata) is a spring-flowering species of the genus Ebine (scientific name: Calanthe)TsugaTsuga or Japanese hemlock (Scientific name: Tsuga sieboldii) is a species of evergreen coniferous tree native to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. It grows naturally on steep slopes such as mountain ridPotentilla anemonifoliaPotentilla anemonifolia (Potentilla anemonifolia) is a creeping perennial wildflower of the family Rosaceae, native to Japan, Korea and China. Its stems creep along the ground. The rhizomatous leaves Pteris disparPteris dispar or Amakusa fern (scientific name: Pteris dispar) is an evergreen perennial fern in the family Pteridaceae, native to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. It is native to Japan, the Korean PePyrrosia hastataPyrrosia hastata( Scientific name: Pyrrosia hastata) is an evergreen perennial epiphytic fern in the family Polypodiaceae, native to Japan and Korea. It grows wild on damp trunks and rocks in the mounVaccinium oldhamiiVaccinium oldhamii (scientific name: Vaccinium oldhamii) is a deciduous shrub in the familyEricaceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. It grows naturally at the edge of forests in mounQuercus salicinaQuercus salicina (scientific name: Quercus salicina) is an evergreen broad leaved tall tree of the family Fagaceae, in the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, Japan. In Japan, it grows native to Miyagi prefectuBupleurum stenophyllumBupleurum stenophyllum or Mishima saiko , (scientific name: Bupleurum stenophyllum), is a medicinal perennial herb native to Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula, belonging to the genus Bupleurum in Japanese red elderJapanese red elder (Scientific name: Sambucus sieboldiana var. pinnatisecta) is a deciduous shrub in the family Adoxaceae, the genus Sambucus, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. It is naViburnum dilatatumViburnum dilatatum ,Linden viburnum or Gamazumi (scallop, scientific name: Viburnum dilatatum) is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China, it is a cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the genus RVitis coignetiaeVitis coignetiae, crimson glory vine, mountain grape or Yama-budo (scientific name: Vitis coignetiae) is a deciduous vine shrub of the grape family Vitisceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula anDendrobium moniliformeDendrobium moniliforme or Sekkoku (Scientific name: Dendrobium moniliforme) is a cold-hardy perennial in the genus Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) native to Japan, Korea and China. It is a small orchid thatPolycarpaPolycarpa or iigiri (Scientific name Idesia polycarpa) is a deciduous tree in the family Salixceae, native to Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. Japanese name "Iigiri" comes from the fact that it was use Lindera obtusilobaLindera obtusilobaStachys aspera var. hispidulaInugoma (Scientific name: Stachys aspera var. hispidula) is native to Japan, Korea and China and is a perennial plant in the genus Stachys of the family Lamiaceae. In Japan, it grows wild in the wetlSerratula coronataSerratula coronata or tamurasou (scientific name: Serratula coronata subsp. insularis) is a wild perennial herb of the genus Tamurasou in the family Asteraceae, native to Japan and the Korean PeninsulAchillea alpinaAchillea alpina or Chinese yarrow(scientific name: Achillea alpina) is a perennial, lodging plant of the genus Achillea, native to Japan, Korea and China. It grows wild in subalpine to alpine meadows Echinops setiferEchinops setifer or higotai (scientific name: Echinops setifer) is a perennial grass in the family Asteraceae, native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. The leaves are narrow and pinnately lobeLythrum ancepsThe fiery autumn foliage is beautiful! Lythrum anceps Lythrum anceps or Miso hagi (scientific name: Lythrum anceps ), is a cold-resistant perennial plant of the family Lythraceae that originates in Dwarf Japanese yewDwarf Japanese yew (scientific name:Taxus cuspidata var. nana) is a variant of evergreen shrubs 'Ichii' in the family Taxaceae inconspicuous flowers of flesh-colored blooms in spring. It is the dioeciPersicaria senticosaPersicaria senticosa or The mamako no shirinugui (scientific name: Persicaria senticosa) is an annual wild grass of the family Polygonaceae, genus Persicaria, native to East Asia including Japan, the Euonymus macropterusEuonymus macropterus or Hiroba-tsuribana (Scientific name: Euonymus macropterus) is a deciduous shrub of the family Celastraceae, native to Japan, Korea, China, Eastern Siberia and other East Asian coWhite Egret FlowerFlower Named After a Bird - Sagiso (Egret Flower) and Himeji Castle White Egret Flower, Egret Flower or Sagiso in Japanese, Scientific Name: Pecteilis radiata) is a perennial orchid native to Japan, Solomon's SealSolomon's Seal or Narukoyuri (scientific name: Polygonatum falcatum) is a perennial wildflower in the family Asparagaceae native to East Asia. The leaves are larger than the flowers, resemble bamboo Ranunculus silerifoliusRanunculus silerifolius (scientific name: Ranunculus silerifolius) is native to East Asia such as Japan, Korea, China, India, Indonesia and Bhutan, and is a wild perennial inf the family Ranunculaceae Other FeaturesHa FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "ha". Even if the name doesn't start with "ha", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "ha". Please check the flowerHimalayan FlowersHimalayan FlowersSeptember Orange-colored flowersSeptember Orange-colored flowers The collection of flowers blooming in September, including Commonly Erika fireheath (scientific name: Erica cerinthoides) , Hime-hiogi-zuisen (scientific name:CrocosU FlowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "u". Even if the name doesn't start with "u", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "u". Please check the flower caHibiscusHibiscusAustralian flowersAustralian flowers